Asura Conqueror

Chapter 107: This Is A Dream

Marcus' car streaked in the air. 

"Where does Kin live?" Marcus, who was talking to Leo on his watch, asked.

Marcus now has the chance to make the next couple of months peaceful for him and the others. He was right in waiting for the Strongwald family to make the first move. Now that they did, it was time to retaliate.

"I sent you a message of the location." Leo wasn't sure what Marcus was going to do, but he didn't ask. He knew that it wasn't his place to. 

"Thank you. That will be all." Marcus ended the call after giving a quick nod to Leo.

Marcus arrived a kilometer of two away from the villa where Kin and his father lived. He got out of the car and took a deep breath. He surveyed the surrounding area devoid of people. There was no one else around. Marcus was only accompanied by the trees and flowers on the sides.

Marcus carefully walked towards the direction of the house. The tree leaves would occasionally rustle from the blowing night breeze. 

Marcus now stood at a patch of neatly cut green grass close to a wall.

'Damn, I should have brought Nexus with me.' Marcus thought it would have been easier to locate Kin if Nexus was here with his senses.

"I'll just do this the hard way." Marcus mumbled as he opened a portal in front of him.

He stretched his hand forward, a small slit suddenly opened. Marcus closed his eyes, concentrating.

The portal soon grew bigger and bigger until it could fit Marcus inside.

He had been practicing this spell rigorously in the Stone of Destruction, trying to master it as he knew that this spell would soon be useful, not only in fights, but other activities too.

Marcus placed his hand back down. He jumped into the portal and opened a second one just outside the house.

Marcus appeared in front of a large window. Close to his feet were well trimmed bushes lined up. He could guess that there were only a few Commander Stage experts guarding this place. 

Marcus looked at the dark room on the other side of the window. He once again opened a portal and ported inside the room.

He landed on the carpet close to the window. His eyes darted around the place, making sure that there were no cameras. 

Marcus slowly walked towards the stairs, thinking that maybe his target's room is on the second floor.


Kin splashed his face with water. He placed his hand on the side of the sink, raised his head, and looked at his face in the mirror, his eyes red.

Tomorrow was the day that he would have to face the members of the family, the leader and his father included. He could already imagine the humiliation that he's about to endure. The shouts and hateful words. They would look at him with judgemental eyes. All these things ran like a simulation inside Kin's mind.

"Should I just tell them that my father ordered me to do it?" Kin thought as he stared at his own face. He clutched  the sides of the sink with his hands as his blood began to boil.

He tried to sleep, but he couldn't. Twisting and turning around the bed, nothing worked. His thoughts were all on the events that would happen tomorrow.

Kin took a long deep breath. He let go of the sink and stood straight.

"I just have to go through a few scoldings and it will all be over." Kin tried to think positive as he walked out of the bathroom. He made his way to the bed and dropped down, stomach first.

"It's all his fault. If he didn't order me to do this then I would never have blown those people up. He should be the one punished!" Kin mumbled as used his right hand to punch his bed, imagining that it was the person he hated the most.

"You're right, you know." A cold voice sounded from the corner of the room.

Kin shivered. He quickly looked up. "Who's there?!"

A chuckle was heard from the corner where the voice came from. "You are now asleep, dreaming."

"Stop messing with me! Show yourself or else I would send out an alarm that would send people here to end your ass!" Kin threatened. However, he made no rash movements. 

This person came in here without alerting any of the guards, meaning that the person in the dark could snap his neck or throw a spell in just a second and he would immediately die. 

"You don't believe me?" The cold voice asked.

"I couldn't even sleep, much more dream. You're not fooling anyone." Kin scoffed. He thought of himself as someone who would trick someone and not the other way around.

"Then how do I know that you made someone explode inside 'The Corner'?" The voice sounded.

Kin looked at the figure engulfed by the shadows. He was shocked to say the least. No one else knew what he did aside from himself and his father.

"Now do you believe that this is all a dream?" The figure asked.

Kin nodded. 

"Are you really going to take all that shit from your father? To be his scapegoat? You are worth more than that." The figure who was on the couch at the corner of the room took out a bottle and two shot glasses from his spatial ring.

Kin stared at the figure. "Yes, yes! I am worth much more than just being his puppet."

The figure poured himself a drink and placed his shot glass on the table near the couch. He then threw the bottle and the other glass towards Kin who caught it.

The figure once again spoke. "Of course! You were born to lead the Strongwald family to greatness."

Kin strongly nodded. The sadness and anger that dwelled in his heart was overshadowed. He too poured himself a drink and passed threw the bottle towards the figure at the corner.

"What should i do?" Kin asked. He thought about standing at the top of Estra, where no one could push him around, not even his father. The members of his family had to bow to him. No ladies would deny him.

These fantasies slowly sprouted in his heart and it wasn't just slowly growing.

"What you should do? Don't you think you know that already?" The figure asked.

Kin paused. He racked his brain but he couldn't think of anything. What he did think of was a good excuse. "I am too tired tonight. I don't think I can think properly."

Kin massaged his temple seemingly having a headache.

The figure nodded. "That's only right. Your father did give you a hard time."

Kin clenched his fists.

The figure paused for a while as he downed the drink in his hand and poured himself another one. "Who is your greatest enemy?"

"The Frey family!" Kin, of course, knew the answer to this. The Strongwald and Kin have fought for a long time. The feud between their two families had lasted generation after generation without stopping.

Though they looked friendly with each other on the surface, the undercurrents were rough.

"Yes, and who is the high-ranking Frey family member that's within your reach?" The figure questioned.

"Luten Frey" Kin answered. He still couldn't understand what the voice wanted him to do.

"That's right!" The figure nodded. "Tomorrow bring him to the comfort room near the library at ten in the morning. Make sure you're not late."

Kin tilted his head. "Why?"

"You still haven't asked who I am yet." The figure poured himself another drink.

"I thought you were just someone in my dream." Kin had a puzzled look on his face.

He had read this before in a book. People would sometimes make individuals appear in their dreams, and they would talk to them about all kinds of topics. 

The person they would make up can sometimes be someone in real life, or maybe just someone whom they have not met. It can even be someone who has never even existed.

"No my dear boy." The figure chuckled. "I am someone who transcends the human race. Someone who can peek into the future and see what would happen even if it has never happened yet. I have had my eyes on you for quite a while. Do you know why?"

"Why?" Kin asked. Getting more interested in the topic.

"Because you are special. You are someone who will not only rise to the peak here of Estra but in all of humanity. You will soon see rows and columns of people bowing down in front of you. They will worship and treat you as their god, as the almighty being." The voice spoke like an all-knowing prophet.

Kin gulped. His heart raced as he listened to every word that came out of the figure's mouth. To have that kind of power was every mortal's dream.

The voice continued. "To achieve that, all you have to do is to bring Luten Frey to the bathroom near the library." 

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