Another isekai but this time is a tentacle living armor

CH.16.1 traveling and city

Hi, author here how have you been? me? I been good... better...  not stressed... but you know... life

sooo... there season for my disappearance? (if it can be called that)

the reason is... because I'm right now in a... how is it called internship? the act of getting employed somewhere related to what you're studying while studying... whatever you understand... so because of that my time has been... drastically reduced... that and I forgot to stop writing and went over 9000!!! (words!!!)... yea... don't worry this one has 4.4k I divided it into 2...

that about it.

enjoy the chapter...




I was seated with my legs crossed one over the other at the front looking to the sky, we were on a gravel road on some... plains for a lack of a better description... my hair was fluttering against the wind made possible by the horse moving faster than any normal horse could, the ride was nice thanks to all the quality of life things I did to the wagon like a suspension... shock absorber... a differential axis... comfy seats... lather tires (i still don't have rubber, I'm not making it out of my membrane I want to attract investors, make money and other things)... amongst other more simple things like reinforcing some structurally weak points with metal...

and yes I found what looked like a rubber tree but I have yet to process its sap to know for sure and yes I got the sapling and I sent it to my dimension if it is, nice. if it isn't then it's a really interesting tree.

I also should say that... I have been experimenting with bringing plant life inside, after all... thanks to some small...time manipulation now I have quite the place I even added some small animals like rabbits, not the horned ones mind you, but some of the other "safe" wild animals I've been capturing... and as I said... I have quite the place now...

now I should talk about the small things that happened before and after we left the village...


//flashback noises//

I'm standing in the back of the wagon with a sort of nervous Luna looking into the street waiting for Grace who I'm debating if I should murd... no... I should leave...  or maybe I should fuck her brain out... hmmm so many choices...


-oh! there she is... ok, Luna hop on(Blake)

I said while jumping into the back of the wagon I could see Grace getting closer and I'm still undecided... but that will have to wait...

-Luna what's the matter? (Blake)

she didn't board the wagon as I told her to... essentially disobeying a direct command which is weird for her...

-I'm sorry mistress... right... away... (Luna)

she then proceeded to turn around and slowly placed one of her hands into the wagon, but I can see it... she is trembling... *sigh* why didn't I notice it before... she must have some sort of psychological trauma... I'm not surprised, but I have to help her... so I quickly jumped down beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder catching her attention, surprising her... she clearly was in an internal conflict.

-close your eyes and turn into your fox form (Blake)

I told her in the calmest voice I could... this, she did without asking then I picked her up and jumped into the cart before placing her on my lap her three tails hiding her face...but even after all of this she is still afraid... trembling... but well these kinds of things take time... and that's exactly what we have... that and a few peaches all in the name of getting her over her trauma... come to think of it the trauma must extend to enclosed and tight places... no, she might have been scared on the tent and cave, but she wasn't... then... cages... gotta watch out for those.

Grace finally arrived and I told her to act as the driver while she tells me what I asked her to listen to for me.

also, that ale barrel on the inventory is tempting... I hear it's better, not cold but a bit warm...




once we were on the road there wasn't much action... no bandits... no goblins, no monsters, no nothing... but I'm not bored I can't get enough of Luna's Kitsunemimi1(fox characteristics in Japanese not an exact translation but it what it means)... she is less afraid right now... and it's sleeping peacefully...

well, it is still the first day...

sadly all the information I wanted... grace forgot... but she did remember that fight she had... why I'm not surprised... at least I managed to overhear something interesting... and that's that there is a humanized dragon Dragonoid apparently traveling on foot with a kidnaped children but why is that? I also overheard from a guard near the outskirts of the village where we departed that he was happy that he isn't stationed more north because apparently, their top brass are thinking of sending a small army to subjugate the Dragonoid and maybe save the girl... after all, it appears that a few C and B rank adventurer even a single rank A Parties have already tried it and none came back, mind you that for a rank A party to be credited as such every member must be around level 200-250 if what I know remains true...

now the two questions arise... what is it that the government wants to get with that Dragonoid and what is it that has me so interested in it

the first I presume to ether to gain the hearts and minds of the people by saving that girl... or maybe to drive of a dragon in the least or kill it and get materials... and I'm interested because... why not.

