Another World Gacha

Chapter 50 Sudden meeting

Nicholas POV

Two weeks have passed since the meeting and agreement between the Count of Curtana, the Duke of Harlow, and the Royal Messenger.

I was currently with my mom and dad waiting in the lobby of the first floor waiting for the visitor. The visitor they are waiting for is the Duke of Harlow, coming in to Curtana to check on the 'essence' plant that is currently being constructed and a sample of the 'essence' that has already been produced.

After a little bit of time, a beautiful and well decorated carriage carried by four stallions and a falcon with a sword and shield emblem at the back entered the Curtana mansion's gate.
The person they're waiting for has arrived, so I straightened my posture from my calm pose earlier.

The carriage drove all the way from the gate to the entrance of the mansion. The carriage stopped right in front of the of the mansion; along with it were several knights and maids.

A man with a fierce and noble stature then came out of the carriage; he has silver hair and a fierce look like a lion who faced and vanquished countless foes.

Nicholas: *This guy is not someone you should mess with.* This was what he thought as his initial assumption; he was right. That guy is really, really strong, even stronger than his father when he used his [Scan] skill to check his power level.

But then the duke stopped when he got down the carriage, then another person suddenly came out after the duke. She was tall in stature, taller than Nicholas; she has blonde hair, which unlike the duke is silver; her age is definitely older than me but not that older; she has a she has a bit of chubby cheeks and a chest larger than any girl his age possesses.

From the looks of it, my initial assumption was that she was a relative or daughter of the duke.
The duke and the girl walked to the staircase to the doorway, which was already opened.

When they arrive doorway, the maids of the curtana bowed, welcoming them. While we came forward and greeted them in a cordial tone.

My father then began to introduce us to the duke and the girl.

Count Claus: "Good day! Duke Ian and Stella welcome to Curtana! This is my son Nicholas." He patted my back as he pushed my back slightly.

Count Claus: "Nicholas, this is your uncle, Duke Stephen Ian Harlow. You must have heard of him; he is one of the most valiant people in Daedric."

Nicholas: "Nice to meet you, sir," he bowed slightly.

Duke Ian: "Don't bother; it's fine and nice to meet you too, Nicholas." He interjected Nicholas's words in a nice low tone.

Duke Ian: "Let me introduce to you first my daughter. Stella Marie Harlow, she is a bit older than you, about a year and a half older," he said to Nicholas, then he turned to the girl.

Duke Ian: "Marie, this is the Curtana family. And as agreed upon by both parties, you will be engaged with the heir of the Curtana, Nicholas Alexander Curtana. Come and meet your betrothed."

Nicholas: "WHAT!" He couldn't help but let out a shout.

I was shocked at this news; his father didn't tell him anything prior to this meeting that he has a fiancé. So Nicholas was quite shocked by the news.

The Duke pretended he didn't hear Nicholas and continued his introduction.

Duke Ian: "And this is the Count and Countess of Curtana Claus Shelberg Curtana and his wife, Countess Stephany Iris Curtana, and also your aunt."

Stella: "Hello, nice to meet you, count and countess. My name is Stella Marie Harlow, the second daughter of the Harlow family." She came up and greeted Nicholas, the count and countess, respectively.

Countess Iris: "Well, hello there, Stella; don't be so formal; just call me Mother or Iris, whatever you feel comfortable with."

Stella: "Yes, Countess Iris." She blushed and called her.

Countess Iris: "How about we talk about it later? First, Nicholas, how about you show Stella around the mansion? I think she will appreciate the garden."

His father then nudged him and gave him a knowing smile, then said

Count Claus: "This is her first time going out; I hope you guys got along since we already agreed to this engagement beforehand." He whispered to him.

Nicholas: *Tsk*

I was frustrated by the sudden situation, so I subconsciously clicked my teeth silently, but still approached the beautiful girl and asked her

Nicholas: "Hi, nice to meet you, lady Stella. May I take you on a tour in the Curtana household? I would like to guide you and check the garden on the side, which my mother personally maintains. It has a lot of rare flowers and botanical designs."

Stella: "Likewise, nice to meet you, sir Nicholas," she said in a low tone after he introduced himself to her.

After that, I began to guide Lady Stella around the mansion to explore the compound.
I was walking side by side with Lady Stella in silence as they walked around the garden. He first went to the garden since he thought she might appreciate the view. But the silence felt really awkward, so I decided to speak first to break the silence.

