Archon of Danmachi

Magic of the Fox



Shouted Haruhime, completely red with her tail and fox ears sticking up.

Then, still embarrassed, se stuttered out a few words.

"I-I-If t-that's w-w-what N-Nox-s-sama w-wishes . . ." As she began to take of her kimonono.

'I was way to hurried! I should've been a lot more specific . . ." Thought Nox.

'But this situation is even better, so . . . What should I do? Should I stop it??

'Haruhime is thirteen years old but so am I. Her figure doesn't scream out thirteen either so . . . Hmmmm . . .'

In the end, Nox's reason won out against his lust as he hugged Haruhime before she completely removed her kimono making her freeze.

He gently patted her head and whispered in a loving tone.

"Although I find you very beautiful, I only want to do those things with you if you're comfortable, okay?" He started.

"For now, just show me your back, there's' something I want to see try with your status."

Haruhime was immensely happy. She was cared for, her felling were treasured, the man she loved liked her too and found her attractive but was still waiting for her to feel ready. However, misunderstanding his intentions still greatly embarrassed her so she answered in a small voice.

"Yes . . ."

She then showed her seductive bare back to Nox.

'Damn! She's truly beautiful . . .' Nox thought as he unlocked her Status.

After the takeover was completel, he could now access the falna without the need for any external assistance like items.

His first objective was to try and fill Haruhime's magic slots. She had three but only one had magic, her innate level boost spell, Uchide no Kozuchi.

At first, he thought to create two grimoires with spells he had already developed for her since it was well within his means but this way would be far easier and cheaper if successful. Not only that, if he pulled it off, he could then try to modify her already existing magic to make it even more OP.

The first step was to give her the enhanced version of Kokonoe he had created soon after he obtained the original a month and a half ago. He gave it the simple name of Shin Kokonoe, Divine Nine Tails it its mechanics were quite different from the original.

Shin Kokonoe: The user can have up to nine magical fox tails which can be used to attack and defend. With each tail, all of the user's abilities increase with an emphasis on magic, the effects get progressively stronger with each additional tail. Said tails are also Mind reservoirs that possess the same amount of Mind as the user and recover at the same rate. The user is also capable of multicasting spells by the number of tails formed. To form a tail, intense focus and willpower is required this is increased with each additional tail, the creation of one also leaves the user in the Mind Down state. By sacrificing a tail, the user can drastically boost a single spell for a single cast.

A ridiculously OP spell that in exchange for making the creation of tails much harder, drastically increased the boons one gains by making them, the best part is that once made, they will not disappear under any reason other that a sacrifice or too much damage.

Nox was successful in bestowing the spell upon Haruhime but didn't tell her anything yet and simply moved on to place his other prepared spell in her last open magic slot.

Since Haruhime could benefit from having at least one attack spell he prepared one for her even though she would act as a buff type mage for the most part, since her level boost decreases the gained excelia from battle they would not be using it that often.

It would be her only attack spell for now, at least until Nox figured out how to expand a person's magic slots like his Arcana skill does, he had made it a multifunctional and very adaptable spell.

Kitsunebi: Creates floating ball of ghostly blue fire around the user. The can burn enemies and projectiles that get close to the user and be sent out as homing projectiles. As an attack, they can inflict a drain effect the opponents stamina and Mind and weaken them for a short period of time while the effects are opposite for allies. The fire can be shaped into Fox Spirit Familiars that are are divided into Zenko who boost and protect allies but can't attack and Yako that do the exact opposite. Once Shin Kokonoe reaches nine tails, the user can create powerful Tenko.

(A/N: Zenko: Good Fox; Yako: Field Fox, Tenko: Heavenly/Celestial Fox. Based on japanese mythology about kitsune.)

After that, Nox tried to make some changes to Haruhime's Uchide no Kozuchi but unfortunately most of its limitations were necessary for the spell to exhibit its power. As a result he could only get rid of the chant and her inability to cast it upon herself, other than that, the spell stayed the same.

Uchide no Kozuchi: Level boost magic that can only be used on one target including the caster. Its effect can last around 15 minutes depending on the amount of Mind used, after which an interval around 10 minutes is required before it can be used again. Those affected by Uchide no Kozuchi gain less than half the excelia a normal adventurer would've gained.

The saving race is that with the multicast ability of her tails, Haruhime can cast the spell multiple times with a single use thus bypassing the 10 minute cooldown though this is limited by the number of tails she can make which will be harder to make after the upgrade.

With all his work done, Nox pulled Haruhime's kimono back up and helped her tie it properly before she turned around so he could tell her the good news about what he had done in the last couple of minutes.

To say she was surprised would be a massive understatement, she was utterly stupefied. Her only magic was powerful but very hard to use and specialized but now she had some of the best spells to combo with it.

Now, Haruhime could better repay the good graces she had received. But more important than that, she was happy she could be of more use to the one she had fallen in love with.

Despite her shyness which tended to hide this side of her, Haruhime was a greatly passionate woman and with such a great emotional shock, her courage overwhelmed her embarrassment.

And so, full of love and in full blush, Haruhime threw herself onto Nox and hugged him, pressing her whole body onto his while declaring her love for him.

"Nox-sama, I love you!"

He was not expecting this at all, Nox saw Haruhime as someone who didn't really make moves on Bell due to her shyness but if he remembered well, it was always Hestia and Lili running interference in the original but since there was no stopper here, she had let herself go after enough incentives.

In the original series, she had a complex about being a prostitute and not being worthy of Bell who she saw as a perfect and pure hero but Nox had not only saved her before she actually became a prostitute, he had also straight up declared himself a villain so she had zero reservation of that kind.

In such a situation, there was only one thing a man like Nox could do.

He held her tightly and said.

"I love you too!"

Kissing her right afterwards, a gentle kiss filled with affection.

Haruhime started tearing up and nuzzling into Nox's chest after they broke up the kiss.

But then she utterly shocked Nox with her next sentence after loosening the hug.

"Don't worry Nox-sama! As your wife, I'll be sure to manage your harem properly!" She said with resolve.

". . . Eh?"

Was all Nox managed to squeak out.

"Don't tell me you were not planning to build a harem, Nox-sama!?" Haruhime inquired with surprise.

"I-I was." Nox barely gave out a response automatically without much thought.

Haruhime nodded in approval, her blush still not fully gone from talking about such matters.

"As a man of great ability in so many areas, to build a harem and leave many descendants to the world is you duty and privilege and don't let anyone tell Nox-sama otherwise!" She exclaimed.

'S-She has some interesting views on the matter of harems. But I must say, hearing her talk about these things as if she's an expert while in a full blush is seriously too cute!'

Thinking this, Nox just hugged her tightly once again.

"Nox-sama!?" Haruhime was surprised to be hugged again out of nowhere.

"You're just too cute that I can't resist hugging you!" He exclaimed making her quiet down and just enjoy the moment, same as he was.

Still, they had already made the pair downstairs wait for too long so they should go back no matter how much they didn't feel like it. So they broke the hug and went back to the living room but Haruhime hugged Nox's arm all the way to the room and not letting go, fully enjoying the position.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is:  without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Kage of Kages, do check it out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.

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