Archon of Danmachi

Earning a Beauty’s Life Debt

Nox's new abilities and updated status meant that he saw himself fit to give the Green Dragons, another go. He still had two left from before and he actually found another one so he had plenty of targets to choose from. If it went well, Nox would then feel confident enough to face the tougher monsters in the Water Palace including the floor bloss itself with the use of his Invictus Undine.

But first he needed to get used to his new abilities, explore their limits, and start designing new equipment bothe for him and for his new subordinates, at the same time, the focus of Nox's magical studies would shift to spacetime magic through the more thorough research on his own Item Box. Nox was confident that would yield several good spells.

Speaking of subordinates though, other than equipment, Nox was also considering a special method of strengthening that took advantage of his access to their status but it was still in the works. Regardless, over the last three months, Nox had also gained two new subordinates and made a girl from another familia crush on him big time.

The latter occurred first and it happened as he returned to the surface after a short afternoon in the dungeon. He heard screams reverberating through the dungeon's corridors. It was not the first time this had occurred but it seemed that, different than before, it was the screams of a cute girl and as a proper Man of Culture, there was absolutely no way Nox would miss a chance to charm a cute girl.

As he approached the location, Nox could tell that the injured girl was the main force of the party and as soon as she was taken out, the rest of the party, probably from the same familia, ran away leaving her behind. This somewhat angered Nox.

Although he didn't think running from an opponent you can't beat as shameful, so long as they kept calm, the could deal with the situation since the more powerful monsters were already taken care of by the injured girl. But they still chose to leave her behind and run.

It was both a stupid decision in tactical terms as well as for the future of their familia since Nox could tell they were from a rather small one but it was also a very disgusting thing to leave a comrade behind. Lying, cheating and stealing from an enemy or even someone who had nothing to do with you is one thing. But doing such things to an ally was deplorable for Nox.

'I mean, if you get in good with someone with the express intent of double crossing them, it's their problem being fooled but genuinely join up with a group and betray them just because the going got tough is truly despicable.' Was Nox's thoughts as he ran towards the girl's position.

Sound could actually travel pretty far in the dungeon depending on the place and the only reason Nox could clearly tell what was going on was because of the great range of his improved Mind Pulse which is why, he took a little bit of time to get there.

The girl, a chienthrope was missing an arm and barely conscious but the remaining monsters chased after the still moving targets and only one remained behind to finish her of. She was bravely standing in against it and since Nox recognised her from the original series as Naaza Erisuis, it was probable sjae would survive, no reason not to help her though.

Easily one shotting the monster, Nox stabilised her condition with healing magic boosted by his Invictus Lux. He had no way of regrowing limbs yet so he was forced to look for her arm  but before that he made sure she was conscious and confronted her.

He held his hand to her face and cleared a couple of strands of hair and spoke.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help! Can you tell me your name?"

"N-Naaza . . ." She trailed off.

"Well, Naaza, you have a very cute name! I'm Nox! . . ." Nox continued to make small talk since it was important she didn't fall into a coma since there were a lot more risks if that happened.

As he taçked with Naaza who seemed to be in less pain and more lucid after the healing magic, Nox focused his Mind Pulse to scan the bodies of the monsters, hoping that the one with her arm was dead around here and he was in luck or Naaza was in luck, considering it was her arm.

Recovering it from the dead monster, Nox used his innate magic potential to create and control a small amount of water to wash it then, after taking out a vial filled with red liquid from his Item Box, He joined the severed arm to the shoulder joint of Naaza, causing a little bit of pain even over the healing magic that was still working with an over time effect to keep her as stable as possible.

"W-What are y-you doing!?" Naaza asked alarmed and agitated, trying to move from her position.

"Shh! Reattaching your arm. So don't move about okay?" Nox replied with a gentle tone trying to calm her down again.

As Nox poured the red liquid over the joining of the separated limb, the reattaching process started occurring. The vial was filled with a newly developed, Nox original potion whose main ingredient was Marie's blood so the effects were astounding and soon, Naaza had a functioning arm again.

