Anti-Japanese War: Red Alert Base, I am the Power

Chapter 130

As one of the two major air forces of the current Red Alert Corps, the First Air Force is also one of the air forces equipped with the largest number of fighter jets and the fastest expansion speed.

The current commander of the First Air Force is Gao Zhihang, and the former commander of the First Air Force has been transferred to the Air Force Command.

Gao Zhihang joined the Air Force at the beginning of its establishment. As the First Air Force grew along the way, he also continued to grow, showing strong air command capabilities and superb flying skills.

The current air force has a total of 3 fighter wings, 4 fighter-bomber wings, 4 bomber wings, 2 strategic bomber wings, 3 tactical transport wings, 2 strategic transport wings, 2 reconnaissance wings, and 2 flight training wings.

The wing is also the latest level of the Air Force.

It is located between the air force and the brigade.

It is also the largest level of tactical organization in the Air Force.

All wings are fixed with four fighter brigades, which will be adjusted according to actual conditions in the future.

That is to say, the First Air Force is currently equipped with 696 MiG-10 jet fighters, 480 Invader fighter-bombers, 480 Peacekeeper bombers, 240 Century strategic bombers, 360 Bandicoot tactical transport aircraft, 240 Century strategic transport aircraft, 240 reconnaissance aircraft of various types, and more than 280 training aircraft of various types. The total number of fighters is as high as over 3,000.

This scale is already very large.

""Two thousand nine hundred and seven" This does not include the Second Air Force, the Navy, etc.

If added together, the number of fighter planes has exceeded 5,000.

This scale is not only in Asia, but also in the world.

Take Germany at the beginning of World War II.

At that time, the entire German Air Force had only more than 3,500 fighter planes. The air forces of England and France are similar in size, both with 1,500 aircraft.

Therefore, the number of fighter planes of the Red Alert Corps is now the world's number one.

Not to mention combat effectiveness, the world's powers combined are no match.

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Fan has the confidence to start developing foreign trade versions of fighter planes.

The Sunset Plan will be under the charge of the First Air Force and the Navy.

The reason why the Navy was involved is because The HNA has a large number of peacekeeping heavy bombers.

After a new round of organizational reform and expansion.

The HNA currently has two land-based bomber wings, equipped with a total of 240 peacekeeping bombers.

Including the 480 aircraft of the First Air Force, there are a total of 720 peacekeeping bombers.

If the strategic bombers of the last century are counted.

This time, a total of 960 bombers participated in the bombing of the Japanese mainland.

As for the operations in the northwest, Jiang Fan decided to temporarily dispatch some bombers of the Second Air Force to the major airports in North China.

Jiang Fan was determined to bomb Japan back to the Stone Age and was not going to leave them any chance of survival.

This can be seen from the use of Agent Orange.

After completing the first round of strategic bombing.

Orange was sprayed on crops across Japan. Agent.

No matter how toxic this thing is.

As for whether it will cause great harm to Japan in the future, that is none of his business.

On the contrary, he is very happy to see it.

Within this week, major airports began to mobilize frequently.

The oil depots of each airport were filled to the brim, and bombs of various levels were transported to major airports by train.

Until their ammunition depots were filled.

During this period, the Air Force was not idle.

A reconnaissance aircraft wing was transferred to the Chaosui Peninsula.

Both reconnaissance aircraft wings belong to mixed formations.

The models of reconnaissance aircraft equipped are also different.

There are a total of 6 models of reconnaissance aircraft.

Basically, they are modified from various fighter planes.

There are two main types of them.

One is a high-speed reconnaissance aircraft, which is modified from the Invader fighter-bomber. Most of the weapons and equipment were removed

, leaving only two 12.7mm machine guns for self-defense.

Then various reconnaissance equipment was installed on the fuselage.

When using auxiliary fuel tanks.

The range of the Invader high-speed reconnaissance aircraft can reach 3,500 kilometers.

Together with the reconnaissance aircraft modified from the MiG fighter, it is one of the main tactical reconnaissance aircraft of the Air Force.

There are also two long-range high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, which are modified from the Peacekeeping bomber and the Century strategic bomber.

The range of these two long-range high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft is 7,500 kilometers and 10,000 kilometers respectively.

It can carry out long-term hovering reconnaissance at high altitudes.

For example, during this week, these two reconnaissance aircraft conducted high-density reconnaissance on major bombing cities.

Of course, the Air Force has never stopped its reconnaissance of the Japanese mainland.

But such a high density is the first time.

Through the reconnaissance supplemented photos.

The Air Force has also formulated the first round of bombing plans.

This time the bombing plan only has one city-Tokyo.

Although this is not the nominal capital of Japan, it is the capital in a practical sense.

It is the center of the entire Japanese economy and politics.

In the first round, 960 bombers were assembled to bomb Tokyo.

The targets of the bombing included the Imperial Palace, military camps, industrial areas, residential areas, airports, ports and other military and civilian facilities.

It can be said that the target of the bombing is almost the entire Tokyo.

The first round of bombing will last for a week.

