Chapter 70: Teleportation Down
After the train arrived at Argus, Ryder and JNPR got off with everyone else and people thanked them for what they did. Ryder was still worried for Team RWBY, Oscar and Qrow but had to have faith in Qrow and the others. Jaune then called his sister who lived in Argus and organized a meeting point for the group. When they arrived at the meeting point Ryder, Nora and Ren met Saphron Arc and her son Adrian. The reunion between Jaune and Saphron was nice but once they got to Saphron's house, everyone began to unwind from recent events. Ryder didn't stay around long as he told them he was going to attempt a Magic spell. So, there he was, standing in a room in the house with Jaune, Nora and Ren around him. Jaune was nervous about this.
"What if you get displaced somewhere else?" Jaune asked. "What if you can't come back?"
"Jaune. I'll be fine. The only thing we'll need to worry about is my Mana reserves." Ryder said. "So don't worry. If I don't come back, I'm recharging my mana."
The trio looks at each other. Ryder then attempts to calm himself down to prepare to teleport to Atlas. Ryder planned to at least inform Ironwood of their approach and possibly gain access to a ship that way. It's a gamble since Ryder has yet to get a hold on Teleportation but in the 2 weeks following the Battle at Haven, Ozpin has been helping him.
"While I'm gone. I want you guys to try and gain access to a ship from the Military Base in case what I do doesn't work." Ryder explained.
"How will you get back?" Nora asked.
"I'm familiar to your guys' aura signatures, I've gotten better at detecting Aura so I can just latch onto those and teleport to it." Ryder said.
The three of them nod, accepting this answer. Ryder then finally calms himself down before he places his two fingers on his forehead and closed his eyes. He searches for Ironwood's Aura. Thanks to Ozpin, he was able to get a better hold on detecting the aura of others. After a few seconds, he detects Ironwood's aura. Here it goes, the moment of truth. Within an instant, he activates his power, and he then vanished right before the eyes of Ren, Nora and Jaune. This act shocked the three of them, but it told them that it worked. At least they hoped so.
Ryder reappears inside of an office room somewhere in Atlas. He looked around the large office before he heard a shocked voice.
"Ryder?" Ironwood asked.
Ryder turned to the voice and saw Ironwood standing up from his desk. Ironwood had a shocked expression on his face.
"General." Ryder greeted.
"H-How did you get here?" Ironwood asked as he walked around his desk.
"Teleportation." Ryder answered simply.
"You figured it out?" Ironwood asked.
"Sure did." Ryder said proudly.
"Why are you here? If you don't mind me asking." Ironwood asked.
Ryder then broke down recent events to Ironwood. The Battle at Haven, Leonardo's betrayal, Ozpin's return, the Death of Cinder Fall, and the acquisition of the Relic of Knowledge. All this news shocked Ironwood but while some of it made him worried, the rest of it made him happy to hear. Mostly Ozpin's return as a boy named Oscar Pine. He was pleased to hear that Cinder Fall was killed as it meant Salem's Forces took a massive blow by losing their Fall Maiden.
"This is... a lot to take in." Ironwood said.
"Take your time, General." Ryder said calmly.
"And what of the Dragon Balls?" Ironwood asks.
"One left to find, and we can make that wish." Ryder said with a smile. "My guess is that it's somewhere in Atlas."
"I can have my men search for it." Ironwood suggested, eager to find the last Dragon Ball.
"No need. Me and the others plan to come to Atlas, all we need is a ship." Ryder informed.
"Wish i could spare a ship from Atlas, but the military base in Argus could lend a ship." Ironwood said.
"Will they listen to me if i ask?" Ryder asked.
"Probably not." Ironwood said. "But i have a solution to that problem."
Ironwood turned to his desk and walked around it before opening one of the drawers. He then pulled out an object that looked like a badge. With the badge in hand, he walks back around the desk and towards Ryder.
"A badge?" Ryder asked in confusion.
"With this badge, you'll be an honorary Specialist." Ironwood informed. "You'll have the authority to gain access to an Airship."
"Making me an honorary specialist?" Ryder repeated. "Why?"
"Best option as of now. Without Beacon's CCT, communications outside of Atlas are difficult." Ironwood explained. "But this should give you the authority you need."
Ironwood handed the badge to Ryder who grabs it. Ryder looked at the badge before he put it into his pocket.
"Thanks, this will make things a lot easier." Ryder said.
Ironwood nods.
"My pleasure. When you and the others get to Atlas, I promise that once we're together. We'll take Salem down." Ironwood said.
Ryder just smiled before he placed his fingers on his forehead. After a second, he vanished into thin air.