Ascension of the elder

Chapter 169: Heh 69

"It'll be fine they'll drop again soon."

This was one of the soldiers who was fiddling with his trousers causing Kyle to look away slightly uncomfortably. Deciding it would be in his best interest to leave these gentlemen to their own devices Kyle retreated to the tent he would be sharing with Miranda and Susan.

Miranda was sitting outside the tent making a wholesome stew with some dried vegetables from the company stores filling it out and giving a mouth watering aroma. Kyle swallowed his drool and looked toward Miranda with a gentle stare. She was leaning over the pot which was braced over the fire. Stirring the food she could feel a gaze on her back, turning to the source she saw Kyle watching here which made her cheeks colour.

"I'm happy you are okay."

Kyle said before suddenly giving her a hug. There was nothing special about this, Kyle was just happy she was back with him safe and sound. Miranda wasn't sure what to do in this situation so only returned the hug before speaking.

"Thank you."

Nothing else was needed and after a minute Kyle let go before looking around.

"Where's Susan?"

"She's inside just cleaning up before dinner."

"I think I'll do the same then."

With that Kyle entered the tent to wash his hands and face while Miranda was watching him with a strange look in her eye before she spoke quietly to herself.

"Good luck Suzie."

Kyle pulled some of the thick fabric of the tent out the way as he entered. This worked as an entrance way to the tent and prevented people from being able to easily see into the tent. As Kyle lifted the last of the fabric what met his eyes was a pale unclothed back which was still slightly wet from being just washed.

Susan wasn't just having a quick wash as she got very dusty while riding Rih and decided to have a full wipe down before dinner. She had asked Miranda to keep an eye out while she cleaned herself but Miranda apparently had better ideas.

Kyle looked at Susan with appreciation. Even though she was older than his own mother she didn't look a day older than twenty and with the help of their new cultivation her skin was without blemish making her look very attractive. Kyle could only sigh as he thought that if she didn't open her mouth the number of suitors chasing her would be uncountable. But alas we all have our crosses to bear and apparently Susan was one of his, while thinking this he remembered some of the shenanigans Susan pulled on her own or with Kyle and he couldn't help but giggle to himself.

Susan who was enjoying her sponge bath heard the sound from behind her and turned slightly expecting to see Miranda.

"Miri do you have any shamp....."

"Hi Susan nice side boob. I'll wait outside."

Kyle decided it would be best to wait outside as he saw Susan going a very impressive shade of red. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valour and knowing when to run like a little girl is the true road to success.

Coming out of the tent Kyle looked at Miranda with a raised eyebrow. Miranda looked straight back at him with a sly grin before speaking.

"Don't tell me you haven't thought about it after all you spend as much time with her as you do with the rest of us."

Kyle sighed at this but couldn't refute Miranda as it was true that regardless of the stupid stuff they did alone or together, he did have a soft spot for Susan and as a plus she was legal. The real problem would come from Susan herself as she felt she was too old. Even Kyle's mother had been creating situations which pushed them together while the male contingent was clueless. Oh the joys of being a blockhead I suppose.

Kyle sat down and looked at Miranda for a moment before he decided on what he wanted to say.

"Are you girls fine with this, I feel that I'm getting to many girls and I don't want you to think I care about anyone of you any less."

This was Kyle's true worry because if the number of girls gets to be any larger they may end up feeling slighted or loved less which would in turn sour their relationships. Miranda thought for a moment herself before responding.

"The fact that this is the first thing you think of is the reason we don't have a problem with you having a couple more. Plus we thought of Susan as one of us for quite a while so we aren't worried."

Kyle looked down for a minute before he spoke again.

"I do like Susan I won't lie about it but the choice in the end is hers, I just hope she knows that I care about her and to hell with age difference because I can't even estimate as to what our life spans will be once our cultivation finishes."

As Kyle finished speaking there was a swishing sound as the tent fabric was moved and Susan stepped out. She didn't say anything and kept her eyes downward but she moved over to Kyle and sat on the log next to where he was standing. She patted the log next to her indicating Kyle should sit next to her.

"A little less conversation, a little more action please."

"All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me."

"Everyone on the whole cell block...."

"Wrong dope lyric though."

Echoed out around the camp which was followed by wolf whistles. Unbeknownst to them, while they were talking the rest of the camp got wind of what was happening and stealthily closed in around them. Regardless of how tough they try to appear soldier's gossip worse than any old woman and what they were watching looked like the worst soap opera in history.

Susan in a true show of equality leapt from the log she was sitting on and started chasing those who were mocking her around the camp. While she may appear petite and delicate never forget she was a stage 3 cultivator and with her new training she was a force to be reckoned with.

Mournful wails echoed through the camp while Kyle had dinner with Miranda while they made small talk before they were joined by a newly shy and demure Susan. She was calmer now that she had vented her embarrassment and after a little while they all retired to bed as tomorrow was likely to be a long day.


Waking up the following morning Kyle stretched and heard certain muscles pop as they settled back in to place. Miranda was sleeping next to him while Susan still feeling shy slept on the other side of the tent.

After a quick wash they broke camp and started moving towards the next battle field. Kyle didn't really speak for most of the morning and instead had a look of supreme concentration on his face. The soldiers on seeing Kyle's serious face didn't disturb him and kept as quiet as possible while Miranda simply hugged him as they rode on.

After a few hours Susan rejoined them and on seeing the tense atmosphere spoke to Kyle.

"Hey bud what's got you thinking so hard, don't tell me you are finally a bit nervous about a battle."

"Nah nothing like that I've just been thinking of a name for my new wolf buddy."

Everyone who heard this sighed; it looks like their new boss is going to be hard to deal with to say the least. Susan and Miranda took it in stride however as over the years they had gotten used to his strange thought processes and had even adopted it to a certain extent.

"So what have you decided on?"

Asked Miranda with true curiosity burning in her eyes while Susan was also looking on with interest.

"Well after thinking long and hard I've decided to call him Fen. Can you guess what it's short for?"

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