//flashback end noises//

"hmm" hum" *burp*

I think... I ate too much... *giggle* you two were delightful (Blake)

Grace and Luna are both on the floor of the wagon passed out and/or twitching in the aftereffect of the pleasure, don't worry there is a cloth covering the sides and a roof on top so no one can look from the outside... but, somehow I feel that's not true... *sigh*whatever I'll just have to...


I should clarify that Luna is sleeping more comfortably than Grace in this case not because of preference... but because... I haven't done anything to them both in the past 5-6 days till now that everything "exploded" in a way... this is because I was more concentrated on the girls and the new addition... training takes time you know? also, some... time dilation shenanigans also contributed... so what happened?

well... as I said... before I was annoyed with Grace and I could not decide on what to do, I had also somewhat helped Luna overcome her trauma... I think... I mean she now gets on the wagon on her own and she seats beside me.

as I look into the night sky... I couldn't help but to start to humm a song

"humm"humm" humm" humm" hummm" "humm"♫

Here we're frenzied by the illusion.♫
We're dying for a transfusion.♫
A cure to kill the virus in our midst.♫
This city needs a savior.♫
Healed by the Church's favor. ♫
Experimental taste of moonlight's bliss... ♫
it hasn't been that long since I last singed but I feel like I really needed it... especially since my voice now is more feminine.
I think I should give some updates on how are the different things going first...
ok... for starters we are about a day from the capital...
next would be... ah! right, I found out this world has 2 moons that orbit each other in a binary system, their main color is clearly white but they have their differences... one looks red-ish and the other looks bluer... it's really beautiful to look at, I didn't notice it before... the other moon must have been behind the other... and with the rather low amount of pollution, you can really see the stars, Grace didn't get my over-excitement but Luna sort of did, she even confessed that she actually looked at the night sky when she was depressed back when she was working for money, she got a full petting session after she said that.
next would be... the girl's training... Grace has been training them in sword and shield fighting, also resistance and strength I just wish she didn't call them weak each time they clashed on a spar, while Yume has been training them with stealth operations, meaning how to stay hidden and...
I haven't introduced Yume, right?
//flashback noises//
-now... what to do with you... (Blake)
shortly after we left the village I left luna sleeping on my lap and Grace as the driver then changed my perspective to my internal space and took a look at my guest, you know who I mean, not Riber, but her sister the succubus, I'm actually curious as for what she was doing there and not feeding, I mean there were no rumors of a succubus and no rumors of any weird deaths (from what I got) also because Luna defeated her relatively easily, I mean she is level 60 at the moment but this succubus is level 229, so by stats alone, Luna would have had a hard time... but this succubus fell without much of a fight...
I have... some ideas as to why... but...
it might have to do with the fact that her status said "famished/unstable" meaning that she is hungry and her mind isn't in the right place... so then comes the question of why is she famished she has her main food source right there... I don't know if "human" food can feed her but Riber although a little bit underweight wasn't famished... then... why... only one answer comes to mind (and this is considering the fact that she allowed me to move Riber out of the way) and that is that she is really her sister which makes me even more curious.
I mean in most stories you will find that they are lust-driven and don't get along with anyone other than their master, or someone that is strong and excites them but she went as far as to protect her even when she wasn't on her best moment.
and I already confirmed that neither River nor her have any type of mental conditioning, brainwashing, or suggestion... tho there are still some things I want to know about this girl in front of me so I'll keep tabs on what's happening on her hed.
-hmg... wha... am I? (succubus)
ha! there we go, now let's see her reaction to finding me seated on a corner at the foot of the bed... and maybe a little prank to test her.

