Arknights Welcome to Terra Continent

Chapter 11 An Impossible Battle

There was no need to deliberately search for traces of ACE. Tallulah's battle was so loud that Beichen could see the flames soaring into the sky from two blocks away.

Beichen rushed over. The ruins of houses on both sides of the road had begun to melt, and the surface was covered with magma that had not yet cooled. The closer Beichen got, the more sharply he felt the temperature rise.

Finally, I saw that only ACE and Tallulah were left on the battlefield in front of me. All the team members had been killed, and even the body of an operator was at Beichen's feet.

One of ACE's hands was completely unable to move, and the shield on his hand disappeared and turned into a puddle of molten iron. The clothes on his body almost turned into charcoal, and blood continued to seep out from his burned charcoal-black skin. Come.

A 12+ game cannot describe this tragic scene, but Beichen witnessed it all with his own eyes.

ACE's hands hung down feebly. He no longer had the strength to resist the next attack. At the last moment of his life, what he thought of was.

"I should have bought enough time. The doctor and Amiya should have successfully evacuated. I am really not willing to accept it, but this is enough."

ACE is still standing tall, and the Tallulah sword in front of her is already ignited with flames. She will give the warrior in front of her her highest respect - death.

Beichen picked up the relatively well-preserved Rhode Island sword that fell on the ground and said, "I'm sorry, I can lend you something."

The terrifying Originium skill is attached to the sword, and the flames soaring into the sky seem to be able to ignite the air. The scorching air distorts the vision, and everything will come to an end.

The sword was finally swung out. Although he was more than twenty meters away, ACE felt that the sword was on his neck. He closed his eyes, preparing to usher in his end.

The expected death did not come. Beichen stood in front of him and blocked the impact of the flames for ACE.

It hurt, it hurt too much. Even without the burning of the flames, just the scorching air, Beichen was already in agony. His clothes were burned to ashes in an instant, and large blisters appeared on his skin.

Tallulah raised her eyebrows slightly but said nothing. Silence is the best form of contempt.

Before the surprised ACE behind him could speak, Beichen yelled: "Go quickly and find Amiya and the others alive. I'll buy you time."

ACE did not hesitate, he took out the dagger from his waist and put it in Beichen's hand, and quickly left here.

Beichen put the dagger into his personal warehouse and raised his head to look at Tallulah who was standing high in the ruins. She had no expression on her face and didn't seem to care about ACE's escape. It seemed that everything was just a cat-and-mouse game for her. .

Now Beichen is the new guinea pig.

Tallulah's figure disappeared in an instant, and the next moment she came in front of Beichen, swung her sword to cut, Beichen raised his sword to block, and the huge force almost caused Beichen's sword to fall out of his hand.

Before Beichen could stand upright, Beichen was in a hurry with a series of violent slashes. He relied entirely on his speed to catch each sword. He didn't have to rush to recall the moves he had learned in his head, and the steps under his feet were also in a hurry. Everything was messed up, and his breathing became rapid.

Finally, Talulah made an upward move, and the sword in Beichen's hand flew more than ten meters away, inserted into the gravel, and then struck Beichen's body with the next sword.

Beichen jumped back and dodged the sword.

In the battle just now, Tallulah didn't use any Origin Stone skills at all. She was just teasing Beichen.

Beichen tried to draw the bow and shoot an arrow, but the arrow melted before it could even enter the five-meter range around her.

The ability to control ideal fluids is even more difficult. Beichen's precise control range is only about 4 meters. Even if he uses the wind blade to attack Tallulah, he will be assimilated by the scorching airflow before he gets close.

The only thing Beichen could do was to attach air to his body and weapons to resist the scorching heat.

However, it was almost impossible. The surrounding air was getting hotter and hotter. Beichen felt that his body temperature regulation function was about to stop working.

Tallulah approached Beichen step by step, her eyes flashing with red light, and flames gradually ignited on her sword, like an elegant death approaching step by step.

If this continues, you will definitely die!

The sword was swung down lightly, with monstrous flames.


Beichen raised his hand and took the sword. The hot air entered his lungs along with his breath, and his whole body felt like it was on fire.

Beichen missed his sword and stabbed Tallulah's chest, but actually changed his move and slashed towards the neck, but Tallulah lightly blocked it.


Beichen laughed and said with difficulty: It turns out that you will be injured too.

