Angel Fall

Chapter 2: Afterglow

After the birth Laurelai lay there for a day and a night recovering while Liliamma tended to her, and she cooed over her newborn child. When she finally got up and released the wards, she’d didn’t know precisely what she would find, but there was no one outside of her cave, and no signs that anyone had tried to breach it during her long absence. 

Instead, the view revealed a picturesque fall night within the walled monastery, and the only lights in view were in the main building of the Abbey. From here Laurelai could only see enough to note that little had changed, but she could here the sounds of distant screaming, though she smiled as she noted that the voice did not appear to be in pain.

“Stay here with Hope,” Laurelai said, feeling a pang of worry both at being separated from her young child for the first time, and for leaving them in the care of a demoness. No matter how much magic might bind the succubus, so she could not betray Laurelai, there was something wrong about trusting anything infernal. 

“Of course, Mistress,” the demoness purred, taking the child back inside out of the chilly night. 

As Laurelai walked down to the Abbey, she was struck with a thought. Both she and her child were touched by the infernal. Though neither of them were truly demonic, it was clear that little Hope was close. Did that mean she could never truly trust her own child without some sort of binding sigil as well? Laurelai shook free of the thought. It was the wrong thing to be worrying about in this moment. She needed to focus on how to win the order to her side.

Though as she continued walking and saw more than one trust occurring amidst the shadowy trees she thought that perhaps that wasn’t going to be as hard as she feared it would be. Some continued feverishly fucking as she walked past, but other paused long enough to view the angel out for a stroll, and only resumed their fornication once she was well past. 

She must be quite the sight, she realized as she continued. Her was tied around her, but only partially, lending it the appearance of a skirt as she walked topless through a holy site, anyone could watch her heavy, milky breasts bouncing with every step. On any other night she was certain that the monks would have arrested or attacked her for such a thing, but on this night, no one did anything at all as she walked to the main hall.

The long, austere room was normally empty except during meal times or important meetings. Right now though, it was full of men and women in an orgy that had obviously been going on for hours and showed no signs of stopping soon.

“Mmmmm, there she is,” A woman moaned, “our goddess has arrived.”

Laurelai blushed at the sacrilegious compliment. She should never be compared to the goddess above. At least it should never come from the moth of a goddess fearing devotee, but here she was, basking in the attention. 

More whispers and moans evoked her name as she walked, through the room, observing the dizzying varieties of coupling that filled the room. Until recently, many of the people here were virgins, but now they were lost in their libidinous urges, and it made her wonder how she’d underestimated her own power so far. Until now, she’d only focused on how much her holy light had diminished when she’d been tainted and how much her physical strength had decreased when she’d become a woman, but perhaps she’d been looking at that all wrong. Perhaps she’d lost none of her former potency, and instead it had been transformed to an entirely different and more erotic set of powers.  

The men and women that were fucking on the floor near where she passed reached out to touch the hem of her robe like she was a saint, as she beheld every variety of sinful fornication that the perverse human mind could hope to design. There were men fucking men and women with women, but things did not stop with a single partner. Since there were far more men here than there were women, most of the nuns had two or three partners at once, and were glorying in the attention.

There were a few people near the back of the room though, that looked less than happy, and instead of joining in with their fellows they stood against the wall in judgement of them. 

“There she is!” a crone that she remembered from the council yelled, pointing her bony finger at Laureli. “There is the whore who has brought ruin to our sacred monastery! Seize her!”

Laurelai didn’t slow her steps, and only smiled as the men approached her with bo staffs in hand. When the first two got close enough she simply murmured, “You do not need those weapons, and you will not touch me.” And just like that they began to obey her. One at a time the four men dropped their weapons as the heat shimmer of lust radiating from her was enough to melt even their devote hearts in a few seconds. In the end only one of them struggled against her for more than a few seconds, and she walked up to him and whispered, “the only thing you need fear is wasting your youth resisting the pleasures I could show you,” before kissing him on the cheek. 

That was enough to shatter his resistance immediately, and he began tearing at his clothes to join the orgy that was still happening around him. Laurelai would have loved to stop and watch to see who and what the neophyte gravitated toward, but she continued walking slowly toward the matron that seemed to be at the center of some kind of resistance against her. 

“You dare show your face and your … your… naked breasts to all these devout people? After what you’ve done you’ll be beheaded!” the crone shrieked. 

“What I’ve done?” Laurelai asked. “I came here to be purified, and it was only when I realized that was impossible that I decided that I had another purposed.”

“We took you in!” the old woman shouted. “We care for you and this is how you repay our trust?”

