Apocalyptic Black Technology System

Chapter 43 - Aspiring girl

Chapter 43—Aspiring Girls

The small riots on Su Ran’s side have already attracted everyone’s attention. Ye Qijun on the back boarded his military off-road and shouted directly: “All survivors, please immediately find a vehicle to board the car. Our fleet will soon be opened. Do n’t want to die under the blade of the black beetle, hurry up! “

At the back of the team, Li Yilan was preparing to board the car, turned his head and looked at Su Ran, and saw Su Ran separated from the crowd and walked towards the Nightingale aircraft, holding a box of chocolates in his hand, and suddenly thought: Why did he not think If I go up and get a box of chocolates, can I talk to Su Ran? No, even if you want to send it, you have to have chocolate first!

Some of the survivors surrounding Su Ran are really excited. Some people are helped by others and saved their lives. Maybe they look faint and indifferent but do n’t think there is anything, but some people will I’m really grateful. I can talk to people who can help me.

Of course, many of the survivors who surround Su Ran are pregnant with ghosts, such as the Holy Ghost Stick, who came to heat up, and said a few words with Su Ran, they deceived one. Help the survivors to ask East and West, Su Ran estimates that this is definitely a pyramid scheme before the end of the world. In addition, there are also some people who come to Su Ran who are familiar with each other and think that if Su Ran remembers their words, In case of distress, Su Ran might be able to save them first.

All these thoughts are human, and Su Ran just laughed. He also came from the ordinary survivors. He knows the suffering and hardship of these people. Some people may be really not worthy of help. Most of the people here still have a sincere heart.

Su Ran’s heart was also slightly warm, but one yard at a time, a black beetle was swept up, and Su Ran also cooperated with Ye Qijun to evacuate the survivors.

Although surrounded by a group of people, Su Ran’s heart is not drifting. Now Bingcheng is dangerous everywhere, and it will only become more and more dangerous in the future. He must first find a safe enough place to strike, and flick Ye Qijun while he is hot. Cars, discuss from the long-term, and then carry out your plan to the end!

The alien zerg is a honeycomb-type combat structure. The insect nests all over the world form a combat network around the earth. Each local insect nest is a node that governs one side of the war bug. If Su Ran can blow up the ice bug Nest, the command system of the entire Bingcheng civil war worm will be paralyzed for at least one month. In one month, those black beetles and migratory locusts with low IQ will be completely turned into loose sand, which can be slaughtered by Su Ran.

By then, the speed at which he hunts black beetles to accumulate resource points will be no different from cutting wheat.

It is not Su Ran’s goal to blow up the ice nest. It is Su Ran’s goal to harvest resource points after blowing up the insect nest!

Now there is a big chaos in Bingcheng and the military’s command system is chaotic. Each survivor convoy is like an isolated island. It is difficult to advance in the wave of black beetles, but it is Su Ran Ye Qijun’s good opportunity to help himself-otherwise, Some time ago, under the overall control of the military, Su Ran did not have any chance to fool the decent soldiers like Ye Qijun.

The goal now is to kill the siege first, and quickly find a safe place to stay in the huge chaotic ice city.

Ye Qijun sneezed terribly in the back, with Venus sulking, “Yes, this battlefield is hot, how can I always sneeze?”

At this time, a mother ran out of the side with her child. The mother ran to Su Ran, took Su Ran’s hand, and cried, “Su Ran … Mr Su Can you let my daughter get on your fighter plane? She is only eight years old, in case of death in this last age … I beg you, beg you! “

母亲 This mother is about thirty years old, with a seven- or eight-year-old daughter by her side, but her appearance only made those survivors who had just spread out to turn around and look here.

Many people think that Su Ran’s nightingale aircraft is suspended above the sky and has a powerful firepower configuration, which is a rare security guarantee in the last days. Therefore, at this time, I heard that this mother wanted to board Su Ran’s fighter. Many people All show the desire.

Wu Suran frowned.

To be honest, he wanted to pull the mother and daughter.

This mother was thin, but very temperamental, and her clothes were also high-end brands. She should have been a decent person before the end of the world. At this time, she almost had to kneel to herself, and her requirements were not excessive. She just wanted to take her daughter. Take to a safe place.

Suddenly, her daughter was only seven or eight years old, staring with a pair of big eyes, looking a bit pitiful.

But Su Ran knew that his nightingale aircraft might not be safe. Now the locust swarms are fighting with the military. Once the locust swarms make their hands, this nightingale aircraft flying in the sky will become a live target ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ He dare not guarantee that he is safe to sit on.

Moreover, if he let the mother and daughter get on their nightingale aircraft, the other survivors will surely be unbalanced and yelled to come up.

But at this moment, the seven- or eight-year-old daughter suddenly said: “Don’t, mother, this big brother is also in dire straits, we can live well, I protect you!”

This child’s words not only surprised her mother, but also Su Ran.

At this moment, Su Ran realized that although the girl looked so pitiful, her heart was very strong.

The girl looked up at Su Ran in front of her, and said, “Thank you, brother, you just saved me and my mother, thank you.”

Su Suran listened to this thank you. Looking at this girl, he has lived for more than 20 years, but he didn’t know how to respond to this thank you.

At this time, the girl’s mother also reacted and seemed to figure it out. She picked up her child and said nothing, but bowed deeply to Su Ran, and immediately hugged her child and disappeared into the back. There were crowds of survivors on the bus.

In the last days, everyone may be a fugitive fugitive, but there are always some people, no matter how embarrassed, they can always live like one person.

Su Suran looked at the back of the mother and daughter, but suddenly came out, and immediately laughed, turned his head and boarded his fighter.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered why the former priest of the Infirmary Huyou heard his words.

I have confirmed to my god, Mr. Su, you must be the one who led us out of the predicament, wasn’t it “confirmed that you are the right person?”

Uh …

Uh …

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