Chapter 163: Chapter 147 Zaboru went to US and Deal with Emerald Wings
Tuesday, January 7, 1992
After meeting with James Yoel, Zaboru held a crucial discussion with ZAGE's higher-ups to decide the next step regarding Emerald Wings. The consensus was clear—before sealing any deal, Zaboru needed to personally visit the United States and assess Emerald Wings' operations firsthand. Without hesitation, he called James that same day. James eagerly agreed, and they booked their flight for Tuesday.
Zaboru wouldn't go alone. He chose to bring Kudou, a trusted associate familiar with American business laws and regulations. Kudou had spent time in the U.S. during his studies, making him the perfect companion for this critical trip. With their plans finalized, the three men—Zaboru, Kudou, and James—set off for America.
Despite this being his first international trip in his new life, Zaboru remained unfazed. In his past life, he had traveled extensively, having reached the age of fifty before his reincarnation. Flying to another country was nothing new to him. He leaned back in his seat, glancing at Kudou, who was flipping through documents regarding Emerald Wings' financials.
James, sitting beside him, chuckled. "Is this your first time traveling abroad, Renkonan-san?"
Zaboru smirked. "Just call me Zaboru, James. And feel free to speak in English."
James laughed. "Alright then, Zaboru."
After several hours, they arrived in the United States. James had already arranged a hotel for them, allowing them to rest briefly before heading to Emerald Wings' headquarters in New York. As they stepped inside the office building, Zaboru and Kudou were immediately struck by the classic American aesthetics—high ceilings, polished wooden desks, and vintage posters adorning the walls. The place had an old-school charm that exuded professionalism.
Zaboru let out an impressed whistle. "Wow. Cool office."
James grinned. "Of course, Zaboru. Now, let me introduce you to my boss and business partner—Ryan Miller."
He led them to an office where a man was intensely focused on playing Ninja Gaiden. The clicking of buttons and the electronic sounds of the game filled the room. James chuckled and clapped his hands. "Bro, Time to work your ass! we have a guest! The creator of ZEPS is here!"
Ryan jolted upright, quickly pausing his game. He turned with a broad grin, stepping forward. "Hello, sir! My name's Ryan Miller, owner of Emerald Wings. Welcome to America and to my office!"
Zaboru, immediately sensing Ryan's easygoing nature, extended his hand. "Hello, Mr. Miller. I'm Zaboru Renkonan, owner of ZAGE and creator of ZEPS. This is Kurugiya Dousuke or Kudou."
Ryan shook their hands, nodding. "Please, just call me Ryan. Can I call you Zaboru as well?"
"Of course," Zaboru replied.
Without wasting time, they all sat down. Ryan got straight to the point. "I'll be honest with you, Zaboru. Before I got hooked on ZEPS and heard James' report, I wasn't sure if investing in a Japanese home console was the right move. But after playing it myself, I'm convinced. We at Emerald Wings need to bring ZEPS to the U.S. at all costs! As someone who grew up loving ninjas, playing games like Ninja Gaiden and Legend of Akechi feels like a dream come true."
James grinned at his partner's enthusiasm. Zaboru, amused, chuckled. "Well, I appreciate the compliment, Ryan. Let's talk business. James mentioned that you could get ZEPS into the U.S. market within three months. Is that true?"
Ryan leaned forward, his excitement unwavering. "Absolutely. We have the resources and infrastructure. EW even has two personal cargo planes ready to ship ZEPS immediately. As for regulations and legal matters, we've got everything covered to ensure a smooth launch."
Zaboru nodded. "That's promising. But let's hear your offer first."
Ryan pulled out a document. "James did his homework. In Japan, you sell ZEPS to retailers for 9,000 yen and cartridges for 6,000 yen, right? We propose the same deal here. We'll distribute ZEPS at a different price in the U.S., which you'll be kept informed about. Keep in mind, American consumers have higher purchasing power, so they're willing to pay more if the product is good."
Zaboru raised an eyebrow. "You're willing to buy ZEPS at Japanese retail prices and handle all delivery costs yourselves?"
Ryan and James nodded confidently. "Yes. This is how we do business. Our clients trust us because of this approach. Of course, it scares off some investors, but we believe in long-term success."
Zaboru was impressed. "Alright, since you're showing sincerity, I'll reciprocate. I'll offer a 15% discount on the first batch. Also, I'll personally oversee an advertising campaign that will resonate with American audiences."
Ryan's eyes widened. "Advertising? You think you can make ads that appeal to American consumers? The cultural gap between the U.S. and Japan is huge."
Zaboru smirked. "Trust me. In the three-month period before launch, I'll also develop new games tailored to American audiences."
Ryan and James exchanged a glance and nodded. "Sounds promising. We're ready with the contract. Kudou-san, would you review it?"
Kudou took the contract and examined it carefully. The terms were as follows:
ZAGE will sell ZEPS and its games to Emerald Wings at the original Japanese retail price.EW will handle all distribution in the U.S. and determine pricing, subject to ZAGE's approval.The first batch will be sold at a 15% discount.EW will cover all delivery and additional costs.EW and ZAGE will establish an official partnership.EW guarantees ZEPS will be available in the U.S. market by late March or early April 1992.The contract will be valid for five years, with the option to extend or revise terms based on mutual agreement.
Kudou nodded, satisfied. "Everything looks in order."
Zaboru smiled and signed the contract. James and Ryan followed suit. To commemorate the partnership, they took a photo together, with James and Ryan holding a ZEPS console. This photograph would later become an iconic image in gaming history in future.
But now Zaboru , Kudou and James left the Emerald Wings offices with James car and they want to Enjoy America a bit.
To be continued...
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