“I will forever be in your debt while you sheltered me from my enemies in heaven. Thank you for you.” Laurelai said honestly. “How else would you expect me to repay such a gift than by sharing the truth with you: there is no eternal reward waiting for you that will equal the joys of the flesh taking place all around you.”

“Blasphemy!” the woman shouted, and several of the people standing with her nodded in agreement, echoing her sentiment more quietly. 

“All new religions are Blasphemy,” Laurelai agreed, “But I have seen the truth, and it is that Goddess cannot save the world, or if she can, she chooses not to. If we follow all the moralizing rules and laws set down from heaven then hell will win and turn all of creation into a cursed place, and I can never allow that to happen.”

“It is not your place to decide these things!” the woman shouted, though this time Laurelai noted that her fervor was beginning to abate as the power of her magics wore away even the strongest of resistance. The rest of her sycophants had gone quiet now, and though the old woman hadn’t yet noticed, Lauralei knew that she had merely to give the word, and they would all bend to her will.

“Is it that you are too old?” Laurelai asked. “Is it that you fear you’ve wasted your youth and that the pleasures of the flesh are forever denied to you?”

“How dare you!” the crone screeched, reaching for Laureli to throttle her with both hands. 

Laurelai side stepped the clumsy gesture and instead kissed the other woman full on the mouth for several seconds, shocking the other woman into submission as the lust she radiated sank deeper into the old woman’s soul. 

“Such problems can be fixed,” Laurelai whispered. “I’ll bet you were quite the beauty in your time, wouldn’t you like to be again? Wouldn’t you like to bask in the pleasure of your fellow worshipers? All you need do is say please…”

“Never,” she managed to say, as Laurelai stepped so close to the other woman that she was practically touching her with her leaking nipples. There was no fire in her words now though. She’d lost, and all she needed was a little push. 

“Never?” Laurelai purred. “Never is a long time not to suck on my my breasts or beg the men in this room to give you a baby like me. Are you sure that’s something you can just let go of?”

“A baby?” the other woman asked. “At my age? I? No - no, that’s impossible.”

“I assure you that it isn’t,” Laurelai said, leaning close enough that her lips grazed the other woman’s ear. “Most of the women in this room will be pregnant by the end of the week, and the rest will be by the end of the month even if I have to use magic to restore the fertility they never had. I could do the same for you. For humanity to survive we will need to have more babies than you could possibly imagine.”

“P-Please,” she said finally, with tears rolling down her cheeks. “I always thought that motherhood was lost to me, but if you could give me that…”

“Shhhh,” Laurelai said, wiping away the older woman’s tears for bringing the other woman’s head to suckle at Laurelai’s angelic breasts. “Drink of me and you will be saved.”

The old woman sucked at her tit, first hesitantly, and then greedily as she began to devour the milk, sending a thrill of pleasure through Laurelai’s body. As a result of her pregnancy her breasts were larger and more sensitive than ever, and while she was in no shape to enjoy sex yet, the familiar suckling sensation made her ache for it as she watched the years melt off the older woman. A moment ago she’d looked nearly seventy with thin white hair and a shriveled up body. Now she was perhaps forty and her hair had darkened once more. In another few moments she was in her thirties and her breasts had swelled once more so that they were now easily visible beneath her plain gray robes, and even the nun's hair had started to take on the red highlights of her auburn color.

That was when Laurelai pulled the woman away, and then pulled at the sash of her robe, suddenly, and quite unexpectedly showing the matron’s newfound nubileness to a room full of men. For a moment she tried to cover herself.  

“Do not be afraid,” Laurelai whispered as she peeled the clothing off the suddenly young woman. “Let them see, Let them desire you. Do not deny yourself as you’ve denied yourself for so long. Only your lust can keep your ageless beauty intact now, and you must embrace it.”

Though most of the men in the room had no interest in the little psychodrama that was playing out some looked at the woman that Laurelai was showing off with need burning in their eyes. Laurelai could hardly blame them. Her firm apple sized breasts were the perfect counterpoint to her dangerously fertile hips, and the angel was fairly certain that this woman would not take long to conceive her first child. 

Laurelai paused a moment to watch as a tide of men engulfed the formerly old woman, though she seemed to be a hesitant virgin no longer. In less than a minute she was being spit roasted by two handsome young men and learning just what a waste her decades of virginity had been. The angel stayed long enough to watch the woman climax the first time, and then once that was done, she continued on, heading towards the library. As much as she would love to stay and watch, she had questions that needed answering, and only the archives of the Malchien Order could provide those answers.

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