Apocalyptic Black Technology System

Chapter 7 - Absorb the black beetle!

Chapter 7 Absorbs Black Beetles!

I watched the beauty coach and Aunt Qin go upstairs, and Su Ran frowned.

It’s a bit of a pity that these two people are too stubborn.

Qi Suran was holding a gun in his hand, but there were always only those ammunitions, and he had only one person, and it was impossible to guarantee the safety of the entire community.

And say it awkwardly-why should he keep those people who have nothing to do with him safe?

Su Ran is not a kind of cold-blooded person. He will help. As a rebirth from the last days, he knows the importance of helping each other better than anyone. But he is not a saint. Su Ran can’t do anything like save someone when he sees it, and help others when he’s too old.

Some people, even if they help, may turn around and bite you, even people who are not worth helping at all.

Auntie Qin Qin and the beautiful coach might not have thought that they were killed. In the process of searching for that top sniper, they have passed by with that top sniper.

Su Suran carrying his dark energy hunting gun and went straight downstairs.

At this time, it was more than eleven o’clock on the evening of the 26th. The outside air was slightly cold and the sky was covered by thick clouds. The previous drizzle had already stopped. The whole world was dark and there were only the zerg howls and gunfire. It is coming from far away from the far end of the world, like a thunder that never stops, the heart of a person shaking is trembling.

In the dark night, there are still many people who are residents of this area, and everyone is thinking about their own ideas and purposes.

When Su Suran passed by the neighborhood supermarket in front, he found that the supermarket had already been fried in the pan. I don’t know who started first, and all of them were rushing for the contents.

From then on, Su Suran walked slowly and came all the way to the gate of the community.

The corpse of the black beetle was standing there, with corrosive blood, and it exuded a pungent stench, and no one dared to approach it.

By night and moonlight, Su Suran leaned over quietly, raised his watch, and began resource recovery.

Instantly, a light shot out of his watch, instantly engulfing the huge body of the black beetle.

It is worth mentioning that the recycling of “resources” by watches can only be for inanimate substances. A living black beetle cannot be absorbed by the watch, and the range of absorption of the watch has a certain limit. In the first-level state, such a large black beetle is almost the largest absorption of a watch at a time. If it is larger, it will be cut into two sections and absorbed into the system twice. Moreover, it is like a building. For a type of building, Su Ran can’t directly pull the entire building off the ground and directly put it into the system.

腕表 This watch is only a systematic material recovery device, not a weapon, and it will not have the incredible and incredible ability.

However, the speed of the watch’s absorption of resources was as fast as ever. In a moment, the body of the black beetle disappeared and was absorbed into the system.

And then, Su Ran lowered her head and saw the resource point column on her watch, the long silent number 0. With the absorption of a black beetle, the number suddenly changed, and the number jumped directly from 0 to It’s 1!

“Sink! A black beetle can transform a unit’s resource point?” Su Ran was a little surprised and even more excited. “As the saying goes, the insects have the highest nutritional value, and the ancients don’t deceive me!”

Wu Suran calculated the account in his heart.

A black beetle = a resource point.

资源 One resource point = 10 dark energy bombs.

According to the ideal algorithm, if Su Ran can kill a black beetle in one shot …

Su Suran’s eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes flashing with excitement.

These black beetles are living resources!

In this way, he does not have to look for any resources everywhere, and hunting black beetles directly is his best resource collection channel!

Su Suran squatted here, excited, and heard an exclamation from her.

“This, this … Why is this monster’s body missing ?!”

Wu Suran turned his head and saw a middle-aged uncle standing on the other side, pointing at the location of the black beetle corpse, looking extremely frightened.

Qi Suran shook his head and shrugged: “I don’t know.”

I put down such words, he also carried his dark energy hunting gun and went into the boundless darkness outside the community.

From the community, there is a long tree-lined road outside.

深 At this late night, it was almost impossible to see any cars or people in the lanes of such places, but now they are all cars and people.

Cars whizzing past each other and merged into the main road ahead.

On the main road, which is only 600 meters away from Su Ran district, it is already tragic.

A small swarm of insect waves is killing here.

Qi Suran felt it from the back road and saw the scenes on the main road outside, even though he had seen such scenes countless times, he couldn’t help taking a breath.

A bus overturned in the middle of the road, and a large number of cars were scrapped on the road. The wide street was blocked severely. Some cars even caught fire, burning in the dark night, humans. Abandoned the car and fled, panicking around.

更 In the back position, the black beetle is running across the road, making a sharp and high-pitched hissing sound. Above the black beetle, all human blood!

In other locations, people who did not know the situation still drove into the lane with moths, making the main road more and more blocked, longer and longer.

There was a great deal of chaos on this main road.

死亡 Death and screaming everywhere, panic crowds everywhere.

Su Ran saw the second Warhorse Warfare here.

It is a multi-legged black creature called a “slayer”. Its size is similar to that of a human being. The biological structure is like a spider or an octopus. It is above the long body of the body. UU 看书 www .uukanshu.com grows eight extremely flexible tentacles, and the tip of the tentacles is a very aggressive blade-like biological structure.

The slaughterer moves extremely fast. When in action, he relies on the knife and foot to walk, and when attacking, the eight knife and foot fly over, just like a meat grinder, and can instantly smash a living person into dozens of segments!

This thing poses little threat to armored vehicles and tank vehicles, but to individual soldiers and large-scale survivors, it is a catastrophic killer.

The name of the puppet slaughter is also derived from this.

Only when Su Ran came to the edge of the main road, he saw a slaughterer walking through a crowded street full of vehicles, chasing the panicked crowd, chasing from behind, eight blades flying, it was a **** storm!

It was a unilateral slaughter. The slaughter rolled through the crowd like a huge sword ball. A piece of living people fell down like wheat. The plasma splashed and became fuzzy. Dead body!

Guang is the scene and the **** smell that can spit it out on the spot.

Great chaos, misery and death are writing together the tragic end of the first night.

Of course, this is a common sight for Su Ran.

To tell the truth, in this case, it is necessary to shoot and kill insects. With the range of secretly hunting guns in his hands, it is best to find a remote location to put the cold gun. But then, he can only kill insects, but it is difficult. Recovered worms are meaningless.

The distance of the watch’s effective collection of resources is 20 meters. If it fires too far, even if it is shot, Su Ran runs to collect the corpse, and the risk is the same.

But Su Ran didn’t rush out, but instead drew his gun, and shrank into the grove of the green belt in the corner.

Uh …

Uh …

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