AntiGod: The Odyssey Of God

[V2, C5] : This Is War, Part III

In the northern reaches of Brizzark lies the fabled Kingdom of Crete, nestled on the continent of Knossos.

Under the reign of King Minos, this realm has flourished like never before, its wealth primarily derived from a most controversial commodity. The kingdom's prosperity hinges on the exploitation of slaves, but these are no ordinary captives; they are prized possessions, far more valuable than mere laborers.

Beyond Crete, a vast, frigid expanse stretches out, rich with resources, but for those unfortunate enough to be born there, dreams and aspirations are swiftly extinguished, leaving only despair in their wake.

At this moment, chaos reigns, as a horde of Nephilim rampages through the Kingdom of Crete, leaving destruction in their wake. Buildings crumble, families are torn apart, and notorious prisoners are set free amidst the turmoil.

And commanding these destructive creatures, was quite a beautiful fellow.

Were they male or female? It was hard to tell with just a glance. Though, with the foul language that left their lips as they cursed the humans below, my guess was that this couldn’t have been a maiden.

They were almost naked too, covering only their chest and private with a single wrap of red fabric. But as crazy as that sounds, I highly doubt you would’ve noticed.

You’d be too captivated by the beautifully sculpted divine arms that flapped as he levitated.


The laughter echoes through the air, mingling with the cries of mortals desperately seeking refuge from the onslaught. Among the chaos, a Nephilim stumbled upon three siblings, separated from their parents, as the two older brothers stand resolutely in front of their little sister, trembling yet determined.

“Just stay back, Mia. We’ll protect you,” one brother urges, gripping a thick wooden stick tightly, while the other nods in agreement, their resolve unwavering despite the overwhelming odds they face.

Faced with a sword or even a gun, they might have stood a chance -that’s just how skilled these children were- but instead, they were confronted by the colossal foot of Atlas.

Like valiant warriors, they stared defiantly at the immense appendage, their eyes still sparkling with hope, a testament to their youth. Yet, the harsh reality of their world was anything but merciful.

This world just isn’t that kindhearted.

“Constellation Art: Divine Yeti.”


Or maybe it was.

In a twist of fate, the towering beast, inches from turning the children into mere shadows of themselves, suddenly morphed into a magnificent sculpture of ice. Not just that one, but every Nephilim across the continent crystallized into statues, only to shatter into countless shards of frost. Even the very ground beneath them felt the chill.

Striding through this icy landscape was a teenage boy clad in a heavy winter coat, carrying a large sniper slung across his back. He pulled up the white mask that hung loosely from his hood, taking a deep breath before murmuring:

“Why is it so cold…”

The siblings stood in stunned silence, awestruck by the figure passing them by. One boy couldn’t help but think:



“Why is it so loud… *Deep Exhale. It’s common curtesy to state your own name before asking it, you know.”

“Fuck that! Who the hell are you?!”

“I am one of the Four Saints of Qishi Lu. But I’d prefer it if you just called me Simo Häyhä.”


“What did you mean by old friends?”

“What are you, scared? Relax, big boy. We can take them…” Stepping out of the grand palace through the imposing double gates, she paused right at the threshold. “…Speak of the Devil.”

Outside, a man stood to their left, and a woman to their right, both waiting with an air of tension. The man wore a blindfold adorned with vertical stripes, an odd choice for sure, but everyone has their quirks. The woman beside him, however, seemed to have a lot more to conceal, and I couldn't even begin to describe what she needed to cover. Take some notes of your friend, woman, please!

“Kss-Kss...” The woman hissed, her voice dripping with disdain. “…To think you would betray us, Victor. You and Frankenstein always got under my skin, especially back in heaven. You always acted superior.”

“Acted? I am superior…”

The woman’s long forked tongue flicked out as they exchanged fierce glares.

“…And I didn’t betray you, Kagutsuchi. Hel. Have you forgotten that you’re the ones who betrayed our father?”

“We don’t want to hear your excuses. Prepare to die!”


Being as cliché as humanly possible -or I guess godly possible- the two lunged at Victor.

“Well, you’re up.” She said, giving Gilgamesh a hard shove forward.

You see in heaven, Victor was notorious as not just a mad scientist, but one of the strongest Angels in terms of 1 on 1 combat. I’d go as far as to say she was top 3. In fact, it wasn’t uncommon for her to spar against two or even three at a time. And with a personality as nasty as hers, she welcomed the challenged no matter what the odds.

Which is why this sudden push left Kagutsuchi and Hel bewildered. Even Gilgamesh turned back, puzzled.

“Sorry, but as long as I’m holding onto this string, you’ll have to do all the fighting…” She flashed a smile and a wink before finishing:

“…Now go break a leg, big boy.”

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