Ascension of Chaos: A Skill Tree Assimilation LitRPG Apocalypse

B1 | Glossary


Description: The world of Val before the System was a world wrought with enforcers and rogues ruled by the sole nation called Valanth. The enforcers would go to every measure they could to keep the peace while the rogues would use their abilities to commit crimes, often endangering the people while doing so. Meanwhile, the world is ruled by five powerful enforcers who use their own powerful abilities to keep the world together. And everyone in the world has some sort of ability ranging through various degrees of power and usefulness.

Technology: The level of technology on Val is slightly more advanced than Earth.

Power Structure: The ability users were separated into ten different categories. One Star Holders through Ten Star Holders, with the Ten Star Holders being the most powerful.

Day-to-day: The people of Val are treated well, albeit with a bias towards those with more powerful abilities.


Description: The System was initially created by the Ten Primordials. Beings who were around since the dawn of the universe. And it is there to guide beings of the universe through their skill trees. Skill trees that were initially believed to be nothing more than the single fundamental skill of each tree that every being in the universe has and believed to be their ‘ability’.

How it works: The System forces everyone to participate in a System Event once a week at a time of their choosing where they must compete live for everyone in the universe to see should they wish. Whether in a sports-like life and death competition with others, a tournament, or a dungeon crawl, all sorts of events exist. And throughout each event, users will receive one Skill Point for every other user they kill. Furthermore, people may level up through killing monsters. However most combat related events have less than a 5% deathrate thanks to the majority of users surrendering before they die, with non-combat events having no deaths. And not all events have a focus on killing.

Structure: The Skill Trees are often unique, but not always. They can vary in length with a different number of skills in each tree and sometimes leveling up can extend the skill tree by a skill. Everyone starts out with just their fundamental skill, and they can spend Skill Points to unlock other skills within their tree. Furthermore, raising one’s level will increase their physical and magical capabilities by five percent with each level. Lastly, people within the universe can only see the number of potential skills the user can have when they identify them. They cannot see how many skills they currently have in their tree, nor can they see what skills they currently have. The users within the universe are divided into Classes E, D, C, B, A, and S. These Classes are determined by a multitude of factors including the user’s level, their number of wins within System Events, and whether or not they can pass a trial for each Class.

Class E – The Initialization Class

Class D – Users must at least be level 100, must have won first place in at least ten Class E System Events, and must pass the Class D trial.

Class C – Users must at least be level 250, must have won first place in at least 25 Class D System Events, and must pass the Class C trial.

Class B – Users must at least be level 500, must have won first place in at least 50 Class C System Events and have a win/loss ratio of at least two wins for every three losses, and must pass the Class B trial.

Class A – Users must at least be level 1000, must have won first place in at least 100 Class B System Events and have a win/loss ratio of at least one win for every loss, and must pass the Class A trial.

Class S – Users must at least be level 2500, must have one first place in at least 250 Class A System Events and have a win/loss ratio of at least nine wins for every loss, and must pass the Class S trial.


Skill Tree Menu – A picture of a tree on the top right corner of the interface.

Personal Status Menu – A picture of the user below the skill Tree icon.

System Broadcast Menu – A red dot below the status icon.

Skill Points – A coin icon below the System Broadcast Menu icon.

Primordial’s Successor Menu – An icon directly below the Skill Points icon representing the primordial in question, which in Ashley’s case is blood red with raven feathers sticking out of it.

System Hub Menu – An icon in the form of a screen on the bottom right of the interface.

Number of followers – The top left corner of the interface.

Forums, Solo Events, Group Events, Solo Spectating, Group Spectating, Rewards, Starter Manual, System Hub, Solo Successor Events, Group Successor Events

{Congratulations, you have now reached level . Your PHY and MEN have increased by 1 point, and your MAG by 2 points. Please choose where you wish your 1 Free Point to be allocated.}

MEN – Determines the user’s mental strength. Including their mental attacks and defense, along with their secondary energy.

