Apocalyptic Black Technology System

Chapter 67 - Dago\\\'s careful thinking

When Xu Suran returned to the hypermarket, it was getting dark, but he just happened to meet Ye Qijun, a group of fighters who were also out-they were out to search for supplies.

Ye Qijun seemed a little worried: “Those bugs are pulling the net and searching for humans. In this case, it is only a matter of time before they come to us. As long as a black beetle comes here, we will definitely find that we are gathered here A large number of survivors, by then, huge swarms of swarms will be swept up! “

Of course, Su Ran knew what Ye Qijun meant.

At this time, they are betting on luck.

There were not many survivors hiding here in the last life. Even if the black beetle came one or two, it would not matter, but now it is different. Hundreds of people are gathered here. If the black beetle finds it, the situation will be bad.

But Su Ran was not really worried.

In the last days, there was no really safe place, especially now that the Zerg take over the control of the ice city, it is good to have a place to hide. The long-term safe place has not existed since the military defeat. .

The ice city in the night was bleak, and when seeing Su Ran returned, Ruda Ben wanted to come up and set up almost. This person seemed to be an exquisite figure before the end of the world. One day, no less than the survivors asked Su Ran’s origin After hearing about Su Ran’s various things, he jumped up in fright and wanted to climb the relationship. In the future, if the black beetle kills, it is better to take advantage of it, and he rubs his hands and laughs: “Su Ran-wrong Mr. Su, yesterday … Didn’t you like it? If you are not satisfied, sit here for me, I have all kinds of things, and you like it. “

Wu Suran glanced at the goods, and said uneasily, “I like the big star Liu Feifei. You brought her to me.”

Then Ruda showed embarrassment, thought for a while, and said, “Su Ran, don’t get me wrong, we have changed now. Yesterday, I also paid her a box of instant noodles! But … my bag The instant noodles were given for nothing. “

He said, Ruda also gave Su Ran a careful look, as if to say: You have confiscated the woman I sent, making me lose a pack of instant noodles.

I heard this Su Ran. After the captivity, the former arrogant Chen Ru faction was completely honest. Under the control of Ye Qijun, the atmosphere was afraid to pant.

Su Suran shook her head and said, “Okay, you have time to think about this, it is better to eat more and sleep more, when the insects come, you have the energy to escape.”

He said, Su Ran directly crossed this Ruda and went away.

Gruda ate the ashes of her nose, and could only retract it honestly.

Despite this, Su Ran did not have to stop.

Many people are staring at him. During the period when Su Ran didn’t know, his reputation was spreading among the survivors at the speed of light. The survivors who followed Su Ran all the way to this point, Even the survivors who were originally rooted in this hypermarket, all of Su Ran’s deeds were passed on all day, and they became more and more exaggerated.

A child who didn’t understand even ran out, grabbing Su Ran’s trousers, and asked dumbly: “Uncle, are you the messenger sent by the true God?”

Wu Suran looked at the question mark: “?????”

At this time, the child’s parents hurried out from behind, laughed at Su Ran, and hugged his child to the back.

Su Suran could see that the parent also wanted to say a few words to himself, but it didn’t seem so embarrassing.

This situation actually made Su Ran feel a little embarrassed. He pulled a Sven man in the corner and asked, “What’s the matter? How did I become a messenger sent by the true god?”

The Sven man was normal, not a person who preached by a gigantic, and laughed: “Mr. Su, this is the person of the Sanctuary who is using your name to pretend to cheat, but don’t care, this time, Everyone is really scared. In fact, many people understand, where is the true god? How can there be a messenger of the true god? But in this situation, if you do n’t believe, you want to believe something and find some comfort. “

人 This person speaks very pertinently. In this era, especially in China, where there are several people who really believe in something, then suddenly they believe, it is just to find peace of mind.

Speaking of this, the man was right in his face, stepped back and bowed to Su Ran.

This surprised Su Ran, “What are you doing?”

“The messenger of the true God is false, but everyone respects you. This is true, or respect is not appropriate. Everyone likes you very much-and I also escaped along with you. I was besieged by insect waves before. At that time, I thought I was going to die. It was your soldiers who blew out a blood path. I always thank you in person. “The Sven man smiled and said,” Also, I want to be close to you. “

家伙 This guy said something about www.mtlnovel.com ~ Su Ran was a little embarrassed. When he turned to the last sentence, the corner of Su Ran twitched.

Su Ran felt that this person was a little different, saying: “Then it’s almost, I’m Su Ran, what’s your surname?”

“Yuan Licheng.”

Su Ran nodded. He also knew that Yuan Licheng said only part of the situation, and there were some people who were more curious about Su Ran—for example, how did he get such a black technology aircraft? Who is he? Is it military origin, etc …

But the best solution to this is to stay away from the public.

Wu Suran didn’t have time to mingle with the survivors here. Although it was possible, it was not necessary.

To ensure the safety of the survivors and facilitate the escape, Ye Qijun placed the survivors in the ground and the first floor. As long as Su Ran hid above, it would be difficult for anyone to find him, let alone to carry out the near Operation.

Ye Qijun, with few soldiers left, is redistributing supplies with the cooperation of Ruda, and regularly distributes food and necessities to the survivors in accordance with the share of two meals a day.

In the last days, everyone was panicked and everyone was scared, but only these soldiers must still stick to their posts, not panic or fear.

Looking at their busy figures, people sometimes also feel sad and sad.

However, Ye Qijun couldn’t think so much. While integrating the surviving survivors, he was also calling other friendly forces through encrypted channels while hoping to pull some powerful living battles for himself and Su Ran’s crazy plan. power.

It was dark, and Su Ran still found a corner upstairs, and planned to sleep firmly—it was necessary to be healthy.

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