American: Native Empire

Chapter 191: Nuclear.

Kim Kiwoo’s speech left a lasting impression on the imperial citizens.

Although it was a low-quality black-and-white screen, most of the imperial citizens saw Kim Kiwoo’s actual appearance for the first time. 

That’s why they were deeply moved by his real image.

However, the atmosphere of the imperial citizens was not very bright, thanks to the horrific war footage and the speech that scolded them.

“It was definitely an unimperial way of dealing with this war. More importantly, it was an act that went against His Majesty’s will.”

“…It’s true that we were too excited by the fact that His Majesty was hit. This war was not right.”

Of course, that didn’t mean that their resentment towards Britain was resolved in an instant, but as always, Kim Kiwoo’s words changed the public opinion of the empire by 180 degrees.

It was a scene that showed Kim Kiwoo’s influence in the empire.

When the domestic atmosphere reversed like this, the imperial army that had been on an expedition to Britain was withdrawing back to the mainland.

“…Did you call me, Your Majesty?”

“Did you come? Sit down there.”


As soon as the war ended, Kim Kiwoo called the commander-in-chief of this war, Blue Earth. 

And Blue Earth came to the capital by plane as soon as he arrived at the port.

“You look very tired. I told you to take a few days off and come back.”

“No, Your Majesty. I’m fine, so please don’t worry.”

However, Blue Earth’s face did not look fine at all.

In fact, the reason why his complexion was not good was not because of fatigue.

It wasn’t a long war, and it had been less than a day since the scorched earth operation began. 

Even considering the travel distance, it wasn’t enough to make his complexion so dark.

Kim Kiwoo guessed why to some extent.

“Is it because of the speech?”


He hit the mark. 

That’s why Blue Earth had no choice but to remain silent.

‘Well. From his point of view, it must have looked like he was scolding himself.’

The one who led this war was Blue Earth, the commander-in-chief. 

He showed no mercy in incinerating Britain. 

He only thought of an overwhelming and shocking victory.

To prevent any country from challenging the glory of the empire in the future.

‘I’ve seen signs of that since before.’

He started to do that when he became the defense minister, and it got much worse as he ruled for a long time as the leader of the shadows.

The shadow was basically an information organization. 

That meant that they had access to a lot of secret information about conspiracies, ambitions, power struggles, etc. of various countries.

To Blue Earth’s eyes, the member countries were just hyenas who were hiding their teeth because of the empire’s strong power, and they would show them at any time. 

That’s why he thought it was necessary to show off the empire’s strength.

‘It’s not a completely wrong idea…’

But this response was not very good.

“Say what you want to say. You don’t agree with my words?”

“…No, Your Majesty. It is my fault for not understanding your will.”

“You are right about your fault.”


As Kim Kiwoo agreed too easily, Blue Earth’s eyebrows twitched. 

Without paying attention to him, Kim Kiwoo continued.

“It’s not your fault for not understanding my will. Think about it. What did the member countries of the World Union feel when they saw this war?”

“Well… They must have seen the overwhelming power of the empire with their eyes and ears, so they won’t be able to act rashly in front of us.”

“Haha. Of course they will outwardly. It would be foolish to attack us recklessly after confirming the difference in power. It would be a disqualification as a ruler of a country. But they would have thought this.”

Kim Kiwoo’s eyes shone sharply.

“Oh. The Wakan Tanka Empire is just like them. A country that mercilessly incinerates weak countries if they don’t like them.”

“But that’s…!”

“Are you going to say that it was because Britain did us a great wrong?”


“Did Britain really commit such a great wrong? No. It was a madman who wore a mask of British ambassador who did it. There is no law that says such a person should not appear in their country. Because of this war, the trust in the empire among member countries has dropped a lot.”


At this point, Blue Earth somewhat agreed. 

It was a reasonable argument.

Kim Kiwoo went further.

“So now some member countries will start paying attention to their armaments. They have spent less money on military spending by relying on the empire’s power, but as their trust in the empire has declined, they will spend more money on arming their army.”

Kim Kiwoo had hoped that the member countries would spend the money they spent on military spending on their own development. 

And the empire achieved results by acting as the police of the world.

However, the current situation was like the police abusing their authority. 

The member countries had no choice but to prepare their own measures.

“What will happen if some member countries start arming their army?”

“…Other countries will also have to pour more money into their military. They can’t just sit still when countries of similar levels increase their power. A full-scale arms race will begin. Then what should we do in the empire?”

“We can’t fall behind. The empire must maintain its overwhelming power as it is now, so that the world can be peaceful.”

“Right. The current system was established because there was an insurmountable gap in power. We have to maintain the current situation, so increasing military spending is inevitable. In the end, thanks to this action, a lot of money will be invested in military spending worldwide. It was a war with more losses than gains.”

As Kim Kiwoo’s words continued, Blue Earth’s complexion became darker and darker.

Kim Kiwoo threw a carrot to Blue Earth.