/pov change (you know who, the succubus)/
ho...u... my head I feel as if I fell off a tree and got hit by a troll
-hmg... wha...
(what happen...)  ñm...I don't... recognize that roof... am I?
I moved trying to get out of the bed... but this soft mattress and bedspread are making it difficult... wait...soft bedspread... soft mattress, this... isn't my bed... I've been self confined to my bed so I know my bed
I jumped seated from the surprise and I saw someone seated on the bed, somehow I feel as if I have met her but I can't remember from where...
wait! do I have my disguise on?! sigh... I do...
-well aren't you a lively one (???)
!!!...I froze, by the 5 her voice is beautiful, she is beautiful her black hair... those eyes... she looks... delicious♥...
NO!! that's not who I am!!
-does your head hurt? here, luckily for you, I have something for it (???)
I felt something coming in my direction
-NO! get away from me!!
I could not help but try to block its approach in any way possible, I don't want anyone to approach me and in the act, I hit something with my hand sending it to fall to the floor
-well, that was wasteful... (???)
I heard her say in what appeared to be a bored tone I tried to move back as far as I could, I don't want to hurt anyone else, I want these thoughts to end!
-well... not that you are as far back why don't you tell me your name? mmm...? (???)
I uncovered my face and I looked at her and... she... fo... NO! I forcibly closed my eyes to not look at her
-please kill me! I don't want to hurt you!
-and why would I do that mmm? why would I need to kill you? why don't you calm down and...
I felt something new and my instincts are screaming at me of something dangerous, I opened my eyes to see again and I saw... it... a... tentacle just about to grab... her... and take her away... she hasn't done anything wrong, I jumped forward and pushed her out of the way to save her while I distract... this... tentacle... in front of my face... so that it takes me... and I can die.
there is some... thing coming out of it... I feel weird... I c..ant... thin..k strai...t
-ho? I see so you are a succubus, a demon, go ahead do it I know you want to (???)
I can feel my hunger I want to drink that... sweet... delicious...
I moved back with all my will trying to get away before I bumped into something and I heard a voice beside me in my ear
-why do you reject it? your body is not that of a human, you have a tail, wings, and horns. (???)
I looked down and I saw that which I hate about myself the black wings folded forward and a gray tail that was coming from my back and moved forward that ended with a heart tip, I started trembling, my disguise came undone
-it's because of your sister, isn't it? it's because you don't want to hurt her right? (???)
-please... just... kill me... the longer stay alive... it's more likely that I attack you and her...
I can't do it myself... my sister would know and my soul would go to purgatory... I just want to protect her... I have to protect her for our parents... even if... it's from myself.
- tell me why do you want me to kill you? (???)
I hesitated... I could not escape as she had me in a tight grip
-when she was born... I promised... our parents that I'll keep her safe... and made it again when they fell but... I've been losing control... I manage to stop myself just before but... I don't know till when, or if will I attack her or anyone else!
my eyes got teary
-so you hate yourself because of it? you want me to kill you just because it will keep your sister safe from you? then who will take care of your sister then, hum...? she will lose her sister, her only family left... you don't even know what she could do she might even lose her life because you weren't there, she might even become a slave! (???)
tears fell from my eyes
-then what can I do!?
she looked me in my tear-filled eyes and with her soft finger removed my tears softly
-the way I see it, you have two choices, I let you go to try to solve this on your own... or... (???)
I see her looking over my shoulder toward my crotch and it's making me heat up even more so now that she is getting closer to that place with her hand, making a bulge appear on my panties.
-you see, a succubus will only be at her strongest when she gets her crest right here... (???)
she there proceeded to rise the part of my clothes that covered it and indicated an area with her soft finger, it felt good.
-this crest has two meanings and multiple functions... but that doesn't matter right now, what matters is its second meaning and that is that indicates visually that succubus has a master, someone she is fully devoted to... I want you to make me that person... of course, succubus nature allows them to get out but... if you accept... you won't be able to. (???)
her hand then moves lower and... I started feeling shocks, my body started twitching as her fingers moved, it felt... good, my body wanted more but I was resisting, and she appeared to enjoy my reaction.
-to make it appear is simple you just have to cum by my hand while thinking of me, that's all. so... stop me. or don't. your choice. (???)
