An Incubus Life

Chapter 9 Iris

Patreon is up to Chapter 18, 9 chapters ahead...this will increase to 15 over the next few weeks, 2-3 per week

Chapter 9 Iris

Iris had been miserable since her parents moved them to Virginia from Seattle.  That had been three years ago.  Her parents worked for the Magus Arcanum Scholarium.  They were both tier 2 human mages and researchers.  Both her parents were tier 2 mages and she wasn’t even rated a tier 1 mage!  Being the daughter of two powerful mages who were esteemed researchers for the Magus Arcanum had made it hard on Iris.  You needed to have at least a tier 1 aether core to attend the Magus Arcanum schools.  With a tier 1 aether core, you could establish your mind space.  Once you had a mind space learning and magic became much easier. 

Iris had neither a tier 1 core nor mind space.  Iris had been reduced to learning from her parent's extensive library and attending a private non-arcanum high school.  Her parents were good people but not the best parents.  Iris blamed herself, she saw herself as a failure for not having at least a tier 1 aether core. She had worked ridiculously hard to learn what magic had.  She had learned four spells on her own.  She had a recall spell which was invaluable in her public school life.  Her fireball spell was small but a good offensive spell against normal threats.  The light spell was just the first spell she had ever learned and had good utility.  The fourth spell she knew was her sense aether spell.  That one she had just learned over the last three months to help her find the gateways to the transits.

Iris did have her true sight glasses but they only worked at seeing through tier 1 aether spells.  According to her books, she could use the sense aether spell as a sort of compass to locate a portal to a transit.  Transits were also sometimes called dungeons but her academic parents frowned when they were referred to as such. 

It had been four months since they had gone missing.  She had searched the parts of the house that her parents had not warded and all she could find was a map of the surrounding area with two large circles on it.  Her parents hadn’t shared much of their research but she did know they had ‘calculated’ two probable locations of transits.  She hoped the map printout wasn’t too old, each encompassed about a square mile. 

She had searched both areas and had come up empty both times.  If the portals were in the region on the map it didn’t mean they had to be on the ground.  They could be high in the air or underground.  So that is why she was frustrated in her search.  

She also knew in the back of her head that she was being stupid.  Even if she gained access to one of the transits the ecology inside would have tier 0, tier 1, and possibly tier 2 monsters.  With only a nerfed fireball spell she probably wouldn’t last long.  

She was working on learning the elemental shield spell now.  This spell shielded the caster from the environment.  Cold, heat, and toxic air would be filtered out.  But she was naive and she knew it.  She could perhaps sustain the spell for an hour with her pathetic aether pool. Hell, she didn’t even have enough aether to force the portal to a transit open. 

She was listening to a pdf on her phone using text-to-speech. The elemental shield spellbook was being read to her.  That was when she ran into someone and was knocked hard to the ground.  Her skirt rode up and she saw an open-mouthed boy looking at her underwear. 

She was going to yell at him but then realized his eyes glowed with the power of aether.  She didn’t recognize the boy and she knew everyone at her school with aether powers.  Her first thought was he was some type of shape changer and she grabbed her things to rush off. 

She asked a few people and found out the boy was Caleb Silversmith.  She watched him from afar but he made no aggressive moves toward her.  She would go home tonight and plan to encounter him tomorrow at school and ask him questions.  She drove her dad's pickup up the driveway and parked, mentally setting up her evening schedule.  She needed to study and she also needed money.  Her parents never told her about any relatives that she could ask.  Although they attended her grandfather’s funeral four years ago who was also a mage.

Walking up the steps to the house the boy, Caleb, from school stood up from the bushes.  She didn’t hear what he said just summoned fire and blasted him off his feet with her strongest offensive spell, draining most of her aether.  The boy fell back and was on fire.  At first, she was proud of herself but then watched as the pitiful boy stripped his shirt and struggled to get his jeans off.  He finally stood and was just as surprised as her that he had no burns.