“I’m telling you this because I trust you so much. I know your hard work as a defense minister and as a leader of the shadows. But it’s a pity that you didn’t consider the impact on the empire and the world.”

“…Everything is my fault.”

“That’s true, but I won’t blame you for your mistake. Just remember my words and do your best in your assigned tasks.”

“…I will definitely do that. I won’t disappoint you again.”

“I’m looking forward to it. You can leave now.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

As soon as the dismissal order fell, Blue Earth carefully retreated.

Kim Kiwoo was immersed in his thoughts alone in his office.

‘Actually, I exaggerated a bit.’

The world situation was likely to go as Kim Kiwoo expected.

Kim Kiwoo didn’t exaggerate that.

What he exaggerated was the need to spend more money on military spending for overwhelming power.

Kim Kiwoo didn’t feel the need to increase military spending. 

The military spending he invested now was enormous, and more importantly, it would be completed soon.

The asymmetric weapon that shattered Japan’s resistance during World War II.

‘…Nuclear weapons will be completed soon.’

Nuclear weapons.

It was a terrifying weapon that could wipe out a city with one shot. 

It wasn’t for nothing that they tried so hard to prevent nuclear proliferation in the original history.

‘Einstein said it. He didn’t know what the main weapon of the Third World War would be, but the main weapon of the Fourth World War would be stones and wooden sticks.’

It was a word that showed the unparalleled strength of asymmetric weapons.

It meant that human civilization that had been built up until now would be destroyed by nuclear weapons and return to the Stone Age.

But Kim Kiwoo had no intention of giving up nuclear weapons.

‘Nuclear weapons are bound to be made anyway.’

This was a predetermined course in the face of natural scientific progress.

That’s why Kim Kiwoo wanted to make nuclear weapons as soon as possible.

If it was now, it would take a long time for other countries to try to arm themselves with nuclear weapons, and by then, the empire’s nuclear armament would be completed.

‘And I have to ban nuclear proliferation.’

Kim Kiwoo had no intention of allowing any country other than the empire to arm themselves with nuclear weapons. 

The empire would have enough nuclear weapons to incinerate the whole world, so this was not a delusion.

The moment when multiple countries have nuclear weapons, a terrible nuclear war could break out due to a momentary accidental judgment or mistake.

‘Actually, they were lucky in the original history.’

There were dozens of times when a nuclear war almost broke out during the Cold War. 

The Cuban Missile Crisis was the most representative example.

Kim Kiwoo wanted to prevent this possibility in advance. 

Even if the situation came where he threatened the whole world with massive nuclear weapons.


The short but shocking war between the Wakan Tanka Empire and Britain ended, and the observers returned to their countries.

And they spread the records they had taken to their countries.

As a result, the videos and photos taken in Britain spread uncontrollably around the world. 

And those who saw them were shocked as expected.

“An aircraft carrier… This is why all of Britain’s naval power disappeared in an instant?”

“How can we stop that ship?”

“That’s nothing. Britain became a ruin in just one day after the war started. Britain was, well, a country that was quite respected in the World Union…”

“The existing defenses were useless in front of tanks, fighters, and bombers.”

“I knew the empire was powerful, but their power was much stronger than I thought.”

Thanks to this, some member countries that had been looking for a chance to defy the empire’s mood quickly tucked their tails in as if nothing had happened.

“No matter what, it was too much. If His Majesty had woken up a little later… Ugh, I don’t even want to think about it.”

“We can’t just hope for the empire’s mercy anymore.”

Unfortunately, as Blue Earth and Kim Kiwoo expected, an arms race began with some member countries as a starting point.

Even if peace continued, they couldn’t just sit still when they saw other countries arming themselves.

International politics is a fight for justice. And this war was a good reason to arm their army.

But Kim Kiwoo wasn’t shaken by this, because he expected it. 

On the surface, he just allocated a little more budget to military spending.

But behind the scenes, he gave this order.

“Even if you have to invest more money and manpower, you have to make bombs using nuclear fission faster.”

Nuclear tests were quite dangerous, so nuclear weapon development was carried out in an underdeveloped area far from the city.

But communication was well developed, so communication was very smooth.

“Finance minister. Allocate more budget for nuclear weapon research.”

“I will do that.”

“Interior minister, recruit more related experts.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

As Kim Kiwoo finished speaking, the industrial minister who had been listening quietly raised a question.

“But is the new bomb we’re researching so great?”

“Great or not.”

Kim Kiwoo nodded his head without a hint of doubt and glared coldly.

“Do you believe that I can vaporize everyone who lives in this capital with just a few bombs?”

“Is that really true? Ugh…”

“If it develops further, it might be possible to erase the capital of the empire with one shot.”

The ministers’ faces turned pale with horror.

After that, there was no minister who questioned him.

More budget and manpower were allocated than before, and as a result, nuclear weapon development was completed faster.



The world’s first nuclear test succeeded.

It was the moment when the empire finally armed itself with nuclear weapons.

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