Another World Gacha

Chapter 3 Year 1725

Year 1725

A few years passed by again, and Nicholas had spent his time either doing daily system quests or doing side quests.

He is currently learning etiquette from a tutor hired by the countess, while simultaneously learning to read and write the native language of this world. It is part of his noble learning duties, and in addition to that, he also requested some additional learning materials such as assorted books.

From some books he read, he got to learn about the empire he was currently residing in, the Daedric Empire. 

The empire is a huge island located on the south-western part of the continent, bordering, from the north, the Preatorion Empire and several small kingdoms, and from the east, the heart of the continent, which consists of several different islands approved by the empires for exclusive trading and commerce, called the Trade Stock Union.

He also requested in learning magic, but his father denied his request insisting there is a right time in learning such things. And when it didn't work he went to his mother and begged but it ended the same way.

After his classes, he immediately made his way to the training grounds to start training because it is his only available way of improving. His training is hard and mostly consists of agility and stamina improvement.

From the maid he asked when he first stumbled upon the training ground, he discovered that the peaceful environment he is currently living in is in fact because he is living in a safe environment; in fact, most of the world isn't that livable and is filled with dangers, monsters, and even vile creatures.

He also asked why there are so many soldiers training currently. The maid replied that the world is full of dangerous monsters scattered from portals around the world. This story from the maid gave Nicholas some agency to improve and plan ahead since he was wrong in his expectations in this world.

At the training ground, he performs basic exercises, not doing much and mostly observing the soldiers most of the time.

From the data gathered from his skill scan and the books he read about combat, The combat power level of the people can be divided into six tiers: normal tier, soldier tier, knight tier, general tier, epic tier, and legend tier.

And further subdivided into ranks: lower, middle, upper, and peak which also depends on the current level a person can have.

Most of the soldiers roaming and training are on the normal and soldier tiers. While some guard captains looking very formidable should be on the knight tier, there are still a lot, but not as many as the normal and soldier tiers.

The most imposing aura and highest power level are coming from Father and his chosen knight, which he saw the other month when they were instructing the grunt soldiers.

From what he has observed, most of the chosen knights are on a general tier, varying from low to middle rank. And his father has the highest rank, having a peak general tier. His stats overwhelming compared to his measly single digit stats.

After getting tired and finishing his exercises, he proceeded to the bathroom to take a bath. Afterwards, he went to his bedroom and laid down on the bed to contemplate his plans for the near future.

He hasn't learned much about the world aside from the time he has spent inside the mansion or from his tutor. In short, he has only has the basics in this world in a stained lens.

He was sure that he would learn more about this world in the near future, but that time is perhaps when the story quest feature is unlocked on his system panel.

But it will start in less than five years. So, while waiting for the countdown, he needed to learn as much as he could about the world around him.

He closed his eyes, thinking of separate goals in his life. Despite forgetting his personal memories, he wanted some goals to achieve now he had reincarnated into world. He was quite sure he was living quite a high life in his past life; he was an engineering management supervisor if he is not wrong. Quite busy on weekdays and attending social gatherings at weekends making him very tired most of the time; he really hasn't had the time to live a chill, slow life.

Therefore, in his second life, he is resolved to have a peaceful time to spend. But this world is dangerous if what he heard about things are true, so he also needed to become stronger. He wanted to stay low-key and also not to attract that much attention for his strength.

As a plan, he needed to make an organization to do things for him, but currently he still cannot start this since he is still a kid and lacks information about the world.

Nicholas: "I just hope nothing bad happen as soon as the story quest enables." he prayed as he slowly drifted to sleep.

A few days had passed.

On the training ground, Nicholas is currently watching the soldier while playing around trying to copy the soldiers' exercises. When he was approached by a maid, who said that he was being summoned by father the count.

Nicholas was wondering why he was being called out formally; his expression dazed out for a second before responding cutely to the maid.

Nicholas: "Okaay! Let's go."

At the family head's office. After Nicholas knocked on the door, a deep voice resounding "Come on in".

He slowly opened the door, seeing his father with a stern aura rather than the usual stoicism and calm. He wondered what will his father be talking about to have such a serious expression.