The ACE dagger was inserted into Tallulah's waist.

"This is the first sword thrust for ACE."

When Tallulah blocked Beichen's attack, the dagger at her waist was pulled out of its sheath by the airflow and stabbed out fiercely. Even Tallulah could not block this sudden blow.

Tallulah forced Beichen back with a sword, and kicked him on the chest. Beichen's blood suddenly surged, his breathing became confused, and his throat felt fishy.

Beichen shook his head and spat out a mouthful of blood. Tallulah in front of him pulled out the dagger without expression and held it in his hand. The dagger immediately turned into a stream of molten metal.

Beichen spit out bloody spit again and cursed: He (Earth expletive), if this were the dagger in COD, I would beat you into a hornet's nest.

Tallulah remained silent, as if she was not the one who was injured (although considering Drak's physique, this injury was nothing), the flames on the sword burned more intensely, as if she was not satisfied with the resistance of the prey.

One sword after another, Tallulah's attack became more and more fierce, and Beichen could not resist it. Even if he used stimulants to speed up again, he could still barely keep up with Tallulah's speed.

In less than a minute, Beichen's body had already been covered with more than a dozen stains, and the blood from the wounds had evaporated before it had time to drip.

Huh, hoh, Beichen was breathing heavily on the spot. He was at the end of his strength and could not withstand Talulah's next attack.

So, how about this?

Beichen threw out a large number of small beads, which were about the same size as marbles, but they floated in the air.

Beichen snapped his fingers, and all the beads exploded instantly. Immediately, flour covered the battlefield, and then a violent explosion occurred.

Yes, the beads were flour from Beichen's personal warehouse. Part of the food supplies were wrapped by Beichen with ideal fluid and compressed into small beads.

But it was no use. Tallulah emerged from the thick smoke. The explosion did not affect her at all, and her hair was not even messed up.

The time must have almost passed. Beichen sighed and threw away the sword in his hand.

It seems that there are so many words of water, but in fact this battle only lasted less than five minutes, and it was still under the situation that Tallulah let go in the first three minutes.

Beichen took a deep breath, clang clang clang, the daggers fell on the stone with a crisp sound, there were about a dozen of them.

With a wave of his hand, the dagger flew up wrapped in fluid. It was very stressful for Beichen to control so many objects at the same time, but he had to do this if he wanted to escape successfully.

The bet is whether I will run out of energy first or Tallulah will lose her composure first.

Beichen kept running in circles to avoid Tallulah's attacks, while controlling the dagger to harass Tallulah while ensuring that the dagger was within his control.

Tallulah was also tired of these annoying daggers flying around, and the sword ignited with flames again.

Beichen's eyes narrowed, here he is, waiting for this moment, the moment to take action!

The sword was swung out, and all the daggers fell to the ground at the same time. Beichen rushed towards Talulah and towards the sword she had struck.

Beichen instantly disappeared into the flames. Using his last strength, he gathered all the fluids in front of him, forming a semicircle to protect himself.

Even though this semicircular shield blocked most of the flames, Beichen still felt that every inch of his nerves were being burned.

The flames soared into the sky, and Beichen was severely knocked away by the impact.

He laughed wildly: Hahahaha, Tallulah, this is my real escape route!

The force of this blow was so great that it knocked Beichen up to a height of more than ten meters, flew over three buildings, and finally hit the ground hard.

Beichen's consciousness began to blur. He lost too much blood, had a broken arm, several broken ribs, severe burns all over his body, and a slight concussion.

He struggled to adjust his body posture and lay down on the ground. He felt a little better, but he no longer had the strength to climb to a safe place.

Thoughts become confused and consciousness continues to pass.

Am I going to die?

Looking back on this year's life, I don't seem to have any regrets. I also saved Scout and ACE.

The only thing I regret is not saying goodbye to Nan Xi.

No, there are still a lot of regrets. I didn’t hear Kelsey telling riddles, I didn’t sneak into Rhode Island’s kitchen to steal food, I didn’t see how the gold bars were hand-rolled at the manufacturing station, I didn’t have rua Amiya’s ears, Not hung on the bridge of Rhode Island with Warfarin, not...

Oh, are there so many regrets? Unfortunately, I don’t even have the strength to raise my hand.

His vision gradually blurred and his vitality was constantly passing away. Beichen closed his eyes.

Sure enough, I still don’t want to die.

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