it feels good... her fingers feel good... my voice won't come out... my breathing is irregular... but I can't stop thinking about my little sister I now understand that I can't leave her alone now, not now, not ever.
-oh and if you are wondering about your sister... don't worry. regardless of your choice, I'll take care of her. (???)
she'll take care of Riber...?
at that moment... I felt as if a weight was lifted from my body, and I knew there is only one choice where I'll be able to stay close to her...
then... unconsciously. I moved my body wanting more.
-I see... so you made your choice (???)
-haa~ haa~♥
she kept playing with me she moved her fingers with a clear intent and now that she knew my choice she became relentless, and now she is even using her other hand to play with my breast... it feels good, she carcasses me so slowly yet down she is wild, and my extra member is showing it... it's standing proud aiming towards the sky.
-Your ears look delicious *ñom*(???)
-nyoo~ ! not my ear
all my body is hot I...I can't... stop it! she, her hands feel so good, it's making my head fuzzy.
something... something is coming!
-ha...a~ ♥haa~♥ wha...ts... this...! I...! I...! am scared!!
-don't worry... just concentrate. on the sound... of my voice~. don't resist it... cum... let it happen... and scream... scream as much as you like♥  (???)
who...? who is her? the person that I choose as my master
!!! 2/flashback to previous chapter where blake presented herself/
I remember now! her name
-I'm! I'm!! I'm cumming~!!!♥ I'm coming by blake's mistress's hand!!
-*giggles*well, aren't you a messy one? you covered all your body and bedsheets in your white cum... you also remembered my name. *giggles* good girl but what's important now... (Blake)
I fell, tired backwards while she took out her fingers that were inside me below my penis on my womanhood and showed me how her hand was coated with all of the juices before she drank it all.
-mmm...! delisious♥~ well, now that I have eaten. there is something else we need to take care of. but... before that... your name? (Blake)
I slowly came back to my senses when I heard her and wondered, what she meant as she looked at me with her slightly red eyes before she put my head on her lap.
-Yume... (Yume)
she smiled at me
-now, Yume, as my property, I will take care of you. so, first of all, you must eat. normal human food will only get you so far... but you need to "eat" something, and that is something that you have been rejecting. (Blake)
suddenly the tentacle that I had forgotten appeared in front of me and I tensed up... I'll lose my virginity to a tentacle and not to my mistress! and my mistress will get attacked! I must protect her!!
I tried to move to protect her but I was softly but swiftly pushed down... by my own mistress, so I looked at her worried and pleading for her to run. but she just smiled and giggled
-*giggle* don't worry it's a part of me, I need to feed you after all (Blake)
as I looked back at where the tentacle was I could see it now closer to my face and I felt as the two soft hands of my mistress secured my head
-don't be scared... just close your eyes and listen to my voice. (Blake)
I looked at the tentacle and I saw it coming from over my mistress's shoulder I tried to calm down and did as I was told.
-open wide♥~ (Blake)
at that instant, I felt as if something latched into my face covering my open mouth preventing me from closing my jaw by pressing on my cheeks it's uncomfortable.
-now relax... this might feel uncomfortable at first (Blake)
now I feel as if something is entering my mouth and it queeps on going entering my throat, it hurts a bit and I'm feeling desperate my hands moved to try to remove it but were stopped as I felt as they were graved and pulled down.
-mmhhmm!! (Yume)
-calm down you are in no danger, you can open your eyes if you want now. (Blake)
as I opened them I saw that same tentacle going into my mouth and I felt weird, it felt even weirder as it started going back out just to go inside faster again.
-how does it feel to give your first deep throat? (Blake)
-mhm! (Yume)
I didn't know where to look at... the wiggly tentacle, my throbbing body... or her eyes... her now more red eyes as she smiled at me
I don't know when but it started to feel good and it just got faster and faster.
-now...for the final (Blake)
suddenly it entered deep really deep fast. I think I could feel it inside my stomach only to start to feel full and I felt weird as it came back up and I could taste something salty-sweet left in my mouth.
I felt it as it left my mouth. and as the tentacle released my mouth from its strong grasp.
-good girl, now rest. let your body consume your food. we found a little bit of a problem... but it can be solved, so when you wake up, well get right into it. (Blake)
I felt as my consciousness plummeted into the land of dreams and I could only hear murmurs
- what do you mean it didn't work? (Blake)
it's my mistress's voice
-I see. I'll get the altar ready (Blake)
before I finally fell asleep I felt a hand on my head petting me
-sleep tight Yume you'll have a long day ahead of you (Blake)
that's the last thing I heard while feeling something weird on my ear before falling into sleep