PHY – Determines the user’s body’s physical condition. Their strength, how much damage they can take, and so on. Everything about their physical body.

MAG – Determines how powerful any sort of magic the user uses is, as well as determines how much mana they have.

Monster - ♢ Level X Species Name – X Potential Skills – X ♢

User - ♢ Level X Name – X Potential Skills – X ♢

Boss - ♢ Level X Boss Name – X Potential Skills – X ♢

Primordial - ♢Primordial of Chaos♢

Elite monster - ♢ Level X Species Name – X Potential Skills – X ♢

User of another species - ♢ Name – Level X Species Name – X Potential Skills – X ♢

The X at the end means they are not a Successor.

An O at the end means they are a Successor.

The Primordials

Description: The Ten Primordials were beings who were born in the first era of the universe and make sure to manage the laws of the universe to keep it together. Before growing this powerful, however, they were all simply powerful beings of the first era who were no different from any other besides their overwhelming strength and various skills that granted them each their own form of immortality. Until the Great War occurred, wiping out every last being of the first era other than them. They then created the System as a way to guide the creatures who came after them and to give themselves entertainment in their eternal lives through the System Events. And they are often at odds with each other. They also have a competition in place to be the first primordial to raise a successor to replace them, giving them their freedom.

Chronos: The Primordial of Time. Chronos fully manages the timeline of the universe to make sure no one messes with or alters it. He is completely detached from the System Events, showing interest in them but never interfering in any way. He has 4 Successors and treats each of them like he would a grandchild. Chronos has orange eyes with clocks in them and an appearance that looks otherwise human. And his true form is unknown even to the other Primordials.

Hel: The Primordial of Death. Hel is completely emotionless and simply does as she believes she should, managing the death cycle of the universe by sending all of the souls of the dead to the void, where Nyx takes over. She is the only Primordial with little to no interest in the System Events or anything else. She has 3 Successors and takes responsibility for them, raising them and technically treating them like her children yet not caring about them all the same. The same way they treat each other. Hel has greenish-purple eyes and incredibly pale skin without much muscle to her. She has pitch black claws on her hands and feet, with a glowing greenish purple heart whose light shines through her chest and clothes. Her true form is that of a skeletal dragon.

Nyx: The Primordial of Void. Nyx is a complete mystery to most in the universe and never shows herself. She is completely detached from the other Primordials and stays out of their fights, and she rarely ever grants her power to others. Only when she truly sees the potential in someone will she bless them with her power. She has 3 Successors and almost never interacts with them, however does care about them and will aid them when she believes they need it. Nyx has pitch black hair that leads those who look at it into a state of empty-mindedness, same as her pitch black eyes, and she has parts of her body that occasionally are impossible to look at as they turn into naught but the void. Her true form is a formless abomination of scales and flesh that will drive one mad to look at.

Aether: The Primordial of Space. Aether fully manages the special planes of the universe, making sure that no one destroys space or brings the universe down on itself. He finds entertainment in the System Events and often gives a shred of his power out to beings of the universe whose skill tree relates to space magic. He has 5 Successors and treats them as a father would treat his child while being enthusiastic about training them. Aether has purple eyes and skin glowing with a faint purple hue. He has several tentacles occasionally stretching outwards from his body before going back inside, and has the true form of a space kraken.

Etheria: The Primordial of Magic. Etheria directly manages all magic within the System of all elements outside of those controlled by the other Primordials. Meanwhile anyone who is not a mage is of no importance to her as she will not even bother watching a System Event where there are no mages attending. Etheria has an incredibly pragmatic outlook on anything and cares for almost nothing but magic and furthering her study of it. She has 54 Successors and treats them as her students. Etheria has blue eyes with magic circles moving around in them, along with more magic circles that move around her body, and glowing blue veins running through her. She has no true form other than her humanoid form. She is the shortest of the Primordials in her humanoid form.