One week is enough to severely damage the entire Tokyo.

After that, the targets will be dispersed to major cities.

For example, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya, Sendai, Sapporo, etc.

Everything will be done slowly. Anyway, this bombing will last for a long time, and the base will take more than a year.

Anyway, fuel, bombers, bombs, and pilots are all provided by the Red Alert Base.

The cost of carrying out this long-term strategic bombing mission is relatively low.

During the week of preparation by the Air Force, another great man came to Jinzhou.

For this great man, Jiang Fan is often mentioned in modern time and space textbooks.

This person is Li Siguang, the current acting president of National Zhongyang University, director of the Institute of Geology of Zhongyang Research Institute, and the founder of Chinese geomechanics.

On the side of the National Government, Li Siguang can be said to be a successful person with a very good future.

However, the people in the Nationalist-controlled areas can be said to be living in dire straits recently.

This also has a lot to do with Jiang Fan.

In order to fight against the Red Alert Corps, Jinling began to recruit and expand the army on a large scale, and when there was no money, it continued to impose various heavy taxes.

At present, the National Army has expanded to three million troops. (To read the violent novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

With the land of several provinces to support three million troops, you can imagine what the current situation in the Nationalist-controlled areas is like. The rich are feasting and drinking, while the streets are freezing to death is the most appropriate description of the current Nationalist-controlled areas.

This also made Li Siguang very disappointed with the current Jinling authorities.

Then he turned a blind eye and began his European lecture tour.

In 1931, he was awarded a doctorate in natural sciences by the University of Birmingham in England.[]

He is still somewhat famous in Europe.

He can be said to be well-versed in both Chinese and Western learning.

When Jiang Fan accidentally learned that he was giving a lecture in England, his mind became active.

So he sent someone to win him over, wanting him to join the Northeast Provisional Government and serve as the Minister of Geology and Mineral Resources.

China has relatively rich resources...........�

But these resources are buried underground, and someone needs to explore them.

Is there anyone more suitable for this position than Li Siguang?

Faced with Jiang Fan's solicitation, Li Siguang did not hesitate. He resolutely resigned from all positions in the government, of course, this was also a unilateral notice.

Then he hurried back to the Northeast. He began to set up the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources.

At the same time, Jiang Fan also gave him a task.

That is to explore for oil between Qiqihar and Harbin.

And establish a complete industrial chain of exploration, mining, refining, storage and transportation in China.

At the same time, assist the education department to build a new Huaxia Petroleum University in Harbin.

This can be regarded as opening a new chapter in the history of Huaxia oil.

China has always been crowned as an oil-poor country.

Western powers have conducted exploration in China more than once, but no trace of oil has been found.

Before occupying the Northeast, Japan also conducted a detailed exploration of the Northeast, and also found no trace of oil.

The reason for this is the problem of current exploration technology and drilling technology.

With the existence of the Red Alert Base, both the exploration equipment and the drilling equipment are currently the most advanced.

In addition, with the assistance of the great man Li Siguang, and with the location designated by Jiang Fan, it is only a matter of time before oil is discovered.

Although funds can be directly exchanged for oil in the Red Alert Base, the oil industry cannot be absent.

This is also a very large industry.

It can provide a lot of economic benefits and jobs, etc.

Therefore, the petrochemical industry must also be developed.

Although China's oil reserves are not large, there will definitely be many oil fields abroad in the future, there is no doubt about that.

Even if your own oil is sealed up and not mined, you can also mine it abroad and then transport it back for refining.

In the future, with the development of industry, the domestic demand for oil will definitely increase.

Besides, oil refining can not only produce gasoline, diesel, etc., but also many ancillary chemical products.

For example, petroleum asphalt, lubricants, petroleum naphtha, benzene, heavy oil, petroleum coke, etc. This is a very large industrial chain.

Therefore, it is necessary to establish its own petrochemical industry.

The fuel purchased by the Red Alert Base will be enough to get through the early stage.

"I order that the second phase of the Sunset Plan, Section 0.0, be officially implemented."

Seven days passed quickly.

After receiving the order from the Military and Political Committee, the Air Force Command directly issued orders to the major bomber wings and strategic bomber wings to launch a large-scale bombing of Tokyo.

On November 2, 1933, the entire northern part of China was covered with snow.

In the major military airports in Northeast China and North China, the heavy snow on the runway was cleared.

One after another, peacekeeping bombers and century strategic bombers began to line up and wait for takeoff through the taxiway from the hangar.

Soon, fully loaded bombers took off one after another.

The take-off time of each bomber squadron is different according to the distance.

All bombers will complete the assembly in the airspace in the southern part of the Chaos Peninsula.

Finally, they will fly to Tokyo together.

Most of the bombs carried by these bombers are napalm bombs of 500 kilograms or more.

As a time traveler, Jiang Fan naturally knows the joke of Li Mei's barbecue.

He also naturally knows what type of bomb is most effective against Tokyo.

The large number of bombers naturally attracted the attention of all parties.

At the same time, it also shocked all parties.

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