Ascension of the elder

Chapter 12: An awkward dinner

"I wonder what's for dinner I'm getting quite hungry."

Saying this Kyle continued to move towards his table while the rest of the hall was stunned, but gradually there was a murmur passing through the crowd.

"How did he do that?"

"Isn't Bruno almost to the third level?"

"Who ate my bread?"

Bruno was lying on the stone floor looking up at the ceiling. He was stunned and winded from being thrown down and his mind was in disarray as he knew Kyle hadn't used any skills to defeat him. Coming to a decision Bruno clambered to his feet and rushed towards Kyle.

Kyle sensed someone coming up behind him and prepared himself to engage Bruno again. Once Bruno was within a meter of Kyle he stopped and said.

"Young lord please wait."

He bowed down to Kyle shocking the crowd once again. Kyle turned to Bruno and everyone could see the confusion in his eyes. Looking at this young man Kyle motioned for him to stand properly and asked.

"What can I do for you? I'm looking forward to my dinner right now."

"I'm sorry for attacking you but hearing what you've said about my family I got angry and wanted revenge, but seeing your ability I'm hoping you can show me how you did that."

"I have no problem sparing with you as that would probably help us both. Also just so you're aware I never have and never would insult your family, don't you remember when we were younger and your parents looked after us both when my parents were too busy?"

As both of Kyle's parents were leading members of the family their duties regularly prevented them from spending time with Kyle when he was younger. As Bruno was his only friend his parents usually were delegated to look after him, he treated them as if they were his close relatives rather than outer family members. When Kyle said this, Bruno was first happy as he would have a sparring partner who could show him a new method of combat, however when he heard the second part he was at first confused and people could see him furiously thinking and then coming to a realisation. Bruno turned and glowered at the other kids from his clique, seeing this they became worried especially the ferret as they all knew Bruno was far stronger than them and pain would be incoming.

All this fell into Kyle's eyes and he couldn't help but smile as from what he remembered about Bruno was he was quick tempered, blunt as a brick and a little bit slow on the uptake, you know the stereotypical meathead who people can manipulate. His plus points are his loyalty and his perseverance as can be shown from his cultivation progress and his anger when he thought he was betrayed by Kyle.

Kyle smiled at Bruno and held out his hand to him.


Looking at Kyle's hand Bruno extended his and clasped it. When their hands made contact Kyle entered Bruno's spirit realm in his accelerated time seeing what the situation in there was. As before the first level was in much the same condition as his mothers was with clogged nodes and minimal mana flowing through. Looking at the next level it was darker but Kyle could see the gate was open but it was much less open than the first gate so the mana flow was further constrained. Looking beyond towards the third gate Kyle could see mana building up behind it and the gate had cracked open. This must have been due to the burst and disturbance of mana during the previous fight. The backlash from having his skill disrupted flooded back and gave enough push to crack the third gate.

Having shaken hands Kyle and Bruno parted ways after organising a training session at Kyle's private compound tomorrow. Kyle had his own training area connected to his courtyard which was separate from the general training ground where Bruno trained previously. This suited Kyle as he would be practicing and teaching Miranda the martial arts he knew from his previous life. Kyle was by no means an expert but with his new mind and body he seemed to be able to grasp what he couldn't previously and could see what he needed to do.

Kyle had also decided to break through tonight as after seeing Bruno's progress he had thought of a way to shed himself of the chains blocking his progress. Eventually Kyle reached his parents table and greeted them.

"Hello mum, dad."

Kyle's father was looking at him with a rarely seen smile on his face and as usual his mother was looking at him with motherly concern.

"Are you okay he didn't manage to hurt you did he??"

Hearing his mother Kyle looked at his father with a wry smile on his face while his father returned his smile with a shrug and a look of resignation on his face. She would always worry about her son even if there was nothing to worry about.

"He's fine dear didn't you see how he handled Bruno. Well done by the way son."

"Yes it must be reassuring to have a father who will spend so many resources to make their son as physically strong as a second level while having no talent."

The person who spoke in this manner was none other than Kyle's eldest uncle Harris Powell. Harris was in charge of some of the administration of the family and also settled disputes between the outer families while inner family disputes had to be settled by Kyle's father Landon. Kyle focused his perception on his uncle and activated his empathic sense to get a beat on this relative. By dismissing the other feelings coming from the rest of the hall he could sense in this uncle there was a sense of regret, condescension and disappointment. This was a weird combination and Kyle would have to think on this at a later date.

Responding to his brother Landon focused his gaze on Harris and exerted the pressure only those with a high level of mana can exert.

"Harris as you are fully aware all of Kyle's resources were purchased using my personal funds. I have not and never will use the families resources outside of the rules laid down by our fore fathers. If you would like to take account of the division of resources between all of our people should we look at your family to start?"

Although Landon didn't raise his voice, it passed through the hall unhindered. Everyone became silent upon feeling the pressure was exerting and his brother was receiving the brunt. This pressure isn't like gravity which only pulls you down it was more like the pressure at the depths of the ocean were you're simultaneously crushed from all directions at once.

Harris was sweating under the pressure but he held on as he didn't wish to appear weak to the members of the family, but he couldn't resist and finally bowed.

"I'm sorry brother, I'll take my leave for now."

Saying this Harris quickly left the hall as he didn't want to listen to the murmurs from the rest of the family. Finally with this out the way Kyle sat down and began to eat while as his maid Miranda stood behind him. Seeing her standing like that Kyle felt sorry for her. Taking a plate and putting a portion of food on it, he passed it to her and said.

"It's okay, go have your dinner I'll see you in the morning."

Taking the plate Miranda looked at Kyle's parents asking for permission. Kyle's mother seeing this just smiled and said.

"Kyle is your master, if he says so it is okay."

Happy to be able to have her dinner and see her family earlier than usual Miranda bowed and then bolted away. Smiling when he saw this Kyle then turned and looked at his parents who were both grinning at him. Slightly confused by their expression he tilted his head.

"So Kyle do you like your maid." His father asked with a raised eyebrow.

Hearing this Kyle got his implication and started to cough violently grabbing a cup from the table and gulped down some water. Looking back at his father with watering eyes his eyes took a vengeful glint and responded with.

"Really father I'm only eight, but your new maid is interesting she's very pretty and only just turned 20."

Hearing this Kyle's father froze then turned slowly to Maria who at this point was boring holes into the back of his head with her eyes. Gulping slightly Landon opened his mouth to say something Maria cut him off.

"We'll talk about this tonight."

Landon could only nod his head and wonder where he got such a vicious son from. Maria wasn't worried about her husband being unfaithful a she knew he loved her with a passion and she responded in equal measure which was unusual in the nobility. So she only needed to remind him who he was married to. Avoiding his parents teasing by throwing Landon under the bus, Kyle slowly finished his meal while listening to the conversations around him while not including himself in them.

"Well I'm off see you in the morning."

Heading back to his rooms Kyle new this would be an interesting night and hopefully he will be able to breakthrough.

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