Apocalyptic Black Technology System

Chapter 20 - I have a showdown!

章 Chapter 20 I have a showdown!

The swarm of locusts swept across the sky like dark clouds.

Thousands of people with dense fluttering scalp are numb.

Now Su Ran’s position has completely deviated from the location of his community.

Alas, since the Nightingale aircraft was built, he did not plan to go back again.

It wasn’t where the military was going to keep it, and it didn’t make much sense to stay there.

I do not know how the beauty coach to the door.

Su Ran’s “oversized version” of Land Rover was rumbling across the ground, talking with Chen Ling awkwardly throughout the process.

Chen Ling belongs to the kind who doesn’t talk very much. Although her temper is not bad, she always speaks scrupulously. As an academic researcher, this will be rigorous, but as a “chat friend”, she is the kind who can often God chats dead people.

Therefore, the two drove a few kilometers along the way, and it was completely awkward chat and “haha” smirk.

Fortunately, this embarrassing conversation soon had to end.

They were followed by a black beetle.

The black beetle was dormant in the shadows of the street. When Su Ran’s car drove out, it rushed out from the shadow like lightning, and a strong acidic mucus spewed out of its mouth instantly.

Chen Ling immediately screamed.

Su Suran responded extremely quickly, hitting the steering wheel for the first time, letting go of that mucus.

If the strong acid mucus is in the middle of the street light pole behind it, the street light will be directly centered and melted, and it will fall down.

On the other side, the black beetle rushed up like a mad bull, and the forelegs flew over, terrifying!

Chen Ling changed color, she was very convinced that if they were hit by this black beetle, the entire car would be penetrated. Under the knife and foot, the car would be destroyed!

灵 Chen Ling was slightly white, but still calm, for fear of Su Ran panicked, immediately turned to look at Su Ran in the driver’s seat, and said, “Run!”

Su Suran didn’t panic.

But he didn’t run either.

His head was facing the black beetle rushing into the roar. His eyes were cold and he said nothing. He just reversed the car backwards. After a short distance, he did not retreat. The car rushed out like a sharp arrow in an instant!

He and the black beetle sprinted towards each other almost instantaneously, and the two crashed into a collision!

Chen Ling gave a short scream. In her opinion, Su Ran was purely crazy. Seeing that the black beetle ran into it, how could she run into it instead of running? Do you think you are driving a tank? Want to hit the black beetle? !!

However, when the impact was completed, Chen Ling found that he was not dead.

And even more surprising, Su Ran’s car accidentally knocked the black beetle out!

Under tension, what she just didn’t notice is that at the moment of the collision, Su Ran’s car surface suddenly appeared an inconspicuous layer of light close to the body, enclosing the entire car in it .

——In the moment of the impact, Su Ran opened the shield system of the warship to resist the impact, and his “off-road”, but the aircraft, whether it is horsepower or the weight of the entire vehicle, is an aircraft Standard, with a shield blessing. In a collision, the black beetle did not expect that the human vehicle that had been easily destroyed by it many times had such power. Hit bumps.

But Su Ran was backing up again, pulling away, then accelerating, and hit the black beetle again!

There was a loud noise. This time, Su Ran hit the black beetle directly into the building behind it. In the loud noise, the curtains of that market house collapsed, and the broken bricks fell humblely. Here, the black beetle’s body was hit by Su Ran before it was stable. This time the whole body turned over, and the sword and arthropod waved wildly, trying to turn over.

Chen Ling looked at this scene and experienced the two collisions in person, only feeling that his heart was about to jump out of his throat!

Are you kidding me?

人 The person beside me collided with the black beetle, did 愣 knock the black beetle to the ground? !!

The black beetle is so powerful that everyone has seen it. Who dares to face the black beetle so hard?

这 At this time, Su Ran was backing up again, but this time, he didn’t run out again.

He just opened the door, pulled out his dark energy hunting gun from the watch, and walked out of the car.

Chen Ling only felt that he had spent a bit in front of him, and Su Ran had a lance in his hand.

Alas—where did he pull out his gun?

At this time, Su Ran came to the black beetle ten meters away step by step, skillfully set up the dark energy hunting gun, took a second to aim, and then suddenly opened fire.

With a humming buzz, the black beetle’s corpse exploded instantly, and the thick corrosive blood splattered wildly.

I looked at this scene, Chen Ling was a little dumbfounded.

Because of Su Ran’s actions, it is too natural and flowing.

When most people encounter a black beetle, they just run around.

This guy, not only did not run, but knocked over the black beetle twice, even if it was knocked over. This is not the end. He just jumped out of the car to make up the knife, and headshot the black beetle directly?

Chen Ling opened his mouth wide and looked a little dazed.

这 At this time, Su Ran got on the car again, threw the dark energy hunting gun in the back, smiled at Chen Ling, and drove in the other direction.

Chen Ling stared at Su Ran with big, bright eyes, and said, “Su Ran-who are you?”

Su Suran thought for a while and laughed, “I am an ordinary office worker.”

Chen Ling said: “Don’t lie to me, can the office worker … be like that? You are not like a fugitive at all, but it is … you are hunting black beetles!”

“Well, now that you have to know, UU reads www.uukanshu.com, then I won’t hide you, showdown.” Su Ran spread his hands, “I’m actually a special operation member, belonging to the Global Joint Defense Agency for Humanity . “

什么 What such a human joint defense agency was edited by Su Ran, but what he didn’t expect is that when he said this, Chen Ling believed it outright, exposing utter anger, saying: “So it is, so it is!”

You lie, you believe it!

The corner of Su Ran’s mouth could not help but twitched. He thought about it, and just pushed the boat flickeringly: “This matter, you have to keep me secret, and my documents are lost, others know, if I check my identity, it may be out event.”

灵 Chen Ling nodded and said: “I understand, you can rest assured, what should be said and what should not be said, I can distinguish clearly, if you have any needs, I am willing to help you.”

Chen Ling is really a good person. Although she is a little bit upright, she is willing to believe Su Ran, and she is not unfounded. In fact, Su Ran has behaved so differently. Only such a special identity can explain Su Ran’s kind of It ’s different from ordinary people ’s behavior patterns, and Chen Ling just noticed that Su Ran ’s gun was so powerful that it instantly tore the skull of the black beetle, obviously a special weapon. In the last days, ordinary people want It ’s easy to get a general gun, but it ’s hard to get that special high-powered individual weapon. In addition, she also has a good impression of Su Ran, so she really believed in Su Ran ’s words. .

Of course, Chen Ling wouldn’t have thought of it anyway, all these words that Su Ran said were ridiculous.

Su Suran nodded, but remembered that he seemed to have flickered two warriors before, and said to himself: After the end of the world, I did not become a superhero, how did I become a big flicker?

Uh …

Uh …

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