Angel Fall

Chapter 15: Need

Content warning: This chapter contains magical coercion, masturbation, exhibitionism, and humiliation.

The world looked different after the storm had passed. The mountains were still there, where they always were, but what she’d thought of as the boulder field had changed shape entirely. Most of what had been above the sand was covered, and only this building and a few others now stood in a sea of sand. Laurelai looked back briefly, conflicted on some level. 

Her short stay with the succubus had been one of the nicest parts of hell, and she was sad that it had ended so soon. Laurelai wouldn’t mind staying, of course, but then she hadn’t been given that choice. One day, when she was free from both the pit and her crest, she would see Lilliamma again. She was sure of it. 

She shook her head to clear it of such thoughts. Giving in would have been the easiest thing in the world, but even in a comfortable room she was still in the bowels of hell, and a comfortable prison was a prison all the same. Reluctantly, Laurelai took to the sky, feeling more rested than she had in a long time. She’d fly as long as it took to get free from this bleak place. Once she was back in creation, she could spare some time for happiness if she happened to cross paths with another woman half as beautiful as that succubus. 

After that, the days began to blur together, and she could really only keep track of them based on where she’d been. 

It wasn’t the fatigue that was the cause of her loss of focus, though. It was her ever-growing arousal. That crone had put at least one of the curses she’d mentioned on her. It was a sensation that was so acute it was almost painful. Slowly, day by day, and hour by hour, it began to gnaw at her, in much the same way that she imagined hunger would gnaw at a starving man. After two days without sex it was merely a distraction, but after four, it was a constant, throbbing need. During every break she took to rest her wings, she would find her hand sliding slowly down to her eager sex as she idly fantasized about one of the awful encounters she’d been subjected to, and it took an act of will to physically pull it away. 

From then on, she spent half the time looking out for the dangers of hell, and the other half trying to convince herself that it would be okay to find somewhere nice and safe to play with her pussy. Just for a little bit. All she needed was one or two orgasms. She was sure of it. After that, she could get back to focusing on what was important. 

It became almost an act of penance to resist that endless throbbing need, and on the fifth day, when she’d found a relatively safe place to sleep in the shade of a boulder that teetered on the edge of the chasm, she finally had to give in. The whole hillside leading up the chasm was dotted with trees that had long since died, and it was as close to hidden as she’d be likely to find in this wasteland. She’d tried to sleep of course, telling herself that it would be better when she woke up. She knew it was a lie, of course, but it was one that she desperately wanted to believe. Sleep didn’t cum, though. Instead, the only things that greeted her were lust and need. 

Eventually she gave in, spreading her legs, and telling herself that just one orgasm would be enough to earn her a few hours rest, and that no one could possibly find her so far in the middle of nowhere. She was wrong on both counts. Her slender fingers found her smooth cunt drenched, which wasn’t a surprise. 

What was a surprise, though, was how unsatisfying she found the sensation as she slid two fingers inside her slick slit. It has to be inexperience, she thought as she sighed slightly. She’d never actually masturbated before. She knew it was possible of course, and that it was a sin, but she’d never actually tried to touch herself until this desperate moment. It felt good, of course, but not nearly as good as it felt to be used by someone else. 

Laurelai moved her fingers to her clit and was rewarded by a few of the orgasmic sparks she’d been longing for, for days. It wasn’t enough - a real orgasm was still so far away that she couldn’t even see it from here, but just those small jolts of pleasure were enough for now. They were like a few drops of water for a man dying of thirst; they wouldn’t be enough to save him, but he’d still cherish them all the same. 

She closed her eyes and moved the other hand to her breast, First kneading it, then pinching it as she sought to increase the sensations in her desperate quest for an orgasm. It was only when she started to fantasize about being raped by demons that she started to moan, though. Even though she was free now, she couldn’t help but think about her time in captivity a few days ago. 

She flushed in shame and shut her eyes tighter to try to block out that feeling of humiliation, but she couldn’t do that any more than she could stop thinking about being spit roasted by two beastmen. As she imagined herself being face-fucked and while her pussy was battered by a strange cock almost as big as Siegebreaker’s from behind. 

“Ffffuuuu…” she gasped as her fingers began to blur. This was what she needed. She might hate it, but that didn’t matter to her body. All that mattered was the pleasure she was getting as her fingertips danced across her clit. Her first real orgasm finally exploded as she imagined that feeling of that unholy spunk corrupting her womb again. 

Her hips bucked off the ground, as she moaned and groaned in pleasure. “Nnnuuuhh… mmmm.” 

