Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC

CHAPTER 24: Circles of Stardom

Mel glanced around the room, his mind racing.

*Seriously? Are they going to do some strange test on us somewhere? Is this like a cult? I didn’t sign up for no probes! What does that giant red circle even mean? Are they going to clone me?*

He shook his head, trying to dismiss the absurd thoughts.

*Alright, maybe it’s just for a movie. Yeah. Maybe we’re going to be movie stars as well as fighters.*

The idea made him even more excited. Having five kids, all of them girls, put immense pressure on him to succeed. Being a movie star? That could be his big break! He could picture it now: *Mel "The Crusher" Rodriguez, starring in the next big action blockbuster!* His mind began to race with possibilities. Maybe he'd even get a chance to show off his dance moves. After all, his wife was always telling him how good he was at salsa. And hey, it worked for The Rock, right?

Atlas continued, unaware of Mel's internal monologue. “This room is going to help you train your mind as much as your body. We’re going to use it to push your mental limits, to prepare you for the kind of stress and pressure you’ll face in the ring—and in the field.”

*Actually, this is just a prop so I can brainwash you into believing in portals without me looking like I’m off my rocker. I’m so good at bullshitting and looking wise. Shit, don’t make eye contact with John or I’ll burst out laughing.*

The recruits listened intently, their initial skepticism giving way to intrigue. They had signed up to become fighters, but what Atlas was offering seemed to be something more, something deeper. The glowing portal in the room was a mystery, but it was clear that whatever was about to happen, it was going to be unlike anything they’d ever experienced before.

"Alright, are y'all hyped? Ready for the big excitement?" he asked, his voice carrying a mix of challenge and encouragement. He paused, letting the tension build. "Here’s what I want you to do. First of all, sit inside the red circle. That’s right, there’s lots of room. I’m going to sit in the center. I’m going to put five of you in a circle around me. Got this?"

Atlas stood at the center of the red circle, surrounded by his recruits, who had just seated themselves in the concentric rings as instructed. The atmosphere in the room was tense, a mix of anticipation and unease. Atlas could almost feel the questions bubbling up in their minds. He grinned, knowing that what he was about to do would push them even further out of their comfort zones.

Without waiting for full comprehension to set in, Atlas quickly selected five recruits and positioned them in a tight ring around him. The rest formed a wider circle, their eyes darting around the room, trying to make sense of the situation. The red circle on the floor, the glowing portal, the sci-fi lights—everything screamed that something out of the ordinary was about to happen.

Igor, one of the recruits, couldn’t help but think, *Is this some sort of cult ritual?*

Igor was a burly Russian fighter who had been with the gym for a while, and there were two things he loved most: fighting and money. He often joked that he wasn’t just punching faces—he was punching his way to a bigger bank account. Igor’s love for money was almost comical. He'd do just about anything if the price was right. Atlas knew that the quickest way to Igor’s heart was through his wallet. 

*I better be getting paid extra for this weird shit,* Igor mused, eyeing the glowing portal suspiciously. 

But before anyone could voice their concerns, Atlas preempted them with a chuckle. “No, this is not some sort of cult thing,” he said, reading the room perfectly. He leaned forward slightly, his tone shifting to one of seriousness. “Alright, so the question I want to ask is, what is all this sword fighting really about? Actually, let’s change that—what are these combat arts really about? This is a place for you to give your opinions. Just raise your hands if you have one.”

Wang Bo, now more comfortable after Atlas's earlier conversation about his name, was the first to speak. “Martial arts are about finding your path, finding your way, being, like water,” he said, mimicking Bruce Lee’s famous accent.

Atlas nodded appreciatively. “Good. That’s a great start. Do you all think that these combat arts are just exercises? Or do you think you could actually use them in real life? Put your hands up if you think you could use them in real life right now.”

Every hand in the room shot up, including Mel’s, who still had the playful thought of being a movie star in the back of his mind.

Atlas scanned the group, his expression growing more serious. “Alright, you all think you could use it in real life. Well, I’ve trained with you for over a week, and I can tell you—half of you would be killed in a real fight.”

A few people frowned, the sting of his words cutting through the bravado they had built up over the past few days of training.

“So, you have to prepare yourself for really fighting to the death,” Atlas continued, letting the weight of his words settle in. “Now, you’re sitting in this crazy room. Why do you think I’ve made this room?”

Mel raised his hand, the glint of curiosity in his eyes. “Is it because you’re making a movie?”

“That’s right, I’m making a movie,” Atlas replied, thinking back to Lily’s less-than-enthusiastic reaction. “But what I want you to think about is this: imagine a world where this red circle takes you to a brand new reality.”

The recruits nodded, their imaginations starting to run wild.

“And in this world,” Atlas continued, his voice low and intense, “there are all sorts of demons and monsters trying to kill you. But worse—there are other humans who have been portaled into this world too. Those guys will be the real problem. Get it?”

The recruits nodded again, the scenario growing more real in their minds with each word he spoke.

“What do you think would be the first thing that would happen if you all portaled into this world?” Atlas asked, letting the question hang in the air for a moment before adding, “Hold on a second. Computer, start the portal now.”

The room’s ambient hum grew louder as the computer’s synthetic female voice filled the space. “Portal initiating. Counting down. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3...”

The tension in the room was thick like soup. Atlas could see the nervousness creeping into their expressions.

“2, 1… initiate.”

A sudden flash of light filled the room, blinding everyone for a split second before the lights cut off, plunging them into darkness. The sci-fi lights then flickered back on, their glow sharper, almost ominous, casting eerie shadows on the recruits' faces. They looked around, startled, as if expecting to find themselves in a completely different place.

Atlas laughed as he watched their reactions. “What? You thought I was actually going to portal you?”

The recruits laughed nervously, a few of them visibly relieved.

“Alright, seriously though,” Atlas said, regaining their full attention, “what do you think would happen if you were actually portaled into a new world right then? What would be the first thing you’d do?”

He let the question sink in, knowing that the exercise wasn’t just about combat readiness—it was about survival instincts, about facing the unknown, and about preparing their minds for the battles ahead. The recruits were silent, each of them lost in thought, considering what it would really mean to be thrust into a life-or-death situation.

Igor, still thinking about money, silently wondered, *How much would I get paid to fight demons?* The thought of treasure hunting in another world made his eyes light up. If there was gold, jewels, or anything valuable on the other side of that portal, Igor was all in. 

Mel, meanwhile, was already imagining himself as the hero of the story, with his name in lights. *Maybe I'll even get my own action figure. Yeah, "Mel the Crusher," complete with real kung fu action!*

Atlas knew that this was just the beginning. What they imagined here, in this strange and surreal room, was only a fraction of what they would need to survive. But for now, it was enough to plant the seeds of what was to come. The portals were coming, and it was his job to prepare them.

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