Archmage Villainess


With my family out of the mansion, I set about completely changing it up. Fathers study will be changed into my own to manage the various businesses I will be starting up, as well as searching for the various artifacts Rosie collected in the original books. I'm already far ahead of the Rosie in the book. The whole assassination attempt by the prince never happened, and I've reached the 10th circle years before she did.

I believe my first step will be to collect the "Merged Body Art". This art contains the knowledge of how to gain access to aura as a mage, and vice-versa. It was used by one of the old kings of the Millenia of Conflict, a thousand year period where the entire world was embroiled in a massive war. The time when nearly every mage was at least an arch-mage. Before demons were introduced into the world.

I know it's somewhere in the lands of the Perotell Imperium, the empire my current land, the Kingdom of Gaera, is currently in conflict with. It hasn't boiled over into a full-blown war just yet, but it will soon. A noble from the Imperium will be assassinated by a possessed knight from our kingdom, which gives the empress an excuse for war. During the height of this war is when the demon lord begins advancing.

I know it's closer to the border than the center, and a bit up north. My guess is that it'll be near the mountain range that separates my kingdom and the empire. Despite me being a tenth circle mage, the search spell has a limited range of about two hundred kilometers.

If I can gain access to aura, and become a hero, I'll be a legendary Archmagus and Hero at the same time, which would make me more than ready for the invasion of lesser gods. I'll still be nothing compared to regular or greater gods, but I also have plans for then.

For now, I'll be spreading rumors about the empire possibly invading us through the Servantes mountain pass, the only direction from which a major invasion could take place. This should cause the kingdom to begin placing more guards along the border. I could create a fake imperial spy and plant evidence of a possible demonic possession as well, but I do actually need this war to happen. This war is what causes the hero to awaken, after all, and he'll be a good distraction for the demons while I move in the background.

Yes, many people will lose their lives during this war, but many more will die if the gods get involved. Their battles span the continent while this war will span two kingdoms. As I sit in my study and sip a glass of wine, I look out over the capital. I can already sense the knight that has been afflicted with possession. He's still fighting it off for the most part, even if he himself doesn't notice. He should just barely be feeling slightly irritable, like when you just wake up and someone has already started talking to you. So nothing too bad, but still annoying. Within a month, he'll be walking around with a serious case of stick-up-ass, and the next month he'll be nearing murderous rage territory. After he kills a poor dwarven woman in the slums, the possession will be complete. He'll suddenly flip a 180 and begin apologizing to everyone he's been rude to over the past months and act much happier. This will cause the guard captain to recommend him to be one of the guards present during the welcoming party for the Perotell nobles. He'll then go on a rampage, killing two noble men and a noble child before being killed by the head of the mage tower.

Of course, this time, I'll be the one to kill him.

But first things first, rumor spreading. I look to the corner of my room and see Jenna,

"Jenna, bring me any party invitations I've received in the last week."

She furrows her brows but bows and heads to retrieve them anyway. I look over towards Annie, who is currently seated on the couch before my fireplace, reading a book. I teleport behind her and wrap my arms around her in a hug. I kiss her cheek and say,

"How is the book?"

She leans into me and says,

"It's quite interesting. It's a fantasy novel that's been released recently following a commoner dying and being reborn as a noble woman. The two wrestle for control of the body throughout the book until one of them eventually gains full control. I heard these two women talking about it the last time I went and bought groceries. I figured now that I have more free time, I may as well buy it."

I freeze slightly as I hear the plot of the book. It seems to be… Rather on the nose, really. I kiss Annie on the cheek again and sit on the couch with her. I position her to where I can lay my head on her lap and look up at her face. I see those freckles, dotting her face like stars in the sky. I feel a slight pang as that book rings in my head again. But, I push those thoughts aside and lay on my side, facing her stomach. I then wrap my arms around her waist and slowly begin to drift asleep, feeling her warmth.


[Third POV]

Rosanna wakes up in bed slowly, stretching her arms and yawning.

"Holy hell, that was the best rest of my life."

She notices that her voice is… different… but… familiar. She assumes that her throat may just be sore from sleeping with her mouth open, and gets out of bed.

Her room feels slightly strange. For one, Annie isn't in bed with her, but that isn't too strange as she did just take a midday nap. Also… the sheets are different? They look more like-







[Rosanna POV]



I wake with a startle and see Annie looking down at me with slight worry on her face. She frowns at me and says,

"Are you okay? It took forever for you to wake up!"

I rub my eyes and sit up. I stretch and let out a yawn before leaning over and hugging her. I kiss her cheek and smile at her,

"You must have been too comfortable. Gosh, I've never felt this rested!"

I look over and see Jenna standing there with a disgusted look on her face, but a slight blush betrays her true feelings. I see a small wooden platter with dozens of envelopes on them. I see a lavender colored envelope with a golden wax seal. I can see the design of the crest of Triapan county. I grab the letter and read it:

[Lady Pultovia; it has been quite some time since last we spoke. I am writing you to officially invite you to a ball being held by Duke Drachna in their residence. The Duke gave me permission to invite you, so you need not worry about being an unwanted guest. I pray that the Jelpan oil served you well, and am hopeful of seeing its effects in person, should you agree. Sincerely, Countess Triapan.]

Well, now. I may have the perfect venue to spread the rumor!



AN: oi, join the patreon. you get early access to Abyssal Phoenix, as well as some unreleased stuff, like Figure Hunter. Figure Hunter is a Solo-Leveling style book where the MC gains powers through absorbing the anime figures she collects.

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