Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 573

Chapter 567 : War, war has never changed

Julian calendar 420 years, Augustus month, the thirty-first day. (August 31, 420 AD)

Retia Province

In the tribe’s fanfare road construction activities, the local aboriginals either knelt down and begged to descend, or fled, and migrated to the Gaul region further west. Even if they were as strong as a dragon, they had to abandon their dragon’s nest with their tails caught Escape from the cyan dragon flag with black eight-pointed stars on its side.

And this horrible news also reached the ears of the Visigoths again.

The Visigoths lost all their elites in the Battle of Selman, and even the High King fell. In the end, under the impact of the tribal iron cavalry at full speed, even less than 50,000 people escaped from the Pannonian province.

Carrying the wealth accumulated over the years, the group fled westward in a hurry, and finally settled down in the dense forests of the province of Letia, in order to dig out a little bit of food and land for survival from the mouths of many barbarians, Visigoths People fought bravely, and the population plummeted again, and even Alaric’s younger brother, the second highest king Artof, was killed in the **** battle.

And now, in just a few decades, they finally stood firm on the east bank of the Rhine, re-conquered the Germans here, and just re-developed their power, the tribe’s iron cavalry, once again The West hits at full speed! ! !

Last time, I abandoned Pannonia and went to the more western province of Letia to rebuild my homeland.

So this time, will I continue to abandon my homeland and spend the Rhine to Gaul? The tribal cavalry will never feel tired and satisfied under the leadership of Painhurs. Is it possible that he has to retreat all the way to the sea?

“What a joke!”

The frost giant slapped the wooden table in front of him angrily, and smashed the poor table into dust with a palm.

“The tribe killed our supreme king! My teacher! Slaughtered tens of thousands of our brothers and sisters! You let me learn from the Eastern Goths, the cartilaginous Asana, kneeling before the white horse and begging for forgiveness?! I can’t do it. I would rather die in a vigorous battle than submit to the tribe!”

“You think I am willing to surrender to the white horse? But what can we do if we don’t surrender?! What shall we fight against the tribe? Do you think that you are stronger than Alaric? Our current soldiers are better than the Pannonian period. More?”

The other Frost Giant hammered the ground angrily, and with every heavy blow, a terrifying pit was hammered in the ground. When the half-giant and half-human Alaric was migrating, he brought him from his mother’s Frost Giant clan. A lot of frost giants have gone.

When he was alive, he could treat frost giants and Visigoths as equals. But after he died, his power crushed mortals, and his IQ was equal to mortal frost giants. In this endless war, with overwhelming power and a series of impressive military exploits, he quickly became a Visigoth barbarian. The actual rulers of, although they are very rare in number, the extremely harsh living environment also makes these Gothic barbarians willing to follow the powerful giants to fight.

After a series of differentiation and win over people’s hearts, the frost giant successfully established his dominance in the Gothic kingdom.

“Brothers and sisters, don’t quarrel.”

Looking at these six-meter-high, one-ton heavy frost giants, because they could not persuade each other, they turned to scuffle together, and the new Visigoth Supreme King: Theodoric I let out a sad sigh.

Of course, this barbarian king is also a purebred frost giant.

“We have a third option: But, I ask you to bring out the Pannonia and the gold and silver treasures looted in the past few years. Take them out and give them to me.”

Under the huge horned helmet, Theodoric’s gaze was like a torch, staring closely at the thirteen frost giants present.



“That’s Lao Tzu’s baby!”

Nearly half of the frost giants immediately yelled and raised their fists, while the other half also showed dissatisfaction, wondering what Theodoric I was thinking about.

“Think about it. We have lived in the freezing cold of northern Europe for a lifetime, and have obtained the treasures. Are there many treasures we have robbed from human hands in the past ten years?”

The Supreme King is sincere and good at temptation.

“Of course not. I hunted on Gotland for a hundred years, living a life of raging and drinking blood all day, and after following Alaric went south, I understood what it means to enjoy! The previous hundred years were really wasted years! ”

A young frost giant rubbed the golden ring on his finger—in fact, it was a golden crown belonging to a certain human king. The life span of frost giants is very long, almost three times that of humans. Over a hundred years old, he is still young in the ethnic group.

“Yes! We all think so, so now, brothers and sisters who are still in Northern Europe, don’t they have the same idea?”

Theodoric said enthusiastically.

“As long as we take a rich enough fortune, take a trip home along the Rhine, show them the spoils we plundered in the south, and agree to pay them a lot of gold coins, we can certainly instigate and hire more frost giants to go south! and We are fighting side by side! As long as we can recruit a large enough number of people, there may be a chance of victory!

Kneeling in front of the white horse? ! I bother! Rather than bowing to the blood feud, I would rather die on the battlefield vigorously! ”

After listening to the Supreme King’s words, the Frost Giants fell into short thoughts and agreed to his strategy. The Frost Giants reluctantly took out the treasures they had accumulated for many years, and saw that the Supreme King had donated even the crown. The Goths also generously donated.

Finally, Theodoric I, the guards of the three frost giants, and a large number of paddling slaves, took the wealth of the entire kingdom and set off on a boat. Under the guidance of the Germans, they entered the North Sea through the Rhine and headed to their hometown. go with. With the passage of time, the surrounding air became more and more cold, and the wide sea surface began to appear broken ice. Boating slaves died in the cold, but they were resurrected by the frost giants and became zombies. They continued to paddle the oars.

After five full days of sailing, the four frost giants finally arrived on the Gotland Peninsula and set foot on the homeland completely covered by snow. The endless frosty land stretches to the end of the field of vision, covered in silver. In the jungles and mountains of China, a mist of smoke slowly rose up.

“Are we really going to involve everyone in this endless **** war?”

Theodoric was in a daze. Although he was poor when he was a child, he followed his tribe and lived a carefree life in this silver world. The frost giants hunted mammoths, tamed sheep, trained the winter wolves into hunting dogs, and celebrated every new year. Everyone went to the frozen mountains in groups to find the trouble of the white dragon to prove their strength-such days Although poor, but also very simple and beautiful.

Take a look at what happened when you went out for more than ten years. Endless wars, plunders, killings, conspiracies, and frost giants who followed Alaric are now out of ten…

“The High King? The High King?”

Suddenly, the entourage yelled in confusion, interrupting Theodoric’s fond memories of the past, and the boundless war re-occupied his mind. The **** picture of frost giants tragically dying under the rain of arrows is in his mind again After stretching, he bent down and held up a handful of pure snowflakes, but his eyes only saw the scarlet blood-the blood of the Frost Giant.

“I’m fine, it’s just that I haven’t come back for decades and I’m a little homesick.”

Theodoric gently threw away Shirayuki in his hand, and made the final goodbye to the innocent self in the past.

No one could have expected that after the High King of Visigoth brought the wealth and blood of the south back home for the first time, he completely started the looting of the Nordic frost giants. In the following hundreds of years, more and more The frost giant of, full of desire for wealth, stepped out of his homeland and joined the war that will not end until the end of the world.

In the eternal night, only war has never changed.

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