Another world's soccer

Chapter 54: Chapter 54.

"Alright, they've announced the remaining matches for you guys. Luckily, your match isn't until next week, so you guys can start training now." The coach said.

"Yes, coach." We answered before walking up to our different rooms.

"Hey." Akane called smiling at me as we walked up.

"Hey, Akane."

"You won't be training today?" She asked.

"Am actually kinda tired, I'll just rest for today." I said, yawning.

"Oh, okay." She said, smiling before waving.

"See you later." I said.

*I'm not in talking terms with more than half of my teammates, so I figured it'd be too boring going alone, but... isn't she too excited?* I thought, looking down at Akane, who sat beside me smiling.

"Are you sure you want to watch this match?" I asked as she kept smiling before linking her arm with mine.

*Ah...* I thought as my face turned red.

"I think it's okay, whether I want to or not. Don't you think so, too?" She asked, smiling me.

"W-well..." I said, looking away.


"Ahem... well, the match is between Team B and L, we haven't played against any of them, so I wanted to see how good they were." I said, looking at the field.

*But it looks like they are both strong teams.* I thought as a guy from Team B scored another goal.

"I actually thought Team L were strong teams. They won 3-0 against Team A." Akane said as I nodded.

"Yeah, you're right." I said, my hand on my jaw.

*Team B don't look tough exactly, but they're winning. It's already 5-2.* I thought.

"So guys, you'll be playing against Team K tomorrow after so long. It may not be as easy as it's been since, so let's discuss our tactics." The coach said as Akaji smiled while standing up.

*Looks like I'll be staying way back thus time.* I thought.

"So, we'll be using a 5-2-2-1 formation this time around. The line-up will be thus: Koenji-GK, Suzune, Hinami, Chika, Akane and Atsushi CB, CB, CB, LB and RB, Ryuto and Yusuke DMF, Akatsuki and Kimishita LMF and RMF and I'll be the CF." He said.

"Is that what you guys decided?" The coach asked, looking away.

"Yeah, we wanted it to be that way." Akatsuki said, smiling.

"Yeah, we can't keep a cheat in the front." Kimishita said.

"Hmm... well, it's you guys, for now." He said before walking out.

"You know, we actually wanted you out of the game." Kimishita said as I stood up, smiling.

"Like I care." I said, walking up.

"Ha! Suits you right."

"You know, if you want ne out completely, you should try holding me back. There's no eule saying a defender can't score." I said.

"Matchday, it's the game between Team K and Team C. These two teams have been doing great so far. Now let's see who'll come out victorious." The commentator said.

*Well, it's time.* I thought.

"Take a look at that. We scored more even without Atsushi." Kimishita said.

"3-0, that was a nice one." Akatsuki said, smiling.

"Hey, Atsushi-kun, I thought I heard you whining earlier, you know, defending suits you more than attacking." Kimishita said.

"Yeah, yeah."

*Team D and H will be playing today, might as well watch their match.* I thought walking out.

*Something's wrong.* I thought while sitting in the stadium, watching the match.

"Something's definitely wrong, it feels too... easy." I said watching as Team D celebrated their win.

"Looks like your next match will be tomorrow evening, against Team L. I trust that you know what to do." The coach said walking out.

*Something's wrong, I can't just wrap my hand around it. What's that?* I thought.

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