AntiGod: The Odyssey Of God

V3, C1 – Ivan the Twinkle, Part II

“Take care of his?! I could’ve handled him…! I was just about to, actually.”

“Riiigghht…” he replied, his skepticism evident as he glanced to the side, clearly doubting my confidence. I get it; the guy, practically on the ground and covered in rips and bruises, claiming he’s got everything under control might not in fact have everything under control. But come on! I am the proud son of King Arthur, even bestowed his name and dubbed Arthur Jr.

And before you ask, no, my last name isn’t Pendragon, but that hardly matters. Pendragon, Kamui -same difference! I can’t even recall who gave me the name “Kamui,” but I feel a strange connection to it, so I’ve kept it, even as the oldest of the Pendragon siblings.

“Did you do him in?” I asked him, glancing at the unmoving figure.

The gnome turned to the humanoid polar bear, resembling a cuddly teddy bear with his fists clenched and brows furrowed, as he answered:

“Nah, these guys are tougher than they seem. He’s just a bit dazed from my Constellation Arts.”

I rubbed my chin, trying to think clearly. “Constellation Arts? You mean that massive star from earlier?”

The gnome squished his brows tighter, pointing at me as if to say, “You got it!” His odd antics made me squint in confusion. Shaking off his silly expression, I exclaimed:

“Wow! I’ve only heard tales about those. I’ve never seen one in person-!”

Our exchange was suddenly cut short when the beast, who had just been knocked down, bellowed:


Instinctively, Ivan and I jumped back, readying ourselves for another round.

“Hey, dwarf, do you have any other tricks up your sleeve?”

“Sadly, the Justice Art won’t work right now. Honestly, I’m not sure if any of the Arts will work right now.”

“Huh? And why the heck not?”

His usual goofy tone vanished, replaced by a serious demeanor as he replied:

“He’s about to use it.”


A palpable tension filled the air, as the polar bear's wrath bore down on us. Its eyes sparkled with a primal ferocity, and I could almost hear the thoughts racing through its mind as it readied itself to unleash its remaining power.

I turned to Ivan, who was already adopting a defensive posture, his muscles taut and ready to spring into action.

In that moment, we could both feel the same chilling, dark fury radiating from the beast. Its teeth were gritted, and steam erupted from its body, a physical manifestation of its anger. The white fur that cloaked it began to glow with a golden hue. The enormous wings that loomed behind it morphed into two golden paws, blending seamlessly with its bear-like coat. A halo formed around its head, gradually reshaping into a golden head that mirrored that of a dog -demonic yet breathtakingly beautiful canine.

“This is the true power of an Angel.” the gnome stammered, visibly shaken. Initially, I thought his trembling stemmed from fear, and honestly, I couldn’t fault him for it. But then I noticed the grin spreading across his face, his eyes crackling with intensity. “You should step back, boy. Things are about to get serious.”

“Step back? I am the eldest brother of the Pendragon family. I can hold my own in a fight.”

“Pendragon family huh? So, you’re Arthur’s kid. Honestly, I though you were an Angel when I first saw you.”


“No, boy.” he interrupted with a commanding tone, as if reprimanding a disobedient dog caught in the act of mischief.

In my mind, I wanted to retort, insisting:

“I said I can fight, so I will!”

But the truth was, I was too paralyzed by fear to voice it. The aura radiating from Ivan reminded me of the only time I had ever seen my father truly angry -a memory that encapsulated my first encounter with this overwhelming emotion… sheer terror.

The creature took a single step, obliterating the ground beneath it. In that moment, Ivan began to sketch a star, similar to the one I saw earlier, as he spoke the incantation: “Constellation Arts…”

Confusion washed over me; I distinctly remembered him claiming that this attack would be useless. Then, I noticed something peculiar about the star's design. Unlike the previous pentagram, this one was a classic five-pointed star. The kind with no lines going through the middle.