//flashback end noises// pov change 3(i gave you Yume's pov to change things up but if you want blake's tell me)
playing with Yume is really fun, really tasty, and surprisingly filling more than Grace and Luna could, part of the reason as to why I haven't fuck her brain out... yet.
I mean even if she is a succubus she didn't have any experience whatsoever before she met me even now she is still a virgin... I'll feel bad if I brake her just by showing her how good it feels to get fucked especially for succubi, after all, the first time she got scared by just me masturbating her (too much stimulation) so after feeding her I put her to sleep with the little tentacle that I had inside her ear
so I'm taking my time with her, slowly getting her accustomed because (as sis explained) succubus has two development stages that can vary greatly well actually three... but the extra one gets combined with the second one being an intermediate or transitional one.
so... the first one is their young stage where they can be similar to humans or demons but without any extra parts like tails wings or horns, part of the reason for their limited body morphing capabilities hiding their inhuman parts and whatnot in later stages, they also at this stage don't need to get the "life essence of other living beings" meaning HP and MP  but can live off of it (but don't have the taste for it) but also "human food" the only difference is their sharp nails normally lasting up to anywhere between 15 to 20 years old.
the second stage is when they reach "true" adulthood and... normally they are accustomed already to high levels of stimulation from younger being a lust-driven species and all... this is where they develop their wings, tail, and horns and are fully capable and dependant on living solely of life essence they also become considerably stronger and faster the "disadvantage" is that they get an increased sensitivity... exponentially fast hence the preparation. this one starts from anywhere between 15 to 20 years old and this is because it normally starts right after the first stage.
then there is the intermediate were it starts right after the first stage and ends at the start of the last stage, it is called an intermediate because it's a sort of incomplete adulthood where the major difference is that they developed a taste for the life essence, or they could develop their tail and stumps for their horns there are other changes but normally are not considered because this "stage" is a rare sight so there is little documentation...
now that you know that back to Yume proper... and I now finally know most if not all the needed answers and the first one is that she's...
... oh! come on!! I was about to say it... *sigh* if you are wondering about that sound it's a little something that me and sis installed into the system that looks for a certain amount of "enemy" on an area on my map and if it exceeds a certain amount it instantly notifies me with a rather loud alert... ok I'm pretty sure you can figure it out on your own so I'm going to see what is it that triggered the... oh...!
oh... that's...
that's not good...
not good at all...
how far am I from the city...?
about an hour now... I might have misjudged the distance... or... my horse speed... or the length of explaining who Yume is... whatever I should start seeing it soon... and it looks like neither Grace nor Luna will wake up any time soon...
ok so... how far are they from my position...? about... 4-5 hours?
and judging by their movement direction they are heading for... *sigh* the city...
why am I not surprised... ok... what to do...
oh, I can see a majestic castle on top of a small hill surrounded by what appears to be mansions of different sizes, and after that at the foot of the hill a massive town surrounded by massive walls, now... should I turn around or should I continue...?
ñe, yolo I'm going in I'll send Luna and Grace to my dimension so that they can rest and I won't need to explain why is it that they are passed out on the wagon I'll also place some boxes with some ingots, and some veggies to pass for a small-time merchant coming to restock...
of course, there is a line for entering

I hope you enjoyed it... if you found any misspellings please let me know in the comments... if you enjoyed it please also leave a comment... or if you have a suggestion do leave a comment I will take a look at it and I most probably will contact you to discuss how to implement it :V



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