Asheva: A Summoner’s Tale – [Book-2 Complete]

Chapter-46 Report


Confirmed Facts: Fifteen years ago, the tension between the defense force and the royal family of the colony peaked. Assassinations, bribery, poaching; the laws and the political situation destabilized. With no remedy and supervision, it has worsened over the years.
Five years ago, the War Dogs rebelled. They’ve massacred the Geltam family and their supporters and have overthrown Vidovik Geltam’s rule. Unknown to the public, the War Dogs now control the colony.

The civil war behind the curtains has broken the supply routes and hindered the economy, it’s worsening by the day. The Dogs lack the proper chain of command to maintain the colony and are losing control over it.

Someone or some group has taken advantage of this to spread an anti-Severynth sentiment throughout the colony. Their purpose is unknown, but their actions show they only want chaos. They’re gaining more support from the Kyrons by the day.

Speculation: The commanders of the War Dogs were still trying to make it stronger several years ago, but they seem to have given up now. There has been no effort from their side to recruit new Severynths. The rise of the new group only supports this. From their methods and fanaticism, they seem to be a staunch religious group, and have ambitions to overthrow the military rule. The high commanders have done nothing to stop this. There have been some hints that they’re planning on abandoning the colony altogether. It has been centuries since the last colony was sold. Maybe Obria too will go to the highest bidder soon.

List of Important Deaths:…

Signed: C. Run

Ewan’s spirit blob flickered and faded as he hovered in silence; the gloomy blood-red tint through the window reflected his mood. First, the hundred-year time limit, and now the bad news about his colony…

Though he’d predicted some of it, the confirmation hammered in the reality. Vidovik’s death didn’t matter, military’s rule wouldn’t matter, for none of them would affect the citizens much, but they were losing control of the colony. The cloud-grazing perimeter walls separated the chaos and the order, and now the politics blurred that line. The mortals couldn’t touch him anymore but who could guarantee there were no Severynths involved in this.

He sighed. It was final, he would leave the colony. He was fortunate his Pa left him the hub-connector….


Eighteen years…

Ewan slumped on the sofa in the hall and looked around. This was the place he grew up in, reluctance to leave was an understatement. The kitchen where his Pa cooked; the countertop where they ate, oftentimes with Nana’s family; the hall where his Pa read him books and watched tv with him; the courtyard where they played together; the balcony where he would bore him with his stargazing… His tears, his smiles, his lame jokes, memories pervaded every nook and cranny of this house, this place he called home. Even the seven years of loneliness couldn’t dampen it.

Yet, time waited for none. He had to move sooner or later; his home couldn’t become his shackle. The current situation only forced it sooner than later.

Preparations would take time, but he had to do something before that.


The rusted main gate creaked when he went in. Nana’s yard clutched onto the semblance of its past, yet it’d withered beyond death. The colorful flowers had long perished, only the decaying remains proved the existence of the well-maintained beautiful garden that once welcomed the comers.

He pressed the doorbell, but nothing rang inside. So, he knocked on the door and soon muffled footfalls rushed down the stairs.

The door opened with a twist of the handle and his heart skipped a beat. Cascading silky chestnut hair caressed her shoulders, her smooth fair skin almost reflected the sun, her glossy pink lips invited him. Not even a hint of alcohol remained on her, she instead smelled floral sweet—it was the night-blooming jasmine, a flower he liked.

Beauty was in the eyes of the beholder, they said. And to him, she looked enchanting today, almost reigniting his old memories—his cherished times.

She changed so much in only a few weeks…

“Ewan? Come in.”

He followed her to the hall and took a seat on the sofa, glimpsing the dining table where the tragedy occurred.

“Sit, I have something to tell you,” Ewan said and stopped her from fetching him a glass of water.

“Is there something wrong?” she asked and sat opposite him.

“Do you know what’s been going on in the colony?”

“Those protests? Did they attack someone again?”

Ewan waited a breath. “If you have enough Novas, you should buy the information on our colony,” he said.

“Is it something bad?” she asked.

“It’s about…uncle and aunt. It’s better if you read it yourself,” he said.
Their names were in the ‘List of Important Deaths’, it detailed the circumstances surrounding their demise too, though the accuracy of it remained unchecked. The colony’s politics weaved their lives into chaos, and they suffered a disaster because of it. This was why they suddenly left, and this must be why they pushed him away when they came back—their past emotions, their sentiments, their affection, it was all true. They really cared for him…

Nana’s eyes widened, and her breath hitched.

“Obria hasn’t been stable for some time. And it’s getting worse. I’ve decided to leave, you should too.” He wanted to but ultimately couldn’t ask her to come with him, the years of distance halted his words.

She stared at the floor, her chest heaving, her eyes misty.

“Nana,” he called but she kept staring. “Nana.” He called again. “Nana!” He banged on the table and startled her. “Do you have enough Novas?” he asked.

She looked at him, dazed, a teardrop rolling down her cheek, “Y-yeah…,” she said.

“Good.” Ewan nodded. “Buy the information and decide on what to do. I hope you leave too, but it’s up to you. I’ll…go now.”

She still sat on the sofa, staring at his shadow when he got up to leave. He stopped after a step then sighed.

“Nana.” He kneeled in front her and looked up in her watery eyes. “They’re gone, you’ll have to move on someday. Think about what you want, don’t let your past trap you here.” His words weren’t for her as much as they were for himself. He had to move on too, to follow his dream.


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