Apocalypse Fantasy

Chapter 20 Echo past part 3





[Echo POV]

Moving to where Jon was he was talking with one of the police officers...

Jon saw me moving here and wave his hand at where I was...

"Hey Echo this is the one that will guide you to the place"(Jon)

I nodded and looks at him...

The police officer is a beast-kin and he was wearing the same gear as me but the helmet has animal shape ears and I can see a tail sticking out from his back...

He raised his hand at me trying to give me a handshake...

"My name is Fortra nice to meet you"(Fortra)

"Hm...I'm Echo I will be in your care"(echo)

While shaking hands with him we then started walking somewhere...

Jon didn't come with us and stayed behind with my daughter...

After some time walking, I arrived at the northern place of the headquarter, and there I saw more police with the same gear as mine there are 4 over there and all of them have different races...

One is an elf, one is a dwarf, another is a demon-like me, and the last one is a human...

The human is the only female here in the team...

"Okay, everyone here?"(Fortra)

"Yes everyone is here sir"(human)

"Okay thank you, Elli"(Fortra)

She replied to Fortra telling him that everyone on the team is here...

"Well, better start going now because the clock is ticking... But let's do a small self-introduction first! this is the team you will be in Echo the elf is Ragas the dwarf is Rug the demon is Reuton and the human here is Elli"(Fortra)

"Hello, nice to meet you"(Elli)

"We will be having you on the team for now"(Reuton)

"Better be prepared"(Rug)

Ragas weapon was a pistol and a compound bow well he is an elf and elves are very good with bows and ranged weapons he is a sniper class or ranger...

Rug is using a riot shield and a shotgun guess he is a defender or a tanker...

Reuton is using an assault rifle with some additional Granade and C4 with a handgun I guess a demolition...

Elli is equipped with an SMG with a pistol and a medical bag, she is the only medic on the team...

And Fortra forms the looks of things I didn't look at him yet, but he is equipped with an assault rifle and a riot shield well I guess he is an all-rounder and also seems to be the leader of the squad...

"Well... As long as we finish this quickly, We don't have much time here..."(Ragas)

We all nodded at Ragas words and move into the headquarter, we found a door leading inside right in front of us so we used that...


"Okay, let's move!"(Fortra)

The door opens and we move in guns ready...

The headquarter seems to be fine at first when we got in, but some stuff is scattered everywhere...

The place is a mess...

Well, for now, no enemy on-site but there's a lot of rumbling outside...

We all move in fast to where the place where the vehicle was station at...





[Third person POV]


"Fire! Fire!"(???)



Many police officers are shooting at the giant big machines that are destroying everything on-site...





The machine slams its hands to the ground and many police officers got hit by it and were sent flying into the air...


Some police officers drag some of the wounded officers and the medics are doing their best to heal all the wounded with healing magic and some medical aids...

The others kept firing at the giant machine with their guns...




Suddenly one of the big machines did a gigantic roar making a lot of officers struggle...

Then one of the offices saw something...

"Hey what is that?"(???)

The police officer points his hand somewhere...

Others look at where he was pointing and saw...



4 no 5 light moving towards them...

"Everyone get to cover!"(???)

Then a lot of police officers take cover and then...


Two of the lights fall and hit the ground near them and the other hit the headquarter...



It was a giant drill that embeds itself to the ground below before and started opening up...

What all of them saw coming out of the drill was...




A lot of robots like Droids started pouring out from the drill...

All of them are equipped with guns and now aiming at all of the police officers there...

"It's a giant drill filled with robots!?"(???)

Then the police officers started a fierce battle with the giant machine and the robots that kept coming out of the pod...





[Echo POV]

We arrive at a door that seems to be blocked from behind and can't be open it's a metal door so it will be hard to open so Reuton grab one of the C4 he has and stick it on the metal door and we move to cover...

"Okay, on the count of three we move... Three, two, one... And..."(Fortra)

Fortra looks at Reuton and he nodded and then...

Reuton presses the active button...



The door that was stuck blew up and we all run into the main hall of the headquarter and look around with our guns aiming everywhere, the place was quiet with nothing moving on sight, we started moving again through a hallway that was leading to where the garage was...

Looking around, everything is empty only some rubbles and broken things, nothing moving insight at all, so all of us lower our guns while also movie towards where the garage is at...

"This is pretty easy"(Reuton)

"Hey.... the last time I heard that something bad always happen you know..."(Rug)

"Hahahaha well there's no way it will happen"(Reuton)

"Hey hurry up you guys..."(Elli)

Reuton and Rug are talking behind us while I and the others are right in front walking a little faster than them...

"Hey, keep it together people...the others are taking a hard time out there you know..."(Echo)

I sighed at what I am looking at this team is quite something...

Well, it's better like this than something else...

"It's amazing and a good thing that nothing happen yet..."(Ragas)

"True, it's great that the electricity is still on who knows what happens if it turns off-"(Reuton)



Then the electricity turns off and we heard an explosion somewhere...

All of us look at Reuton...

"Me and my big mouth...."(Reuton)

We then move faster to where the underground entrance or the garage was located...


"Hey, did you hear that?"(Fortra)

"Hear what?"(Echo)

I slowly close my eyes and focus on my ears...


It sounded like a drill?...

Then the sound got even louder and louder until...

The ground started rumbling...

We then look to the front and...



Right in front of us, we saw a drill came drilling from the wall we aim our guns at the drill while being cautious...

The drill stops and then it open?...



Woong... clachik!

woong... clachik!

woong... clachik!

Well bloody hell...

"Take cover!"(Fortra)



All of us manage to take cover in a pillar from the gunfire...

What we saw in front is a lot of robots or...


Moving out of the drill and dropping to the corridor where we are...

While also firing their guns at us...

Things just got more complicated...





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