Ashlani’s Reincarnation [a LitRPG Adventure]

Chapter 202

NOTE: Now, six weeks ago, I didn't post a chapter for a couple of days. This is the chapter that I struggled with. The original ending of the chapter is found in the end after the Original title. Enjoy!

With renewed vigor and focus, three hundred and thirty two keelish sprinted onward into unknown lands, guided by nothing more than the assurances of an unseen god. Since there were seven of us with overlapping auras, it seemed that the effects of [Fanatic’s Fortitude] compounded, but I couldn’t be bothered to think of anything other than an exhausted thanks to Nievtala. A vague sense of worried confidence was the response, but even with my magically or otherwise supernaturally granted energy, my mind was a thick slurry of exhaustion and focus. All I could think was that I needed to continue running. There would be plenty of opportunities to think later if we survived. And slept. And had a good sand bath. 

I shook my head, hoping to shake the distracted thoughts from my head as I did so. Sybil gasped for breath beside me, running as best as she could. When I looked at her, she couldn’t even muster the energy to put on a front, simply forcing herself to continue her flight. Her scales were losing their luster, not only dirtied by the dusts of travel, but also hanging limply off her frame. My mate had lost a significant amount of weight over the past days, and the pleasantly full figure had become a harsh, wiry frame that began to border on skeletal. Around her, the wolfstags seemed to continue without any sign of effort. Their bodies were much better suited to the continued flight across the plains and through the forests, though they were all obviously losing weight and energy. Arwa continued to retain control over her pups and the Wave Wolfstags, and she trotted closer to me as we slowed through a shallow creek. I scratched her ears idly as I looked at Sybil as she stumbled through the water and tripped over a smooth stone. I stepped forward, offering a hand.


She couldn’t even gasp out a response but looked me in my eyes. “You need to eat.” She stared at me blankly, her mind struggling to understand my words. Then, during an interminable wait, the only sounds that filled my ears were those of hundreds of feet slamming against the ground and splashing through the creek while every keelish nearby gasping for breath as we continued. Finally, she flared her frills in agreement before fighting to muster the strength to respond.

“Nothing. To. Eat.”  I was about to respond when she continued, “But. Me.” She looked at me, her face at peace with what she said. Immediately, a surge of adrenaline filled and cleared my mind.

“Not by the skies above nor the earth below!” I swore. “We have the strength to continue, and dammit, you will!” Without another word, I stepped closer to her and threw her arm over my shoulders to support her. She was too short, and after struggling to run in step with her, I instead drew her up into my arms as I continued running. My arms began to burn with effort before too long, but I continued running.

It wasn’t long before Shemira stepped closer and wordlessly reached an arm out to help support Sybil’s tail, the support helping me to keep my full pace. In step, we continued our march, and our three hundred and thirty two rapidly dwindled. Some tried to support friends and companions, but most couldn’t gather the strength and instead, it wasn’t more than two hours until our numbers dropped below three hundred in total. Those that faltered made the same decision that Tashia had, and with a reverent prayer of “through the sacrifice of your lives, we are perfected” over each body, we ate our fill. Sybil again demanded that she be allowed to offer her strength to the swarm, but I argued back.

“Your presence allows for more of us to continue. You are one of the few that can bolster dozens and hundreds more to strength beyond…” My voice caught in my throat. “No. We need you. I do. You cannot give up when you have more guidance to give me and more strength to give the swarm.”

Under my command, Sybil filled her belly and fought to her feet afterwards. “I have eaten my fill. I must work to show the swarm I am worthy of this sacrifice.” Then, she led the charge forward and my swarm, revitalized, followed suit.

Those that remained were the strongest of the swarm, nearly all khatif. None of my brood had fallen, every one of us an [Exceptional Individual] and young and strong. Little Trai was tired of being carried and tired in general, but Foire had fought to keep moving and keep her fed, and though she was hungry, she was far from starving like the rest of us were. Brutus was silent, as always, but he had surprisingly deferred to the rest when it came time to eat, and he had thinned twice as much as the rest of us. He remained resolute and focused, and supported those around him. Rulac no longer cracked jokes, but ran close to those who were flagging, offering his solidarity. 

Too exhausted even to hope, I merely focused on taking another step, staying in the center of the swarm to offer my aura’s support to as many as possible. In the front of the swarm, Sybil and Shemira ran together, leading the path. Foire ran alongside me, slow to react to something. He suddenly shouted, “Look out!” and lunged forward, dashing to the front of the swarm, but it was too late. From the air before the swarm swooped a massive bird, its wingspan at least a dozen feet wide. From its wings flew long blades of wind, and they cut deeply into Shemira and Sybil who both immediately collapsed. 

I sprinted forward, my magic rushing to my throat, my claws, my feet, to do something, anything. The bird whipped above us, strafing beyond our reach. I let a [Crippling Cry] loose, but the bird only wobbled in the air before whirling to resume attacking us from the air, its wings glowing with more wind magic. It focused on me, beginning to dive at me while I filled my throat to bursting in preparation for a massive [Crippling Cry]. I mentally cursed myself as I realized I couldn’t command the rest of the swarm to back away from me now that my next words would be literally explosive. The bird spread its wings and aborted the dive, instead retaining much of the speed and channeling it into its magical wind blades. 

I ducked low, allowing the magic to cut deep into the back of my shoulders before leaping up and letting my magic loose. As my [Crippling Cry] knocked the bird out of the skies, my swarm immediately set on it and ripped it to pieces, but I had no thought for the bird, instead rushing to the two felled females. 

Shemira had taken a wound across her shoulder down nearly to her opposite hip, but she wasn’t concerned for herself, instead looking with wild eyes at her companion. Vefir fought to close the deep wound across her throat, but the blood continued flowing freely through his fingers and down Sybil’s chest. He looked into her eyes, a wavering in his own gaze before he steeled himself and spoke, the words coming freely to his lips and forcing a feeling of reverence across all of us keelish around them:

"I am the peak that casts the long shadow! I do not allow this life to end, for this light to fade! I control the shadow and I dispel it!"

Her panicked breaths were choked by her blood, and Sybil tried to cough her lungs free of the liquid, but there was no air in her lungs. When Vefir finished speaking what I could only guess was the True Iteration of the Fifth of Nievtala's Word's of Power, Sybil gasped, her eyes no longer afraid as her lungs forcefully expelled the crimson liquid. With a choking sob, I rushed forward and took her into my arms as Vefir stepped back and began to minister to Shemira. Vefir's magic had grown so much in potency that he didn't need to lay a hand on me as he healed the wounds across my shoulders and back, the skin stretching tight across my back and forcing me to briefly release Sybil from my grip as the flayed flesh reknit.

I let out a sigh of relief, just in time to hear Arwa growl low and threateningly. No, in fear.


Shemira had taken a wound across her shoulder down nearly to her opposite hip, but she wasn’t concerned for herself, instead looking with wild eyes at her companion. Vefir fought to close the deep wound across her throat, but the blood continued flowing freely through his fingers and down Sybil’s chest. Her panicked breaths were choked by her blood, and Sybil tried to cough her lungs free of the liquid, but there was no air in her lungs. She gasped, her eyes afraid, and her body twitching wildly as she sought for relief from this injury. I screamed wordlessly as Vefir continued to force his magic into Sybil’s body, but her coughs slowed. Then stopped. And she went limp. And I collapsed.

Thanks for reading! 

Join the swarm!

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