Angel Fall

Chapter 18: Bitch

Content warning: This chapter contains supernatural beastiality, exhibitionism, and shame. 

Their time in the void together felt like an eternity. During that time, Laurelai had the time to memorize every vein and bump on the hellhound's dick as they sped to the light of creation in the distance. In all ways except for mentally, though, it was instantaneous, because neither Laurelai nor the demon that was inside her had the chance to move a muscle before they arrived at their destination. 

Then, just as suddenly as they disappeared from hell, they reappeared on the cold stone floor that was utterly different from where they had left. A quick look around revealed several things to Laurelai immediately: it was cold, it was night, and they were back in creation. Judging by the summoning circle that surrounded them, they were likely in some warlock’s lair. 

But the hellhound’s cock was still inside her. 

“Well, look at that,” a strange voice called out from somewhere behind her that Laurelai couldn’t see. A two for one deal. I’d heard that that could happen, but I’d never seen it for myself. A succubus getting fucked by a demon dog. How utterly delightful.”

“G-ghet him offf meeeee…” Laurelai moaned. As the thick cock started to slide slowly out of her. 

“Oh no, that’s quite alright. You two finish up, and then I’ll seal my contract for Rexanthnoktunel to hunt down the man that’s been causing me so many problems. We’ve got plenty of night ahead of us, and a growing young succubus like you needs to be fed.”

“I’m nahh… nahht a succuuunnnhhhhh…” Laurelai moaned as the hellhound slammed his dick home once more. He obviously had no intention of stopping until he’d reached his terrible climax, but that didn’t mean Laurelai was going to sit idly by and allow it. Even now, the wan rays of moonlight were regenerating her. Seconds in creation did more for her celestial body than a night of rest in hell ever could. 

“Not a succubus?” the mage laughed. “My dear, what else would you be? A damned soul wouldn’t have wings… nor would she be able to survive the fiery lust of her bestial lover for this long. 

Laurelai tried to stand to force the demon off of her and escape, but it responded by biting her neck and shoulder as it continued to pump in and out of her with its short, inhuman strokes. It was a violation every bit as inhuman as the tentacle monster that had practically drowned her or the tanglers that they’d used to molest her body so often in the demon lord’s pleasure garden. That was bad enough, but even worse was how much she loved it. Something about the strange heat and the terrible weight of the beast on top of her, was so humiliating that it made her pussy spasm over and over again, helpless against the force that was ravaging her. 

“Don’t bother trying to escape. I assure you that the circle is quite demon proof.” The mage said, finally stepping out of the shadows where she could see him. “Once the hound has finished with you, then I can do my business with it. After that is done, we will see if you and I can come to some sort of arrangement.” 

The man was older, but his face was more ravaged by the evil magic he used than his age. It left his skin sallow and his cheeks thin, but his eyes burned with evil. This was exactly the sort of man that Laurelai would have struck down on sight not so long ago, and now she was being forced to watch him leer at her while she was used by a demon. It revolted her, and made her hyper aware of exactly what she must look like to him right now. Not only were her tits bouncing lewdly with every thrust, but she was gasping and moaning like a true bitch in heat as the pleasure overwhelmed her. 

“Please… please… don-don’t make me nnnhhhhh do this…” Laurelai begged. Her pride had long since been destroyed by the delights of hell, but she was desperate to preserve the tiny scraps of dignity that she had left. Dignity that would burst into flames entirely if she was forced to cum on the dick of this… this animal. 

“Now now,” the evil sorcerer muttered, “I’m sure a bitch like you would love nothing more than for me to stick my dick in there and face fuck you while you drain that hellhound, but it’s much too dangerous for me to cross the circle until the contracts are in place.” 

Bitter tears of frustration leaked out of the corner of Laurelai’s eyes. Not because the bastard was wrong, either, but because he was right. She could see the bulge pressing against that bastard’s dark robes, and she could smell his precum. If she couldn’t escape from the monster pistoning in and out of her pussy, then the least she could do was drown the part of her mind that still knew how to think into pleasure enough to short circuit it. 

That was already happening, but it wasn’t fast enough. The pain from the teeth on her neck were blending in with the pleasure of being used like a breeding bitch, and the combination was mixing with her revulsion of the situation to create a terrible vortex of pleasure deep inside of her that was slowly but surely pulling her mind and soul into that dark bubbling tar. 

“Nnnnhhhh… Nnoohhh… n-not like, ohhhhh fuuuuck, nhatttt like this….” she moaned. 