Without hesitating she fired a much less powerful fireball at him, already knowing it wouldn’t do any damage.  She needed time to escape.  But the boy tackled her and held her arms above her head while straddling her chest.  His muscular chest and the warmth of his mostly naked body pressed her down.  It turned her on and she didn’t realize that he was using a spell on her.  The fucker was trying to charm her!  He was definitely here to rape or kill her or both! 

She got enough of her faculties to fake being charmed and got him in the house and allowed him to chase her into the containment circle in the basement.  This boy, Caleb, was an idiot.  She almost lost her shit again when he transformed into an incubus.  Incubi had a lust aura and she had started to succumb to it.  Damn her weak mental resistance!   

His incubi penis was immense.  It was as large as a horse's cock and it had distracted her long enough that she had started to feel herself up due to the lust aura, working herself into an aroused state.  She managed to get control and had the boy change back.  She thought he would look more normal but when she turned around his underwear had been destroyed and his human cock was now at full mast.  It was impressive and even without a lust aura it had Iris tingling.

She took a break and went to the library and got some books on demons and incubi.  Since this demon boy was too weak to break the circle she would make use of him.  She planned to sell him to the Magus Arcanum after she found out how he got here.  That was when things started to go sideways.

The boy was an idiot that was for sure.  He had contracted himself to a higher demon by the name of Andromeda, or at least that was his story and she tended to believe him because he just didn’t seem overly bright.  He had even given her the passcode to his phone without hesitation!

Then his story about not having to consume a victim for its life essence!  Absurd!  She went to find his supposed first victim just to prove him a liar.  She was shocked beyond belief when the woman was not only alive but had a substantial aether core.  She got the woman alone and they talked at the bar.  Five times creepy old men came up and offered Iris cash for sex or a blowjob.  Even with the interruptions, she got Lydia’s story. 

Lydia had the best sex of her life last night.  She woke after and had been cleaned and dressed by the man.  She felt better than she had in months and had no urges to use drugs or drink any longer.  She was still high from the sexual encounter with Caleb!  Ridiculous!  Using her glasses she also got a better look at Lydia’s aether core.  It was sizable but looked fragile and was slowly strengthening its ‘shell’.  It made no sense as there was no way to increase a human’s aether core from the texts she had read.

Lydia immediately agreed to come with Iris to see Caleb again…or that was what Iris promised.  On the drive back Iris showed her magic and said told the woman she could learn magic as well.  Iris could make it happen.  They pulled into a Wal Mart while Iris called and convinced an agent of the Magus Arcanum that she had found a wild talent.  That was a $25,000 finders fee!  $225,000 more if Lydia graduated! 

After setting up a pickup time at her house she brought Lydia to see Caleb.  Lydia confirmed it was Caleb who had fucked her.  She was in disbelief that he had made a potential tier 1 mage from a hooker.  Could he do the same for her?  Did she want to take that risk?  She had to take that risk. 

When her phone vibrated with a message that the agent was here.  She went and took Lydia to the van outside.  Two men in black suits with pleasant smiles took Lydia away.  Her phone beeped shortly after, confirming a $25,000 deposit.  Damn, they were quick.  She returned to Caleb.

It didn’t take much to convince him to help her and he did have a sense of humor.  Not a great one but at least a smidge.  She was going to get everything out of this demon that she could.  He would help her become a true mage and help her find her parents.  She was unhappy when he refused her offer to give him a ride home.  Well, she needed to build trust with him.

She started giving thought to how she could do that…build trust while she quickly completed her homework and paid bills.

Iris lay in her bed restless, unable to sleep. She was wearing a cotton tee and boxers, her normal sleeping attire.  She had just showered and her hair was damp-drying and wrapped into a bun enclosed in a runic towel.  The towel was magical and kept her hair healthy, shiny, and manageable.  It was her birthday present last year from her parents.  

