around the universe

Chapter 3: 3rd chapter

Kuroi POV:

As the week passed, there were things that regularly happened.

I made a routine for myself to make sure Kiyomi was accustomed to the routine.

I needed to do that.

When she declines the old man's offer, she will come back to something that she isn't accustomed to.

As I won't be in my regular place at that time, Kiyomi will feel like she lost the only friend she had.

It's a cruel thing to do, but I have to do it.

As I used one of my abilities to check on Kiyomi, I found her talking to the third Hokage.

I can hear his hypnotic way of trying to make Kiyomi appreciate his offer with the words he's saying.

But even with all those words, Kiyomi was with me enough to care less about that, as she already has a friend, so his words do not affect her that much.

After that, Kiyomi declines the offer and goes back to the house.

I know that now I need to hide from her to make her closer to me.

There is a reason I don't really want to do that to her.

The reason is that if I gain real emotions, if the person I'm close to betrays or abandons me, I'm sure I will feel terrible.

As Kiyomi opens the house door and I'm not there, she starts to panic.

She quickly starts checking the whole house for me, and with every room, the feeling of despair coming from her increases.

After checking the whole house and not finding me, Kiyomi came down to the living room in total despair.

As she enters the living room, she sees me on the sofa.

When she sees me, she runs to me and gives me the tightest hug she can, not letting me go.

I can sense that she is very happy and relieved that I'm here.

And as she hugs me, I hug her back, making sure she feels she is not alone.

Kiyomi POV:

After that day, everything returned to the normal routine.

I'm not sure, but it feels that now, after declining the old man's offer, Kuroi is acting a little closer to me.

If she is, I can understand why.

The reason is that she was not sure that I would stay and didn't want to be too close to me if I didn't stay.

And with that, the days started to pass.

And like that, another three weeks have passed.

In those weeks, I found some things that are weird in Kuroi.

The first thing about her is that no matter what she is doing, I can't see her arms, face, or legs.

It's as if the cloak is the one doing all of that stuff.

I know that there is a reason for Kuroi to not let me see anything about her, but I'm sure that in the future she will let me see what she looks like.

Another thing about her is that she sounds like an emotionless person.

I know that she has emotions because she cares for me and knows how to play with me, and if she didn't have emotions, she won't be able to do that.

I don't know why Kuroi is like that, but I wish to someday hear her with emotions in her.

It has been a month since I came to this house.

Today Kuroi came to me, and I was surprised, as today she should have work to do, so seeing her here on this day is unnatural for me.

As Kuroi is standing in front of me, she starts to say, "In the past month, I thought about it, and I've decided that it's time to start teaching you basic things for everyday use, and they will also help you when you become a ninja.".

After Kuroi said that, I looked at her in shock and asked her, "Are you going to teach me?".

Kuroi answered my question, "Yes, I want to teach you so you won't be stupid and for you to be able to be independent when you go outside.".

Kuroi continues, "And like I said, what I will teach you will help you somewhat when you turn into a ninja, so what are you saying?".

When I heard what Kuroi said, I was surprised and very happy.

I was surprised because I didn't tell her I wanted to be a ninja.

I was happy because Kuroi cares about me so much to the point that she wants to help me be independent and have knowledge about many things.

I was also curious as to how what Kuroi is going to teach me will help me be a ninja.

But knowing that if what Kuroi said is correct, then not only will I be able to live normally to some sort in the village, but I will also be stronger as a ninja.

So after thinking about all of that, I agreed to her offer.

3rd person POV:

After Kiyomi agreed to Kuroi's offer, Kuroi made a teaching schedule for Kiyomi.

Every day, Kuroi will teach Kiyomi three different subjects.

The subjects range from writing, reading, and math to even economics, business, and medicine, but Kuroi teaches only the basics for now.

Even if kids in the Shinobi world mature faster, there are things that should not be taught too early.

And as Kuroi teaches Kiyomi, the time continues, and like that, one month has passed.

Kuroi POV:

After a month of living with Kiyomi, I decided it was time to start teaching her.

What I will teach her are basic things for now, so when she is older, the harder things will be much easier for her to learn.

I started first by teaching her how to read and write, as without this knowledge she won't be able to learn from books and all the things that you need to read.

And for writing, although it's not the most crucial thing to learn, I want to teach Kiyomi fuinjutsu when she is older.

After Kiyomi got the basics of writing, I started teaching her math, science, and basic economics.

What I focused on the most was math.

As with it Kiyomi would be able to learn faster about all the other subjects.

While teaching her, I made sure she understood everything I taught her, because if she doesn't understand what I'm teaching in the basics, she won't understand the more complicated things.

The next thing on the list of things to teach is medicine.

I taught her that for her to be able to find healing in the wild, and I also want to teach her medical jutsu.

After that, there were more things I taught Kiyomi, but they were much less important for her to learn.

I thought about teaching her history and strategy games, but it wasn't the time to teach Kiyomi that.

When Kiyomi gets into the Ninja Academy, only then will I teach her those.

Until then, she will have to learn what there is to learn.

Kiyomi POV:

A month has passed since Kuroi started teaching me.

The first subject she taught me was reading and writing.

Learning those wasn't hard, but I didn't understand why Kuroi taught me those subjects first.

Only after Kuroi started teaching me other subjects did I understand why.

In the books Kuroi gives me, there are words to read, and for the questions I need to answer, I need to write them down.

But the more amazing thing is that because Kuroi wanted to be sure I understood everything she taught, she used a ninja technique to multiply herself, so one is teaching and one is making sure I understood what the other one taught.

And that display of ninja skill made me want to become a ninja for two reasons.

The first is because of all the cool techniques.

The second and most important reason is for me to be strong enough to keep everything or anyone that I cherish in my life safe.

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