Anti-Japanese War: Red Alert Base, I am the Power

Chapter 247

66 H-12 strategic bombers formed multiple flight formations, flying at an altitude of more than 10,000 meters, and the speed was always maintained at 1,000 kilometers per hour.

The airport, military camps, material assembly areas, and ports of Mokran were all within the bomber group's attack range.

"About 30 kilometers away from the target area, all crews began to enter the supersonic bombing state.

The bombing distance is within 20 kilometers."

When the bomber group was about 30 kilometers away from the target of Moklan, the pilot issued a combat order through the Storm tactical data link.

Each bomber's tactical computer has its own target information.

As the order was issued, the turbojet engines carried by all bombers began to emit orange-red tail flames.

The speed was constantly increasing.

"Boom boom boom......"

As the shock wave cloud formed on the surface of the fuselage, a huge roar resounded in the sky.

It was the noise caused by the Chongming Bird strategic bomber breaking the sound barrier.

This noise could be heard even by the British army 30 kilometers away.

Of course, this was heard through the radio.

This is also the most basic air defense early warning method, generally used by air defense early warning sentries.

""140" The Chinese are coming, direction........"

"Air raid, air raid, everyone enter combat positions, fighter planes take off to intercept."

Suddenly, the air defense alarm of Moklan resounded through the sky, and personnel in the military airport ran back and forth.

Spitfires and Hurricanes were pushed out of the camouflaged hangars.

All anti-aircraft artillery also tore off the camouflage cloth, revealing the black muzzles.

The British army knew that China's bombers were very powerful.

Therefore, hundreds of large-caliber anti-aircraft guns with a caliber of more than 100 mm were equipped to form multiple anti-aircraft gun groups.

The largest caliber anti-aircraft gun even reached a caliber of 152 mm.

These anti-aircraft guns were concentrated around Moklan Airport and Moklan Railway Station, forming a dense air defense network.

Even if China was bombing at an altitude of 10,000 meters, their anti-aircraft guns could still hit it.

But what they didn't expect was that China didn't play by the rules this time.

Because the H-12 Chongming Bird strategic bomber carried The bombs carried are not ordinary bombs.

In mid-1935, the Chinese Air Force proposed a weapons project for bombing outside the enemy's air defense firepower circle.

Three companies bid.

In the end, the powerful Northern Ordnance Industry Group won the bid. After more than a year, it developed the HX-1 plum blossom needle gliding guided bomb.

This bomb was developed on a 500-kilogram low-drag bomb. It is equipped with inertial guidance components, folding wings, controllable tail fins and other components.

Due to the use of a new type of laser gyroscope, its error is still very considerable.

It has a maximum range of 25 kilometers, and within the range of 20 kilometers to 10 kilometers, the error is about 80 meters.

If it is within 10 kilometers, the error can be controlled within 50 meters.

Within 50 meters, for a low-drag bomb that is not expensive, it is already very good.

After all, after being equipped with it, it can avoid the enemy's air defense circle and launch an attack.

This time, the bomber group will launch an attack about 10 kilometers from the target.

Although the British army is equipped with large-caliber anti-aircraft guns.

But they are completely out of reach at this distance.

At this moment, the speed of the bomber group has increased to more than Mach 1.2, and the altitude has also risen to more than 12,000 meters.

When a bomber formation approached the target port at a distance of about 12 kilometers, it began to drop bombs.

One HX-1 plum blossom needle gliding guided bombs fell from the cabin.

Then the folding wings unfolded, and under the control of the tail wing. Under the bombs, they came straight to the port.

At this moment, a large number of ships in the port began to run out, and a large amount of supplies were piled up on the dock.

These supplies were enough to support the 200,000-man army for about half a month.

However, when the anti-aircraft artillery group was ready for air defense operations, they did not welcome the Chinese bomber group, but a group of small black dots.

When these small black dots got closer and closer, they also saw what these small black dots were.

These were bombs with small wings.

This scene shocked the British air defense forces.

But the dense anti-aircraft artillery began to sound, but it was of no avail.

More than one hundred gliding guided bombs fell densely in the port area.

The 500-kilogram bombs were extremely powerful.

In an instant, the entire port area was engulfed in explosions.

In less than a minute, another formation of bombers also launched an attack.

The target was the Mokran Air Force Airport.

The number of bombers attacking the Mokran Airport was even greater, a whole bomber brigade, a total of 33 bombers.

Basically, every bomber was fully loaded, carrying more than 25 HX-1 glide-guided bombs.

