At The Beginning Of The Three Thousand Dao Scriptures, I Became A Saint

Chapter 17


Chapter 17 Steps

To be honest, Jiang Chen is really moved. Immortal Sect, not only can have a strong backer, but also have access to this world immortal dao.

Although Jiang Chen has memories of his previous life and no shortage of immortal dao books, cultivation cannot be accomplished behind closed doors. It is necessary to have more contact with the outside world and have a reference to make progress step by step.

Learning from Heaven and Earth, self-taught, there are not no such people, but they are all born Deity, born with Great Divine Ability.

Jiang Chen is obviously not. If he were, he wouldn’t have entered the door of immortal dao yet.

It’s a pity that joining Immortal Sect will certainly give Jiang Chen a lot of benefits, but he still can’t agree to Su He’s invitation. Because he had put himself too high before, his dream was not fulfilled, and he did not enter the Immortal Sect.

Now that his ambition has not been fulfilled, if he suddenly changes his tune and agrees to enter the Immortal Sect, wouldn’t the character design he finally set up collapsed?

In Immortal Sect’s eyes, Jiang Chen is a person of perfection who refuses Immortal Sect’s invitation several times for the sake of the world. If he suddenly changed his words at this time, what would the people of Immortal Sect think?

Do you think Jiang Chen was acting pretentiously before, or was deliberately pranking?

In short, if Jiang Chen suddenly changed his tune and agreed to join Immortal Sect, it is true that Immortal Sect would be happy, but he would inevitably have a bad impression in his heart.

This means that there is a gap, and the two sides will never get along as harmoniously as before. Therefore, in the face of Su He’s invitation, Jiang Chen could only refuse again.

It is not impossible to let him join the Immortal Sect. Jiang Chen needs a step, a reason enough to make him unable to refuse to join the Immortal Sect.

If Immortal Sect can be given, then Jiang Chen will agree to take advantage of the situation when he steps down. This is not hypocritical, but is burdened by prestige, and it is not up to people.

Also Immortal Sect came early, if they came after Jiang Chen refining dragon marrow, there would not be so many troubles.

All I can say is, fortune plays with people!

shook the head, Jiang Chen refused: “Brother Su, you know, I can’t go to Immortal Sect.”

hearing this , Su He wanted to say more, but Qi Chu, who was beside him, had already said one step ahead of him: “Su He, don’t persuade him any more, sir, who cares about the common people, why would he abandon the common people?”

Speaking of this, Qi Chu suddenly sighed: “When I was in Immortal Sect, when I first heard about Mr.’s vision, I was full of shock, so that there would be no famine in the common people. What a big vision is this? I really want to do it, with Ancient Sage What’s the difference?”

“I knew then that Mr. has the heart of Saint, which is far beyond people’s comprehension.”

“Especially remember that when I was young, my family was also extremely wealthy. I am poor, my family has no bucket of rice, and I rarely get enough food a few times a year. Therefore, I know what it is like to be hungry, and I also understand what Mr. , that’s why I made such a big dream to improve food crops and help people get rid of hunger.”

“Now that the dream has not been fulfilled, I understand that Mr.

Qi Chu’s emotion made Jiang Chen bewildered. He didn’t know what he wanted to express by saying these words.

On the other side, Su He also opened his mouth wide, with a look of shock on his face. Jiang Chen doesn’t know Qi Chu, doesn’t he know?

Isn’t it nonsense that I was poor when I was young?

Qi Chu was born in the Eastern Continent Qi Family, patriarch is a Yang God daoist, and Old Ancestor is a great power in the Dharma Phase realm. If you come from such a background, if you want to talk about a poor family, then the entire Eastern Continent will be There are not many rich people anymore.

After the feeling was over, Qi Chu suddenly changed the subject and said resolutely to Jiang Chen: “Mr. Qi Chu admires his ambition, but how big is Eastern Continent and how many people are there? “

“After all, Mr. is just a mortal man, with limited strength, that is, his whole life, by the strength of oneself, what can he change? How many people can it benefit?”

After Qi Chu’s series of inquiries, Jiang Chen seemed to understand something, and quickly bowed his hands to Qi Chu and said, “Please also senior teach me!”

Seeing this, Qi Chu closed his eyes tightly. laughed, first stepped up to help Jiang Chen up, and then said:

“Sir’s words are serious. If you have a big plan, you have to learn to leverage.”

“My Immortal Sect is huge, covering every corner of the Eastern Continent, and even the other four continents, also have my Immortal Sect property. If Mr. joins Immortal Sect , then these forces can become Mr.’s help.”

“Although Mr.’s cultivation method is good, but if you want to promote it to the entire Eastern Continent, and even the entire Profound Yellow World, only Mr. It takes a lifetime to do it, and it can’t be done.”

“But with the help of my Immortal Sect, things are very different. In just a few decades, Mr. You can be seen everywhere in Eastern Continent, and within a hundred years, the rest of the four continents can also see Mr.’s breeding method.”

Having said that, Qi Chu paused and said in a more sincere tone. : “Mr. Qi Chuzhi is worried about the common people. Because of this, he should enter the Immortal Sect as soon as possible. If you join the Immortal Sect sooner, the common people will suffer one day less.”

“Mr. Entering the Immortal Sect, not for yourself, but for the world!”

Su He couldn’t see Jiang Chen’s scruples, but Qi Chu was so mature, how could he not see it. Didn’t he want to go down a step? That’s it for him!

In the name of the world, Jiang Chen is invited to join Immortal Sect, is this a big enough reason? How can he refuse?

For this reason, Jiang Chen is really hard to refuse. He didn’t expect that Qi Chu had found a step for him so quickly, and he found it so perfect, as if he didn’t agree, he would be sorry for the world.

After listening to Qi Chu’s words, Su He on the side almost couldn’t help crying out excitedly. He didn’t expect that he could come up with something like this after going around his Martial Uncle for a long time. Reason to invite Jiang Chen to join Immortal Sect.

In this case, Jiang Chen can’t refuse.

Thinking of this, Su He was even more excited and couldn’t help but said to Jiang Chen: “Brother Jiang, what Martial Uncle said is quite reasonable, the entire Eastern Continent is no bigger than my Immortal Sect. If you want to fulfill your dream, Immortal Sect is your greatest help.”

Jiang Chen, who was already a little shaken, was even more shaken by Su He’s words. Yes, his ambition is so big, if there is no powerful force to promote it, how can it be accomplished?

At this time, Qi Chu said again: “Sir, think about my words first, don’t rush to make a decision, the door of Immortal Sect is always open for you, and you can make a decision after you think about it. It’s not too late.”

Being aware of the truth that it is too late, Qi Chu did not let Jiang Chen make a decision immediately after seeing Jiang Chen waver, but gave him some time to think about it.

hearing this , Jiang Chen sighed in relief and said quickly: “If senior, Junior will consider it carefully.”

(End of this chapter)

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