Nicholas: "Hi, I'm sorry for the earlier reaction; it's not that I was averse; it was just that I have no prior knowledge of this engagement, so my reaction is like that." He looked at Dtella and said it.

Stella: "…"

Nicholas: "…"

Stella: "I was... also not aware about the engagement. I thought Lord Father and I came to visit the county of Curtana, and this territory is for vacation."

Nicholas: "Ohhh... Then let me welcome you to Curtana; I hope you enjoy your stay here. So, how was the garden? Is it to your satisfaction?" They arrived at the garden.

Stella: "..." Stella nodded silently, without saying a word.

The conversation has turned into more awkward as time goes on. I kept starting the conversation, but Stella didn't seem keen on continuing it. I also noticed that she kept looking far from the mansion; hence, I suggested she go out.

Nicholas: "Uhmm, lady Stella, did you know that we are currently having a festival incoming? How about we explore the shop in the city center?"

Stella: "…"

Nicholas: "Are you averse to visiting the town? Well, I can assure you that the city of Curtana, despite being smaller than Harlow, is just as beautiful." I tried to reason with Stella since he can't get any information about her.

Stella: "No, I want to explore the city of Curtana if possible, and since it was my first time going out of the city, I was quite excited. It's just the first time I will be going out with a boy, and I'm not too comfortable. I'm sorry if I offended you; I'm just nervous."

Nicholas: "Ahh, is that so? That is not a problem; I'll ask my friends to accompany us so we don't have to be so weird around me."

Stella: "Ahhh, you don't have to do that, sir Nicholas; I might be intruding on your group if that's the case."

Nicholas: "No, no lady Stella, I insist. I want you to enjoy your time here at Curtana, so I want to provide you the most comfort."

Stella: "Well, if you insist, sir Nicholas, I will have to trouble your friends."

I found out from her tone that she seemed excited about this matter, and I can see it in her eyes that she yearned something for exploring.

Nicholas: *sigh* *I found a topic that she wanted to talk about. Finally* I thought in my mind.

Nicholas: "Lady Stella, how about I show you around? There are more things to see in the Curtana mansion. Like the training ground, the field, and many else."

They continued walking and started to converse about themselves.

Nicholas: "So, how was the scenery coming in to Curtana? It was breath-taking, right?"

Stella: "You're right, sir Nicholas; that was what I thought when I accidentally saw it; it was truly breath-taking. The farm fields are covered in grains, and the meadows on the hill are filled with flowers that are lush and filled with vivid colors."

Stella and Nicholas: "It like the goddess had blessed this land time of the year," they both said at the same time.

Nicholas: "Ah yes, the spring festival really is the most beautiful time in Curtana; it is very lively, and the flowers in the meadows are a sight to see."

Nicholas: "I haven't been to Harlow; can you tell me about it?"

Stella: "Ah, I'm sorry my knowledge about our territory isn't well versed. I'm not very well versed in the scenery in Harlow since I was stuck inside the city. I was not allowed to get out. But I can tell you the city is very lively. There are lots of food and snacks. There are also portals and dungeons inside the city, which is bustling with adventurers."

She began to tell him about Harlow.

Nicholas: "You sure like adventurers."

Stella: "Ah, yes. I actually like to be an adventurer in the future."

Nichola: "Oh really, it is a great profession, and everyday feels like an adventure. But it's really just too dangerous, you know. I actually do a bit of dungeon diving since I was awakened."

Stella: "Oh, how was the dungeon you explored? I was to hear some of it."

Nicholas began to talk about his team and their adventures in the past years.

Stella: "Actually, I am also a bit scared of some dungeon. The excitement of exploring new thins for me however overcame that fear. I wish to explore beautiful and mysterious dungeon. I want to experience what this world has to offer."

Nicholas: "Wow! That's an exciting goal to have Lady Stella. I hope you fulfill your wish someday."

Stella: "How about you, sir Nicholas? What is your goal?"

Nicholas: "Hmm, actually I want to be the richest man. Haha, my goal feels shallow now that you've shared yours."

Stella: "No, no, that's a really great goal. Every person has different goals in life. One's goal cannot be shallow, since it's something that you achieve and be happy to be."

Nicholas: "Is that so? Thank you for the encouragement, then, lady Stella." He scratched the back of his feeling embarrassed being lectured by someone he just met today.

They continued talking while walking around the Curtana estate, talking jolly at each other since Nicholas had successfully broken the ice between them.

During this, there was a person at the window on the second floor. It was a girl gritting her teeth watching the two chat.

Maria: "What a whore."

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