American Comics: Take Over The Umbrella And Threaten The Widow At The Beginning

Chapter 62

Chapter 62 Cursed Tyrant Unsealed, And Two Organizations That Were Calculated Again

In a valley, Maria Hill is leading a group of S.H.I.E.L.D agents waiting for the arrival of the umbrella convoy.

On the one hand, S.H.I.E.L.D has to guard Mjolnir, and on the other hand, it has to investigate the hidden HYDRA and those organizations that bought a lot of BOW.

This has resulted in a severe shortage of S.H.I.E.L.D manpower.

And their director Nick Fury has been acting very mysterious recently, and he doesn’t know what he’s doing.

Before, Maria Hill trusted Director Nick Fury 100%.

Since being “backstabbed by everyone”, although she is still willing to trust Director Nick Fury, she is a little bit ignorant of her confidence in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Fortunately, the agents around me are carefully selected, and the tragedy of last time should not repeat itself.

While thinking, Hill saw the umbrella convoy approaching slowly.

Then, through the binoculars, she saw the familiar logo of PMC, or Private Military Contractor, on the equipment of the convoy guards.

Obviously, the umbrella outsourced this escort mission.

Seeing this scene, Mary Hill had a very strong sense of sight.

She immediately recalled the unlucky action last time, her brows were tightly frowned, and an ominous premonition surged in her heart.

Just then, Maria Hill’s secret satellite phone rang.

She took a quick look and found that the message was from that hateful Lin Luo, with a reminder: “There is an insider, terminate the transaction.”

In the darkness, Hill was startled, clenched the weapon in his hand, and the creepy feeling became more obvious.

She was about to speak to remind her companions to be vigilant, but it was too late.

Some lickers with exposed brains, long mouthparts and sharp claws are attacking “070” from all directions.

Maria Hill has dealt with these monsters before. These guys have average defensive ability, but strong jumping ability, and are good at climbing and sneak attacking.

There is no vision, but the hearing is extremely sharp, and it can capture the slight sound of breathing and even the sound of heartbeat.

In addition, their fast movement ability that can act silently makes them the most terrifying sneak raiders.

In open areas with good visibility during the day, these lickers are good targets, but in dark, forested valleys, they are the deadliest killers.

They can jump suddenly from rock faces, trees or attack silently.

Even a heavily armed S.H.I.E.L.D agent has no way to defend against such ubiquitous sneak attacks.

Soon, the nearby S.H.I.E.L.D agents were attacked one after another.

Although Hill and other agents fired together and provided fire support, but in the face of these monsters who came and went without a trace, the mere pistol was not easy to use at all.

If you use heavy firepower, your companions will also be unlucky.

Moreover, the targets chosen by these lickers are the ones that are not easy to support, and it is obvious that someone is secretly controlling them.

Hundreds of lickers swarmed out, and within a short time, the S.H.I.E.L.D agent suffered a huge loss.

“Boss, we have been attacked by a large number of lickers, please help!” In desperation, Hill hurriedly asked S.H.I.E.L.D for support.

Hearing the news, Nick Fury broke his defenses again, yelling: “Mom Zefak! Damn attackers, god damn HYDRA, I want your lives!”

After scolding, he quickly searched for the rescue team.

No way, the manpower of S.H.I.E.L.D is really not enough.

Although Nick Fury is trying his best to recruit agents these days, he still can’t keep up with the current situation.

Definitely an important reason is that the hammer dispersed too many of their forces.

After some tossing, Nick Fury had no choice but to inform Hill:

“Hill agent, I have already contacted the rescue force, but it will take ten minutes for them to arrive at the fastest.

“During this time, you can only rely on yourself, keep going!”

“Ten minutes?” Maria Hill froze for a moment, looking desperate.

Facing the siege of so many lickers, in ten minutes, they only had bones left.

Thinking of this, Maria Hill sighed, and her dignified expression calmed down slightly.

When she joined S.H.I.E.L.D, she imagined that such a day would come sooner or later.

It’s just that Maria Hill didn’t expect that she would die in such a place, and at the hands of such an ugly monster.

Thinking of these monsters, she thought of that hateful face, and then thought of the shameful scene during the day.

Hill couldn’t help cursing: “God, why did you punish me like this? The last moment made me still think about that hateful smiling face, and I can’t erase it.”

“If it weren’t for that bastard Lin Luo, I wouldn’t be in such a miserable situation, let alone suffer such humiliation.

Just after cursing, Maria Hill’s satellite phone rang again.

She was overjoyed, thinking that the reinforcements had arrived, only to see another text message from Lin Luo, with a smiling face on it.

He is still laughing!?

This reminded Maria Hill of Lin Luo’s playful smile when she was wearing that embarrassing nun’s costume during the day, and felt even more indignant in her heart.

She is about to die, this Lin Luo still laughs at herself, damn it!

Immediately, another text message from Lin Luo came over: “How could I be willing to let you die here? My trump card secret little agent, the activation password is AJEWEIDDW239!”

Seeing the information that followed, Maria Hill’s expression changed instantly, from anger to joy.

She suddenly saw the hope of life.

Next, Maria Hill turned over vigorously and escaped the silent attack of a licker.

Then, with a few clicks on the wrist, the Locke pistol fired continuously, directly blasting the licker’s head.

After shooting, Maria Hill turned and ran to the transport truck without looking at the dead licker.