That set off a wave of titters nearby, and Laurelai’s eyes flew open. When she closed her eyes, she’d been alone, but now she had an audience of lesser imps and other minor evils watching her as she spasmed in the throes of orgasm. She was cumming too hard to count, but there were over a dozen, and every one of them was watching or jerking off while they watched the angel helplessly play with her pussy. As soon as they noticed that she’d noticed them, they began to laugh and jeer, making her flush with shame.

The worst part was that her show she was putting on didn’t stop because the foul creatures were watching her. If anything, it made the orgasm more intense as a second aftershock rippled through her trembling body at the revelation she’d been exposed like this. It was awful, and humiliating, but she wanted more. 

She knew she could kill any one of these little bastards without breaking a sweat. They were barely an annoyance to her, even in her current state, but to do that she would have to stop using her hands to pleasure herself, and right now that was impossible. Even though she knew they were watching her now, she still didn’t stop what she was doing, if anything she started to moan and whimper louder now that she had an audience. 

“Don’t - Don’t mmmm… Watch!” she cried out, “Leave me alone!” 

They didn’t listen, though, and she didn’t really want them to. She’d never utter such a terrible secret out loud, but finger fucking her hole with an audience of imps felt ten times better than whimpering in the shadow of her refugee, hoping not to get caught. 

There were more now. The more she writhed and moaned, the more of the vermin crawled out of the woodwork to watch the show. Were they drawn by the sounds she was making, she wondered, or was it the musky smell of her arousal? She doubted she would ever know a moment's peace until she escaped from hell, but right now she didn’t care. Right now her pleasure was rising right along with her fear as the number of eyes watching her practically doubled. 

There were enough of them now that if they attacked her, she might not be able to win, at least not without a weapon. What would they do to her, she wondered? Would she be the helpless star of yet another gangbang? Would she try to struggle, or would she just let them take whatever they wanted and hope to find a few scraps of pleasure for herself in the chaos? 

Then, without warning, they suddenly scattered. For a moment, Laurelai wondered what had scared them off, and then suddenly an actual demon landed not ten feet from her. He was over six feet tall, with a tarnished bronze cuirass and a sword in his hand. The fact that he was undeniably handsome, and sported not one but two throbbing erections, instantly identified him as an incubus. Before this change… before Laurus had become Laurelai he’d faced off against the awful things in creation a number of times. 

They existed to seduce mortal woman, and drag them to hell to create all manner of lesser hellspawn. They were a true menace, and the flip side of the coin to succubi. Never once in all that time though had Laures wondered what it would be like to cum on one or both of those cocks though. Right now that was all Laurelai could think of though. 

“Well what have we here,” he gloated, shamelessly looking over her vulnerable body. “An angel whore in heat? That’s not something you find every day, even outside of hell.” 

“S-stay away from me,” she stammered, trying not to moan out loud. 

It was as much of a defense as she could muster as the demon advanced on her. He wasn’t in a hurry. She wasn’t prey that needed to be hunted down. She was a meal waiting to be devoured. 

“I wonder if that little mark tells me who you belong to,” he smiled. It was impossible to miss her lewd crest right now. Even in the full light of day, it was still glowing bright enough to be clearly visible. At night, it would have been brighter than the halo she used to have. “Maybe after I’m through using you, I’ll bring you back to your owner. I’m sure a demon capable of marking an angel could reward me handsomely…”

“No!” she cried out, holding up her left hand in defense, even as the incubus advanced on her. She didn’t stop playing with her clit, though. Instead, she spread her legs ever so slightly as the incubus advanced, both of his throbbing erections bobbing with every step as he prepared to claim both her holes for himself. 

But even as she prepared to surrender, chains suddenly ripped up out of the ground, wrapping around the surprised demon’s chest before dragging him down, pinning him helplessly to the cursed earth. 

“What in creation?” The angel whispered, looking from her outstretched hand to the demon and back again. Had she done that? Had used some sort of demonic magic to protect herself? She’d felt her mana surge for an instant as it happened, but she had no idea how she’d done it. 

“You bitch!” The demon spat as it struggled. “When I break free, I’m going to—”

“You’re going to what?” Laurelai stood, regarding the helpless demon with mixed emotions. On the one hand, she wanted to slay him and all of his filthy brethren, but on the other hand, she badly wanted to get fucked right now. Far from quenching her lust, the small orgasms her fingers had given her had only aroused her further. Even as she picked up the black iron sword that the demon had dropped, she knew that she wasn’t going to kill him. At least, not until after she’d finished using him for the only thing he could possibly give her.

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