Dense bombs fell on the Noda airport like raindrops.

The fighter planes still on the ground were affected by the explosion and destroyed like paper.

The runway was bombed even more intensively.

The hangar, oil tank area, tower, pilot dormitory, etc. were all shrouded in the explosion.

Especially after the oil tank area was bombed.

A huge group of flames shot up into the sky, forming a huge fireball in the air. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The Mokran area was subjected to a large-scale air strike.

Several other places were also subjected to fierce bombing one after another.

Mainly in Zahedan and Chabahar.

The reserve forces prepared by Russell Wright in these two places were directly attacked by the H-8 peacekeeping strategic bomber group.

Not only did they suffer heavy casualties, but several troops were even bombed and fled everywhere.[]

It's mainly because of the Indians. Once they are bombed, it's like their parents have lost two legs. No one can stop them from running.

"After the airstrike, the Chinese offensive began."

Russell Wright is very knowledgeable about Chinese tactics.

China is very good at airborne operations, and with the help of powerful air force, it can often deal a fatal blow to the opponent.

China has used this tactic to great effect in many operations, easily disintegrating the opponent.

For example, the previous airborne operations in Guangzhou, Jinan, and Incheon.

And where is their weakness?

It is in Zahedan and Chabahar.

These two places are also the only retreat routes for the two armies.

All supplies need to pass through these two places.

It is precisely because of this that he insisted on leaving troops in these two places.

Each place has at least one brigade of British troops and thousands of Indian vassal troops...........

However, it is impossible for these forces to defend these two places.

"Boom boom boom....."

After the air force destroyed the opponent's front-line airport and completely controlled the air supremacy.

One after another, the Hind armed helicopters, Nighthawk general-purpose helicopters, and Chinook medium-sized transport helicopters took off from the huge temporary helicopter base.

In a short time, a large helicopter fleet was completed in the air.

Hundreds of helicopters were divided into multiple formations and launched a raid in the direction of Zahedan at low altitude.

They will bypass the British army and hide their whereabouts under the SR-2 strategic reconnaissance aircraft.

Nearly 100 Z-9D armed reconnaissance helicopters took the lead.

88 Hind armed helicopters followed closely behind.

The Nighthawk and Chinook transport aircraft group were at the end of the flight formation.

The entire flight formation stretched for dozens of kilometers, and the strong winds raised by the rotors raised a lot of smoke and dust on the ground.

Zahedan has many main roads in the eastern region intersecting and passing through, one of which leads to the mountainous northern region.

The main road from east to west directly leads from Zahedan to Tehran.

So the city of Zahedan is still relatively prosperous.

But this prosperity is only relative to Persia. In China, it is just an ordinary county town with a population of just over 100,000.

Now the city is occupied by the British-Indian coalition forces, and a large number of fortifications and warehouses have been built here.

There are thousands of cars gathered here alone.

It consists of an infantry brigade of the British Army and a division of Indian vassal troops, with a total strength of about 13,000 people.

However, after a wave of bombing here, the entire Indian division was scattered like ants in a frying pan.

Up to now, the British 72nd Infantry Brigade has recovered less than half of the Indians.

The rest were either killed in the bombing or disappeared.

The situation of the British 72nd Infantry Brigade is not very good either.

More than 500 people were killed and wounded, and the camps, supply points, artillery positions, etc. were bombed, with heavy losses.

At this moment, they are still repairing and reinforcing their positions, while other soldiers are hiding in all directions to prevent a new round of bombing.

However, they still ushered in the first���wave of bombing.

This bombing was carried out by the 7th Fighter Wing of the Western Theater Air Force.

This wing has two fully staffed MiG-20 fighter squadrons, each of which has two squadrons equipped with 24 fighters.

Two squadrons, four squadrons, a total of 96 MiG-20 supersonic fighters.

The 96 fighters were divided into multiple formations and launched air strikes on the British troops in Zahedan from different directions.

When the fighter planes flew over at low altitude.

The British troops below showed expressions of horror.

As small black dots were thrown down from the fighter planes.

Suddenly, there were bursts of explosions in the positions and among the crowd.

The British army's hidden anti-aircraft artillery began to roar, roaring at the MiG-20 fighters flying at medium and low altitudes.

And the Air Force is waiting for them.

These anti-aircraft guns pose the greatest threat to helicopters.

So they need to eliminate a batch of them first.

KD-35A TV-guided bomb、JG-12 semi-active laser-guided bombs fell one after another, clearing out the roaring anti-aircraft guns.

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