She broke into tears as soon as she felt her arm once again and moved it, thanking Nox repeatedly amidst her cries, her pitiful appearance making him hug her to comfort her. Naaza was a little surprised but soon hugged back while crying.

She had thought she would have to retire from adventuring and live as a cripple from the rest of her life at best or die alone in the dungeon at worst after her supposed "comrades'" betrayal. Never had she thought they would simply abandon her after what she did from them.

Now however, not only had this charming adventurer saved her life, he also healed her arm, probably using a very expensive item too!

'I will definitely pay you back for this Nox-san! A-And m-maybe in the f-future . . . Once I pay back this debt . . . W-We c-can be m-m-more!' Naaza thought in her head with a slight blush as she followed closely behind Nox as he escorted her out of the dungeon.

If he could hear these thoughts, all he would think was:

'Mission accomplished! Like the universe, my harem is ever expanding!' A though that might incite violent reactions from some of the girls in his perceived harem.

Arriving at the exit, Nox had his shower in Babel for the first time. While the tower had facilities for adventurers to clean up before leaving, he preferred to do so in the privacy of his personal bathroom. This time however, Naaza also wanted to clean herself up, mostly to show a better appearance to Nox who she had started to crush on due to his timely save.

She also insisted, she had to properly receive him in her familia's home and truth be told, Nox also though he should speak with her god, so he freshened up in Babel's facilities like Naaza and they both went to her familia, the Miach Familia's home.

As they arrived and Naaza welcomed him in the voices of the other familia members could be heard in another room. They were apparently telling Miach what had happened in the dungeon but from Naaza's expression, it seemed they were distorting the truth or at least glossing over some parts, or perhaps she was just pissed at their attitude, Nox knew he would be in her place.

Not waiting another second, Naaza burst through the door of the room they were having their discussion with Miach. All the members of the familia froze in their tracks at her sudden, fully healed appearance and so Miach was the first to greet her.

"Ah, Naaza! I was very worried after hearing the children's stories. I'm glad you made it back safely." Miach said causing Naaza to stop in her tracks and both apologise for the inconvenience and thank him for worrying for her which Miach took in stride while asking a perceptive question.

"Did the child over there help you?" He asked but without waiting for the answer, he greeted Nox. "Thank you for your kindness." He said with a calm smile and soothing tone. "May I know your name?" He asked.

"It's Nox Lyros, Miach-sama." As irreverent as he was, Nox knew he shouldn't disrespect a god with no reason, specially one of the few purely good minded ones.

"It's very nice to meet you Nox-kun. May I call you that?" Miach continued.

"Of course." Nox answered.

"Once again thank you for your help." He said while bowing.

'Miach truly is a polite and gentle god but that's precisely why people take advantage of him . . .' Nox thought.

But before the conversation could continue, Naaza had just about enough and started admonishing her former comrades.

"How can you all be shameless enough to come here and spout such nonsense to Miach-sama after abandoning me i the dungeon!?" She asked in an uncharacteristically loud voice for her in outrage.

What happened after that was her explaining the true sequence of events to Miach while the other members of the familia could only stand there in shame, unable to deny anything she said. Regardless, by the end of the story, while Miach's expression change very little, just a furrowing of the brows, Nox could tell he was furious.

As a god who took the concept kindness to a whole other level and whose divinity was related to medicine, the behaviour of his familia's children was truly appalling but being the kind god he was, he only expelled them from the famila and did nothing more.

Nox didn't even think of this as punishment because, shameless as the little cunts were, he doubted the had the face to remain in the familia after that but in the end, he had no say in it. In fact, they even thought it was fine since they knew Naaza had lost her arm and the familia would probably be in heavy debt with Nox who had saved and healed her so they defiantly left with arrogant words.

Their auras were remembered by Nox though and since they were such an eyesore, he decided to quietly take care of them later . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

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You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Kage of Kages, do check it out!

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