Archon of the alsike.

Chapter 133: broken lies

The city in a state of lock down as patrols walk through the street the Alba as they are called, afraid of the armoured craft and the units moving them.

the Execution Site for the majority of the higher ups already prepared as guards drag them out those patrolling telling them "to the centre of town."

Leading them their as they see their Prior Leaders before them "under the Convention deemed by all associated countries of before. I King of Vuiseon Gaegeles decree All of those responsible for the processors and the action of pitting children to war shall now be executed in remedy.

The axe is hoisted up. "what NOOOO WE DIDN'T-" his head is cleaved off. Blood spews out, "the processor of the unit known as juggernaut shall be remedied with your blood."

The large projected screen appears above. "this is the historical video feed of every Processor Killed by your filthy Ideals"

The Alba step back. "BUT THEY SAID THEY WERE Autonomous!" the alba, or younger, shout as Octavius responds. "That what every government does when they wish to erase a sector of people, especially if they can get away with it."

his cold voice only speaking the truth as the civilian eyes widen "DOWN WITH THEM KILL THEM ALL!" the Herd Screaming for their deaths. nobody liking being lied to ever. Especially not for so long."

"you can thank the Undertaker. He recorded the names of every single Processor who fallen in this unending war." the Undertaker coming up as even more high officials are killed off with execution "Code Name undertaker actual name Shinei Nouzen I herby Award you."

"The Purple heart in Remedy to the burden of all those lives who heart you bear on your Shoulder." a slight smile breaks over his face so small nobody beside those most sensitive would notice it.

The purple heart applied to Shinei's shoulder as he gaze outward. "From this point forward, the Republic Of San Magnolia is now the Kingdom of Uzae Valodius."

"this is the new military arsenal we shall put into production The Riketum Land turtle. The only crafted properly manned outside of a few others shall be our primary bastion and our strongest forge."

A Second Riketum Rumbles down the Road Tallos fringes along either side just looking cute well scanning People, the trumpet aqua Fiend next as it travels behind them.

"The legion is no simple threat that will end after 3 years of time." he displays images. "The legions are endless as long as shepherds. Exist, they are tactical."

It shows "the legion because of their processor relatively low expiration date they have started to use. The decayed brain material of civilian and military personal to extend their life expectancy."

"with the Current shepherd's ex high command militant no face, or otherwise Vaclav Milize Mistress or Zelene Birkenbaum."

"pale rider better wise known as Kiriya Nouzen. and finally Dullahan Shourei Nouzen."

Each Legion model shown beside the Person and, likewise, their code name and prior human name. "of course you may notice a trend like our current honours soldier Shin Nouzen. Both of his brothers have been forcible acclimated to the Legion."

They look particularly at Pale rider his Model an apparent Artillery unit "is that." he responds "the highest priority threat to the kingdom of Uzae Valodius. The model type is Morpho, a railgun artillery unit that shall be dealt with in rapidly.

the Ricketum deploys as the Inexstrus begins the clean-up process to inclement the resources required destroying rumble pulling people out and scrapping material object to throw into the Axcelin.

the Deusis tearing through the air as it begins "At the moment the supplied unit we can create are the Argoxis autonomous Tetrapod battle mech and the Decroxius high power multi leg heavy walker.

"training will have to be performed before we can deploy the Genove hound and the Gergonrun bipedal combat mech. "So please do not fear our army. Each and everyone is trained specially to handle human to human combat."

"and can be equipped with a higher power weapon to handle conflict with the legion without a vast quantity of casualties. From this moment on, we will be restructuring. We must remake the military on Merit None shall be excluded from the list of volunteers should you seek to defend the home you now set claim. upon then do you part, the 86 certainly did theirs."

He gets up. "go clean up the anti personal mines. let us rekindle the Might of our great nation!" he raises his hand in a fist as the Alba, though entirely void to what combat means, responds roaring out. As he turns away. "incoming." shin says gazing towards the side he used to defend.

Octavius sigh "they really don't give us a moment Wait. two gigantic wings erupt from his back. Surging into the sky above, his gaze locks on the legion army approaching. "DEPLOY ALL FORCES!"

His voice stern as it resounds. "Oh, some metal scrap for our axcelin." Scarlet says as Aki blurs appearing on the wall. "He's charging his Power at the moment he seriously need to speed up and create a Great tree."

the Skys light up as hundred of thousands of fireballs start to form, above him scarlet, blowing out a tsunami of fire herself as it rushes over the charging units of the Legion.

Seeing it inbound warnings screams at the sheepdogs. Rushing towards it, unthinking at the damage they would and Can Take "die." Octavius says Aki gazes up as the hundreds of fireballs like a Rain of Flaming death.

It crashes against the ground, exploding outwards in a light show as Aki and scarlet shiver. "My favourite darling." Aki says as scarlet nods, "the one that erases everything before I have to send out a second attack."

The bot executed the voices vanished from Shin's head as Octavius lands "up the pace we need a Military army and we need it now."

he move to the capital building of the republic minorly

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