Nicholas: *It must be a serious conversation, did I do anything wrong?* he thought in his mind as he approached the count slowly.

Pretending to be timid, Nicholas then said.

Nicholas: "Hello, Father. Good morning!"

Count Curtana: "Nicholas, come I want to talk to you about something important, take a seat on the couch." he gestured his hands pointing at the couch nearby.

Nicholas approached the couch and nimbly climbed it, *plop* sounding the cushion after Nicholas sat on it. After that, he looked at his father, waiting for him to speak.

Count Curtana: "I've heard you've been frequenting the training ground recently." His father opened his mouth, and began to question him.

Count Curtana: "I have to say, I am very proud of you for training diligently to get strong even without forcing you to train. News to me is you've been trying to copy the skills the soldiers are doing. But without proper training education, it is hopeless to learn the skills. You need a proper training tome to do the skills."

Contrary to his expectation, his father praised his diligence and just gave him a warning rather than punishing him for not obeying his instructions about not learning about magic and skills until the right time.

'So that's why I cannot replicate the skills learned by the soldiers while they are training,' Nicholas felt thankful that his father explained it and while listening to his father talk.

Nicholas: "Father, will you teach me some skills so I can learn the skills to fight now?" having sparkling eyes looking directly at his father's eyes.

Count Curtana: "No, it is not time yet. You see..."

His father started explaining why he can't start learning the training to get a skill. It is due to his core not being awake yet, and all of the people in the world are awakened at the age of 10.

Count Curtana: "So learning skill and magic is practically pointless before reaching the proper age. So just continue raising your physical attributes while avoiding needless copying of the skills of the soldier; you will be learning better skills in the future anyway."

Said while rummaging under the desk. After a while, he pulled out a crystal pad and laid it on the table.

Count Curtana: "Son, put your hands on here; let me see your stats."

Nicholas: 'Stats? Will I be caught having insane stats for a child?' he nervously thought.

Thankfully, he didn't use all of his wishes on the Gacha System. Therefore, even if he is caught, he will just be taken as a prodigy. It might throw a wrench in his lowkey plan, but it will be fine if only his father knows.

Without thinking of hesitation he then slowly approached the crystal pad and placed his right hand on it.

Imminently, a glow came from the pad and then dissipated after a few seconds. Nicholas, removing his hands, saw his stats.

STR: Tierless

DEX: Tierless

INT: Normal Tier

VIT: Normal Tier

AGI: Tierless

Power level: 1840

Nicholas: *Thank god the stat measuring device didn't read the additional stats.* he heaved a sigh of relief seeing the result.

His father no longer has a stern look as soon as he saw his stats, it changed into an amused look at his son before urging him to come and patting his head.

Count Curtana: "Nicholas, do you know the tier classifications?" he asked while patting his head.

Nicholas: "Yes, father, I have read about the classification, and the soldiers also said some things to me." he replied while struggling to stop his father from messing up his hair.

"Explaining further..." said count Curtana. He began explaining that tiers can be determined by the number of stats you possess, while the power level is the combination of those stats with respect to their relevance. While being tierless, there are stats below anything which normal if you are a child.

Normal Tier: 10–50

Soldier Tier: 50-250

Knight Tier: 250-500

General Tier: 500-1000

Epic Tier: 1000–1500

Legend Tier: 1500-2000

"In addition," Count Curtana explained that he can see his personal status after awakening. He began explaining that after awakening you can see your stats yourself, and will unlock different types of perks such as inventory among other things.

"..." Nicholas was surprised since he could already see his stats without being awakened.

Nicholas: *And its good to know that there will be inventories after awakening, this world is now starting to shape up into a game world.* he thought

Count Curtana: "Still, I was surprised that you already have multiple normal tier stats without going through awakening. Keep up the good work, and maybe someday you will have great achievements in our county." he said this with a genuine smile on his face, feeling proud of his son.

After conversing more about mundane things about his father, he left the room, fixed his hair, and went back to his own room to rest while continuing his planning for the future since he got new information about this world.

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