Archmage Villainess

Tailor Shop

Annie and I head to the tailor soon after. The carriage my dad picked out is a black one with gold adornments. It's a rather big carriage with enough room for six people. Annie and I sit on once side as she asks,

"So, Uhm. How is Ral-Jenna going to get there?"

I pull open the breast pocket and reveal a small Jenna currently trying to understand how I shrink her. I notice Annie gets a few stars in her eyes as she sees the tiny Jenna. Maybe Annie likes dolls? I'll make her one when we get back. I giggle slightly and say,

"You can hold her if you want."

She nods her head. I reach into my pocket and pick her up by her waist gently. I know I could easily snap her spine. I motion for Annie to hold her hands like a cup and place Jenna in her hand. Annie holds her gently as well and starts looking at her. Jenna pulls away slightly, freaked out by Annie's stares. However, a quick command from me telepathically makes her sit still and get played with. Annie speaks up,

"So cute!"

I chuckle and say,

"You know, I could think of a couple ways to use her for some fun."

Annie jumps slightly as I say this and almost drops Jenna. I giggle at the terrified expression of Jenna. This playful banter continues the entire ride as we arrive at the tailor. I make Jenna just barely shorter than Annie, who is already pretty short. I create two clones of myself in the alley behind the tailor, and change them to look like stereotypical bad guys. One has a scruffy beard and fake dagger made with illusion magic, the other has a sword and a trash stache. I turn to Jenna and say,

"Alright, the guys I paid are there. Remember what I said. If you act poorly, you die."

I had thought about brainwashing her, but if she doesn't remember it, is it truly a punishment? As for brainwashing the prince, I've already broken him so there's not really a point anymore. Even if I completely change him, I'd still be disgusted using him as a sex slave. Knowing what he did to Rosanna pisses me off too much. Jenna less so, because she actually felt bad for causing Rosanna's death before that greed demon infected her mind.

(I'll be making a chapter explaining the different kinds of demons eventually, for now just ignore them when they're mentioned.)

I teleport her behind the tailor and some boxes. I command the clones to find her and beat her a little. Not a lot, just enough to give some bruises. And then, she'll run towards the street with them chasing after her. I'll step in and get the knights to chase after the clones, making them escape.

I can feel them grabbing her now, and I can hear her screaming. The knights evidently do as well; as the one at the front of the carriage pulls out his mace, and the one at the back pulls out his longsword. Jenna runs around the corner with some blood on her lip and a slight limp. Her face is dirty and scratched, and her clothes are even more ripped. Soon she runs towards the carriage,


She really looks terrified. Probably is, considering she didn't know that the guys would actually beat her heh. Mr. Mace steps out to stop Jenna, but I stop him and walk forward. The clones stop in place and take a few steps back with angry looks on their faces.

Jenna falls into my arms and cries loudly. The two clones begin to run away so I speak to the knight,

"Well, hurry up and catch them! Such awful people can't be allowed to stay in this city!"

The knight speaks up,

"Ah! Yes, young miss!"

The mace knight runs after them as the sword knight walks over to us. While my clones were running, one of them was looking to the left and spotted something weird… I'll check it out later… But I think it was a body.

I hold Jenna close to my chest and whisper to her,

"Thank me more and act more pathetic."

After that, a series of thank you's and crying ensued. I could swear that Jenna was blushing while I held her. I suppose my charm has worked on even her. Oh woe is me, my beauty attracts all manner of folk! I pull Jenna back and say,

"Are you alright miss?"

She nods her head and wipes tears from her eyes before saying,

"Y-yes… Thank you my lady…"

I say,

"It's no problem. Would you tell me your name?"

Jenna, having been taken off guard by my kind demeanor, takes a second to respond,

"Ah! Y-yes my lady. My n-name is Jenna."

I take my hand and rub her head while saying,

"Well Jenna. Why were you out in an alley? It's rather well known that the alleys are a dangerous place for us women."

She puts her head down for a second and I say telepathically,

"Your mother recently died and you lost your home so you were living in the alley. You have nowhere to return to."

She nods her head lightly and says,

"M-my mother just recently died… I lost my home after that and have been living in the alley since… I-I have nowhere else to go…"

I give her a sympathetic look and gently put my hand on her cheek, wiping away her tears,

"Well, Jenna. Would you like to come work for me?"

She gets the most realistic look of happiness on her face, likely her skill from acting like she wasn't a manipulative bitch for so long.

"Y-yes! I-I mean, yes my lady. It would be an honor to do so."

I smile at her and say,

"Well, you're in luck! We happen to be right in front of the tailor my family receives our maid uniforms from. Let's get you fitted for some uniforms."

Annie, Jenna, and I walk into the tailor. I get a training outfit and Jenna gets three sets of maid outfits. With this, we successfully recruited a new maid to work under Annie!

Now, onto that body. I create a clone of myself and leave it in the carriage with Annie and Jenna, while I check out what happened.

As I teleport into the alley, I come face to face with a sickening feeling. Miasma. Seems this person was killed by a demon cultist. The body is hooded, yet even with the hood I can tell. This person is an elf. Probably an adventurer as well. Also female. The body has a big red crystal growing from its wound. There's a demonic sword laying next to the body as well. Most likely the weapon.

There's a diary beside the body as well. I pick it up and read it. The book is mostly gibberish and dumb drawings. However, the last two pages are different. The second to last page reads,

"With this, I am done! She's dead! You shall never hold me again!"

The first part is regular crazy talk, but the last sentence is a bit chilling. It's written in a completely different handwriting from the rest of the book. It reads,

"Sacrifices must be made."

(Creepy Note → )

Eerie. Anyways, what really interests me is the drawing on the last page. It's the mark of a wrath demon. This person most likely drew it as some sort of last defiance against the demon infecting them. Wrath demon's features aren't very well known, as they infect people rapidly and cause them to grow insane. All drawings of them are… Chilling… To say the least.

(Wrath demon drawing will be found on the next chapter)


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