She had turned on the heat in the house since she had spent the last few hours paying the utilities, mortgages, credit card, and vehicle leases online.  It had felt good to not have bills hanging over her head anymore.  The transfer of funds from the Magus Arcanum had diminished quickly and she only had $9,300 left in her account. It should last her about 3 months if she spent thriftily.

She did have some other possible revenue streams now. After Caleb had left she researched the incubus parts.  Incubus semen could be used in a variety of potions, lotions, and elixirs.  Their blood could be used as well but she didn’t want to ask Caleb for that.  Just asking for ejaculate was going to be difficult.  She didn’t realize that she had started rubbing between her legs thinking of him.

She usually masturbated before she showered at night but had been too busy with homework and paying bills.  She now stroked her lower lips through her cotton boxers with her index and middle fingers parallel to her entrance.  At first, she was disgusted that she was still aroused by Caleb.  He was attractive in his human form for sure but he was a demon.  Her boxers were getting moist from her attention.  She gave in to her needs.  She would fantasize about Caleb to help in achieving orgasm.  After all, she had gotten a lot accomplished today.  She deserved some self-pleasure even if it was achieved by thinking about a demon.

Her folds responded to her administrations and parted.  Her right hand slid under her boxers for skin contact.  Her left hand moved to her nightstand and she hit the hidden release.  The side of the top flipped down to reveal a secret compartment.  Inside were two objects. One was a small handgun with runic script on it.  The other was an eight-inch dark green phallus. She grabbed the pleasuring device and placed it by her side, getting it ready for when she needed it.

She continued with her right hand, building up a slickness from the gentle stroking of her folds.  She inserted a finger slowly while thinking of Caleb’s large cock.  Soon she had two fingers inside herself and slowly increased her depth.  With her eyes closed, she pulled down the boxers and kicked them off, and continued.  She added a third finger but knew even three fingers couldn’t match Caleb's girth in her fantasy.  She was able to expose her clitoris now and with three lubricated fingers she continued her repeated penetrations.  She used her thumb to gently rub the sensitive nub of her clit while imagining it was Caleb’s tongue flicking it.  

Her arousal had reached a point that made her grab the hilt of the green phallus.  She placed it on her entrance and pretended Caleb was about to enter her and pressed it into herself letting out a long moan.  It was smaller than Caleb but she imagined it was him.  Instead of bringing herself to orgasm she took out the dildo and rubbed it lengthwise across her lips, simulating her clit and labia simultaneously in the process. 

Unbidden her imagination shifted her image in her head.  She was now sliding her pussy across the massive cock of Caleb's incubus form. Rather than be disturbed by the image her arousal heightened and she gushed in orgasmic bliss.  She increased her pace and achieved a second smaller ripple orgasm.  Not finished and breathing heavily she inserted the eight-inch phallus into her pussy and increased her rhythm.  Deeper she thought.  He would reach deeper into her with his length.  She went deeper than she had ever gone before, getting the device seven inches into her.  It was slightly uncomfortable but she continued trying to grasp at a second orgasm.  ‘Fuck me Claeb’ she rasped.  ‘Deeper’.  The squelches of her fluids sounded in her ears and she pounded herself thinking of Caleb.  Her hips started to counter her thrusts with the dildo and she getting the device slightly deeper into her.  

She felt it coming and let out a long moan of pleasure as her entire body shuddered in the endorphin rush and fluid rush.  Fuck, she thought to herself.  She already knew that she would give in to her desires…if not for the chance at a larger aether core, then for the mind-numbing pleasure the act would bring.

It was 3:32 am and she wanted to get right to it.  She took a magic stamina pill to counter a night without sleep and thought about what she could do to win Caleb over.  She needed him to trust her.  He was an idiot and ignorant or the greater world of magic.  Educating him would be a priority.  It was best to not give him a choice in the matter either.  Impatiently she waited till 6:00am.  Any earlier and her text would seem too anxious she thought.  She texted him that she would pick him up at 7:00am and to be ready for her.  Her body tingled at the thought…earn his trust first though.




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