Laurelai wanted to fight against it, but she was drowning, and the way that it stuck to her was suffocating. This wasn’t like the other orgasm she’d had in hell. They’d somehow erased the wrongness of what she’d done with ineffable pleasure that made everything that had just happened to her okay in the afterglow. Whether it was because she was used by a partner that revolted her though, or because the abomination was happening under the light of creation where her goddess could see her, Laurelai didn’t know, but either way, the way her orgasm washed over her made her sick, but not so much much that she wasn’t craving another, and another after that. She would never be clean, but in that sweet moment of oblivion, at least she wouldn’t have to feel the greasy feel of shame that completely suffused her now. 

Laurelai was so lost in her waves of disgusting pleasure that when the hound stopped thrusting and started howling, she didn’t realize exactly what was happening. It wasn’t until she felt the first shot of molten cum bathe her cervix in pure pain that she figured it out. That was when she started screaming. 

“My, someone is enjoying themselves,” the warlock taunted. 

Laurelai couldn’t respond, though. All she could do was glare at the wicked man through her tears. His time would come soon. She’d rip his fucking head off when this mutt got off of her, and that was still a better death than he deserved. 

Not even the satisfaction of knowing that his breaths were numbered helped with the agony at the hound's molten cum filled her. The only thing that helped was when the pain overloaded her so much that it made her cum, while she screamed in ecstasy one more time because of a mind-bending orgasm that made her lose consciousness for a few seconds. When she woke up, she was on the ground and the hellhound was standing over her. Disturbingly though, it was still inside her, and when she tried to pull away from it, it growled threateningly at her, sending a shiver of fear down Laurelai’s spine. 

In away her current predicament was even more humiliating than getting fucked had been, because now she was still chained to her inhuman lover, but she was getting no pleasure from the act to outweigh the shame of it. It was simply revolting. 

“Not having fun anymore?” The warlock taunted. “Maybe you should be more discerning in choosing your next partner, and not just jump on the first dick you find.” 

“Does it look like I wanted this?” Lauralei pouted. 

“Do I look like someone who cares what you want?” the warlock retorted, souring her mood further. “I don’t care how nice your tits are. If you keep whining, I’ll send you right back to the pit and summon a more tractable demon slut to service me instead. She won’t smell like molten tar and wet dog, either.” 

That at least silences Laurelai for a moment. The stupid mage that was berating her didn’t seem to realize she wasn’t a succubus, but he probably could send her back to one of the hells as long as she was in his circle. So she laid there quietly until, almost half an hour later, she felt the uncomfortable pressure in her sex begin to subside. By that point she was beyond disgust and felt merely apathetic about the whole thing more than anything. What had happened to her was just one more violation in a long series of violations, and all she could do, now that she was back in creation, was to make sure it was the last.  

Laurelai waited until the warlock’s back was turned, and he was paying attention to something else, and then she finally crawled forward, letting the hellhounds deflated doggy dick slip wetly out of her as she moved forward. Unlike the demon, who physically couldn’t move past the barrier, when she moved her hand passed it she felt only a slight tingle, and a bit of vague resistance or pressure. That didn’t stop her from moving forward, though. When she was halfway out, she felt the barrier catch again on her, and this time it took a little bit of force to finish crawling out of the ring. She cursed the evil glyph that was on her again, certain that had been the hang-up, and then slowly rose to her feet. 

The warlock was still mixing some powder or another in a mortar and pestle, and he was taken completely by surprise when she grabbed him by the throat. “Any reason you can think of that I should let you live?” 

“What?” the warlock yelled, “That’s impossible. Demon’s can’t escape circles of the Archmagus Starken!” 

Laurelai just laughed, picking up a wicked looking ceremonial dagger from a nearby workbench. “I tried to tell you I was an angel, not a demon, while you let that monster rape me, but you weren’t interested.”

“An angel? A female fallen angel? But that makes no sense,” he struggled weakly in her grip. 

“Nothing needs to make sense to a deadman,” she said, raising the knife.

“But an angel wouldn’t be in hell, and even if she was, there was no way that she could get pregnant!” the Warlock pleaded, still more focused on being right than his own impending execution. 

The word pregnant shocked Laurelai to her core, and she dropped the knife as she released her prisoner, looking down at the small but noticeable baby bump. Until this moment she hadn’t noticed it, but not that he’d pointed it out to her, she couldn’t unsee it. 

“Wha… what? Why? I can’t be pregnant, I can’t be.” Laurelai caressed her belly as she tried to penetrate the illusion, but there was no way around it. There was a new life growing inside her, and it was filled with the terrible evil that was the demon lord Thraxis Bel. 

“How? The how is simple, my dear.” The Warlock corrected her. “When a woman has demonic sex without the proper precautions, then anything can—” 

Laurelai glared at the human, hating him more for his stupid response. “I don’t care how it happened. I want it gone, you understand? You’re an evil wizard. You can do that, can’t you?” 

The warlock looked from her to her belly and back again. For once, he didn’t say anything stupid. He just looked at her and shrugged.

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