Gaia: The Primordial of Life. Gaia is the most peaceful of the Primordials and is a pacifist, only peacefully creating new life on new worlds while preparing them for their initialization into the System. She enjoys watching the System Events that have little to no death in them and loves to see the various skill trees that come about from those she creates. She has 13 Successors and treats them kindly as wards she is raising yet are not her own children. Gaia has green eyes with roots occasionally extending her nerves outside of her body. Her hair occasionally turns into roots and branches as well, and her true form is that of an enormous tree.

Erebos: The Primordial of Sin. Erebos is the least mentally stable of the Primordials, with no one ever knowing what he will do next. Some days he may be peaceful and a pacifist, others he may destroy an entire world for the smallest of slights. But no one knows what goes on in his head. He has 61 Successors and treats them as tools to use as he pleases. Erebos has red hair and seven serpent heads going in and out of his body, with each looking unique to one of the seven deadly sins albeit with a metallic sheen to them. He also has the symbols of the sins alternating within his otherwise red eyes. His true form is that of a seven-headed hydra.

Lux: The Primordial of Virtue. Lux is a strong believer in purity and virtue, wishing for everyone in the universe to live peacefully and without fear or hatred. She strongly dislikes Erebos who is her opposite, however she hides those feelings deep down believing them to be impure. So she never acts on them. Instead she simply blesses those she believes are pure of heart and stays out of other affairs. She has 10 Successors and kindly treats them as wards she is raising yet are not her own children. Lux has blonde hair and golden eyes, with alternating symbols representing the seven virtues appearing in her eyes, along with the seven symbols tattooed onto her body and glowing through her clothes. She has no other true form besides her humanoid form.

Justicar: The Primordial of Order. Justicar is a strong believer in judging those who have done wrong based on their own sentimentalities and the societies they live in. If someone has committed a crime within their society, then they should be punished in his eyes. If they have committed a sin in their own eyes, then they should be equally punished even if it is not against the law. He has 11 Successors and treats them as wards he is strictly raising yet are not his own children. Justicar has slit amber eyes with long golden hair like a mane and retractable claws on his hand. And his true form is that of an enormous golden lion.

Chaos: The Primordial of Chaos. Chaos is pure chaos. Some believe he makes his decisions on the roll of a dice. Others believe him to be doing nothing but playing at his own entertainment, taking joy out of every little thing. But unlike the other Primordials, he has never once blessed others. Nor has he taken part in their game of raising a successor. And while most believe that to be because he has no interest in passing on like they do, no one knows the truth. Chaos has black hair with red and purple highlights, glowing red eyes with the appearance of a mixture between magma and blood, and two large raven wings the same color as his hair. Meanwhile his true form is that of an enormous black, red, and purple raven.

Generally only Erebos, Lux, Justicar, Aether, Gaia, and Etheria tend to attend the meetings of the Primordials. Leaving Chaos, Nyx, Hel, and Chronos to rarely ever attend.

Ashley Sinclair

Description: The main protagonist of the story. She doesn’t remember anything as she was in a coma before the System arrived and she was woken up by Chaos giving her his blessing. She has complete amnesia. All she remembers is her own name along with some of the common knowledge from her world. She has no knowledge of who her family is, nor does she know why she doesn’t have her memory. Ashley, however, is a very laidback and apathetic girl, often going along with her whims while genuinely not caring about what she doesn’t care about. Simply ignoring it and moving on. However, she does have major social anxiety brought on by her unknown past traumas.

Skill Tree: Ashley’s Skill Tree has only a single skill in it, and it is not directly applicable to combat. The skill tree is called Assimilation.

Skills: Ashley’s sole personal Skill is called ‘Assimilate’ and it allows her to directly unlock the skill trees of those she kills should she use the skill within ten minutes of directly killing them with her own powers. However, she still requires Skill Points to unlock the skills within their Skill Trees.

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