Once he completed the drawing, his grin widened to an almost comical degree, nearly overlapping his beard, as he screamed out:

“…Twinkle Star!”

A dazzling rainbow of colors erupted around him, and the star expanded, its circumference now twice that of his body. He then leaped into the star, enveloped by the vibrant glow. I struggled to keep pace with his astonishing speed. Surely, that monster couldn’t match him, could it? Because if it could, then that would mean…

Our fight was nothing but child’s play for him.




Deities are troublesome creatures. Even if you were to strip them of their divinity, and lower them to the physical dimension, their power surpasses anything that humans and spirits can fathom. And even amongst them, there exists a particular group of deities that is especially formidable. Like all deities, they wield hair as white as snow. But, unique to them are eyes like crimson jewels, as well as the name “Kamui” -the name passed down from their father. And if they get serious, their white glow will morph into that of a King’s riches. Because that is exactly who they are.

They are the God’s most trusted servants. If you find yourself facing these catastrophes, your only recourse…

Is to pray. Pray that your death will be a painless one.

Ivan found himself in a precarious position, his ultimate weapon reduced to mere fragments, his fist resting lightly against the creature's nose, devoid of any real power. He unleashed a flurry of starlit punches, each one bursting into nothingness upon impact, the force dissipating as if it had never existed.

“Humans were never meant to touch God. They can only reach out ever so closely...” the Cerberus-like figure intoned, his voice now a monstrous growl, a stark contrast to the smooth and velvety one it had held before. “…This is that phenomenon, given form. This is… Royal Flush.” In an instant, and without moving a single inch, he unleashed a powerful, concentrated blast of wind that sliced through Ivan's defenses effortlessly. My heart raced as I realized the truth of the moment.

(This is bad. He was already impossibly tough… But now he can use it too.)

Ivan let out a pained grunt, clutching his chest as if to contain the agony within. There was no visible injury on him or the surrounding landscape, yet I understood all too well that such details were irrelevant.

“Tell me, you foul beast...” I demanded, drawing his focus. “…Have you been capable of using kata all along?”

His eyes narrowed, glinting with a predatory intensity as he approached me. “God has no need for such techniques. His power is inherently supreme. And as his most loyal servant, I too find no need in such things.”

I clicked my tongue in frustration, weary of his cryptic words as I retorted:

“Enough with the nonsense! What you just used was kata! The fact that the ground remains unscathed after that tremendous strike is undeniable proof!”

Crushing a rock below his feat, he continued to advance. “Imagine striking a surface far sturdier than yourself with all your might. Naturally, the impact would rebound, injuring your hand.”


“That is the phenomenon father bestowed upon me… I am Impervious.” At last, he stood before me, towering over my battered form. He lifted a paw, poised to slice me into three pieces. My trembling hands dropped the sheath of my sword, and the blade dangled precariously from my weak grip. In a final, desperate attempt, I swung at him, channeling every ounce of my remaining strength into the blow, even using my empower to convince myself that victory was within reach. But…


That was nothing more than a fleeting hope.

He closed his eyes, disappointment flickering across his face at my futile struggle. Then, with a swift motion, he struck.

I had never been one to believe that sheer willpower could conquer all. I had always thought that talent was the fundamental ingredient for victory. And ever since I was young, I believed I had that talent. Pair that with enough effort, and I thought I could surmount any challenge. But in that moment, a singular thought consumed me.

(Please God. If you truly exist in this world. Please… Slay this demon.)


Our movements, along with my trembling, were abruptly halted by a deep rumble beneath us. No, this tremor resonated from the very core of the earth.


A force that reverberated through the fabric of space itself, emanating from every direction.


The sound was a powerful force that seemed to ripple through the very essence of space, coming at us from all angles. In an inexplicable moment, we found ourselves gazing up at the sky, as if anticipating something monumental. A stirring sensation arose from the depths of our souls, quickening our heartbeats as we braced ourselves for the next resounding boom.

And then…

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