Ash and Honey [BL]

Chapter 3: The Strange Disciple with Golden Eyes

Zhi Lao exhaled deeply. "The new Emperor."

When Fu Ran breathed out his whirling emotions, the only thing left was tiredness. His fingers hooked into his bangs. "This is a horrible decision, really." Fu Ran grumbled. "Every time I look into the demon realm with Calamity Recall, the only thing I see is ruin."

"Calm down, princess. All of us Peak Masters are going, too. We won't let anything happen." Shesui Lang's tone was a bit softer now, like he had lost some of his usual bite. 

"Isn't that even worse?" Fu Ran asked. It's suspicious! His visions were the greatest source of his worry and anxiety. The white sword was cold in his hands. 

Shi Wei Ji. Fu Ran cursed. Why did you not warn me of this? You show me the same nightmares over and over again, but don't give me a heads up about the demon realm?

"...Useless." Fu Ran muttered under his breath.

Shi Wei Ji. That was the name of his precious spiritual blade, and closest companion. When he received the gift 12 years ago, the ability of foresight came with it. It had many positives, but equal amounts of negatives.

From the Peak Elder Yi Yang's medical visitations, to the endless dreams of his own demise, this white blade taught him the meaning of a thing called, "inescapable fate."

Because never once had he seen a happy ending.

Zhi Lao tapped his shoulder. "We're going. Hurry up." Fu Ran hadn't even noticed the Peak Masters funnelling into the main sect building. Each one walked by and bowed to Yi Yang in great respect.

Fu Ran took a reluctant step, but froze in a sudden stupor. A little boy stood among the center of the courtyard. His light robes and high-tied ashen hair nearly blended in with the stark white floors, but he seemed almost lost. 

Empty eyes stared directly at Fu Ran, a startingly bright gold.

How did I miss such an intense gaze? Fu Ran questioned. A sense of unease grew beneath the surface of their silent communication. He swallowed. There was something strange about the way the boy stood there. Too still and too quiet.

He had every right mind to leave the kid be, he didn't look old enough to be a disciple anyways, but guilt changed his tone.

Fu Ran ruffled his hair. Ah, damn it. The boy stiffened when he started walking his way.

Trying to put on a sweet air, and not frighten the small child, Fu Ran kneeled. "Are you lost?" His voice was so much softer than when he was talking to his martial brothers. "This master can guide you."

He held out his hand and waited for a few moments. When he didn't take it immediately, Fu Ran furrowed his brow. The golden eyes were hard to read, and his expression left Fu Ran confused. Something more simple then, he reminded himself.

"What's your name?" Fu Ran asked.

The boy answered a touch too late, like he was trying to think of the appropriate way to respond. It was only his name, so Fu Ran grew nervous that it didn't come immediately. 

"Wan Yu," the boy said blankly.

With a breath of relief Fu Ran sighed. "Good Good. A-Wan, follow this Shizun, okay?" He held out his hand, and ushered, "Come now, before they leave us."

Wan Yu took his hand with little resistance and Fu Ran practically dragged him along. How did a boy this little get into the entrance exam? He mused, Then again, I was about his age too. He looks 7 or 8.

He just barely caught up with Zhi Lao and Shesui Lang after they had said their compliments to Yi Yang's speech, but he gave them little more than his usual formalities. However, when Fu Ran gave a quick bow, he decided to speak:

"Fu Ran," Yi Yang said simply.

His legs nearly stopped working, and Fu Ran froze midstep. The grip he had on Wan Yu tightened, but he willed himself to be gentle despite a cold chill. "Yes…" Fu Ran was fast to respond, but struggled with the rest of the words caught in his throat. "...Peak Elder Yi Yang?"

Despite Yi Yang shuffling in his seat, he did not look at Fu Ran. He wore such a complex emotion on his face that Fu Ran couldn't possibly understand what was going on in his mind. He never did. It might have been presumptuous of a mere Peak Master to privy a guess, but the Yi Yang looked… nervous?


"Yi Shibo?" Fu Ran asked again.

Upon the call of the familiar title, a twitch of shock chased away his nervousness. "It's nothing," he muttered. "You are dismissed."

The brash dismissal rubbed him the wrong way, and his jaw tightened. You've never been bothered to look at me before, why now so sullen?

"Very well." Fu Ran was exasperated. 

Only when the two started to leave, did Yi Yang share a glance… but not with Fu Ran. He locked eyes with the golden eyes boy instead.


The Xing Xing Pavilion's entrance hall was crowded. Much like it always was with fresh disciples. However this time was different: Shesui Lang was putting some final touches on his teleportation array. Rather than traveling below the mountain sect, this array was going to take them directly to the demon realm.

This was still far too dangerous. Fu Ran wasn't lowering his guard. He didn't want to have any part in this, however, if he truly had to—he also didn't want to see children enter any sort of harm's way.

"Almost ready!" Shesui Lang stood up and placed his hands on his hips. Somehow even in the face of danger, he beamed. "You better hold onto your sashes, little ones. You've probably never done this before!" 

His confidence emphasized Fu Ran's thudding heartbeat. Like he was grounding himself, he tightened his grip on Wan Yu's hand. 

"Shizun," Wan Yu called. "You will be okay. You won't die."

Fu Ran's neck snapped towards the young boy with a look of confusion, and the room filled with light from the palm of Shesui Lang's hand. Before he could speak at all, the array on the floor whined a bright white. 

The destination was: The Demon Realm.

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