The previous guards who did not know which unlucky military contractor came from were slaughtered by those lickers in the first place.

Under the cover of darkness, Maria Hill boarded the truck smoothly.

Six six-meter-high refrigerated metal containers appeared before her eyes.

Looking at the extremely tall cursed tyrant in the metal container, Maria Hill also instinctively trembled, feeling a burst of instinctive fear.

However, she soon overcame the fear in her heart and directly opened the metal container.

Six-headed tyrant – appeared in the carriage.

Even if the cursed tyrant who was more than five meters long stood there still, he looked like a mountain, giving people a great sense of oppression.

A cold and chilling atmosphere enveloped the carriage, freezing the air here.

This time, Maria Hill didn’t flinch, wasn’t afraid.

She firmly followed the report and gave the order: “The agreement is activated, I order you to destroy all HYDRA attack forces!”

After hearing this order, the cursing tyrant with six still heads and cold eyes reacted instantly.

Without any words, there was no outburst of momentum, their eyes and expressions just became more indifferent and more terrifying.

In the next second, the six-headed tyrant stepped on the carriage lightly, and his huge body rushed out like a locomotive at an extremely rapid speed.

The carriage shook for a while and the hurricane caused by the cursed tyrant’s huge body running fast made Hill a little unsteady on his feet.

She immediately supported the heavy metal container in the carriage with her hands, and when she looked up, she found that the six-headed cursed tyrant had disappeared without a trace.

With a huge body like a hill and such a speed, it is really amazing.

Immediately afterwards, Maria Hill reloaded her Locke 19 pistol.

After taking a deep breath, she held the gun in both hands and walked quickly to the outside of the carriage.

This time, Hill was ready to go all out to support his teammates.

She has done everything she can, and there is no need to spare her life.

However, when Hill went outside, he found that support was no longer needed.

The six cursed tyrants wearing giant black one-piece trench coats are like harvesters, constantly harvesting the lives of the lickers.

Even in the dark, they can lock the position of the licker at the first time, and attack quickly.

The licker’s flexibility and speed are different from ordinary people. When facing the cursed tyrant, it seems to be crawling like a turtle, which is extremely slow.

The cursed tyrant can either punch the licker directly into a ball of minced meat, or pass by with lightning.

The moment the two bodies came into contact, the cursed tyrant’s sharp claws popped out quickly, opened and closed, and those lickers were disembowelled in one fell swoop, without any possibility of resistance.

Although the number of lickers was dozens of times that of the cursed tyrant, the situation at the scene was that the lickers were unilaterally killed by the cursed tyrant.

Along the way, the cursed tyrant did not spare even those of HYDRA.

As for the weapons, let alone break the cursed tyrant’s defense, they couldn’t even lock the cursed tyrant’s position because the speed was too fast.

As long as the shooter or the licker is regarded as a teammate, he will be killed on the spot by the cursed tyrant.

The Cursed Tyrant is like the perfect killing machine, the perfect combination of strength and speed.

In a short period of time, the cursed tyrant killed HYDRA’s people and lickers like chopping melons and vegetables, fully explaining what it means to be unparalleled in mowing grass.

Because the efficiency is too high, there is no chance for S.H.I.E.L.D agent to make a move……

Seeing those lickers who looked like Proxima Midnight demons were killed by those pairs of iron fists, all the scarred S.H.I.E.L.D agents cheered:

“it’s over!”

“we won!”


At the moment, when looking at the figure of the six-headed cursed tyrant again, the eyes of all the S.H.I.E.L.D agents have changed.

In their eyes, cursing tyrants is no longer a cold weapon or a cruel monster, but a life-saving guarantee.

This cursed tyrant is too reliable, because there is a sense of security.

The technology of the protective umbrella is also too powerful, and it can produce such a powerful BOW.

Hearing the cheers from her teammates, Maria Hill, who survived the catastrophe, also showed a big smile.

Seeing the six-headed cursed tyrant who re-entered the standby state unscathed, Hill was extremely surprised.

In just ten minutes, the six cursed tyrants almost wiped out more than a hundred combatants and three hundred lickers.

This efficiency is really too high.

Then, Hill suppressed the shock in his heart, after thinking about it, he still sent a “thank you” to Lin Luo.

At this moment, Nick Fury called: “Hill, Hill, how are you doing? Rescue is coming soon. Keep going…”

“No need, Director Nick Fury!” Maria Hill took a deep breath and barely calmed down:

“Lin Luo gave me the way to unblock, I ordered six cursed tyrants to fight, and they killed all the enemies.

At the moment, Hill recognized something irreplaceable about BOW.

In an increasingly dangerous world, it does seem time to break the mold.

“All enemies? Killed them all?” Nick Fury confirmed again with a puzzled expression.

After getting Hill’s affirmative answer, the SHIELD Director suddenly took a breath, feeling a little unbelievable in his heart.

You know, this time it is not an ordinary enemy, but hundreds of lickers, and they are still attacking the lickers

Favorable terrain.

Under normal circumstances, S.H.I.E.L.D would need to dispatch hundreds of modern troops to completely destroy this HYDRA force.

Moreover, their troops will suffer heavy losses.

This cursed tyrant was able to kill all those lickers in a short period of time, and he didn’t suffer any harm.

At the moment, Nick Fury finally realized what it meant to curse the Tyrant’s off-the-charts stats.

Earlier, he was used to BOW’s astonishing physical data, so he didn’t feel much about it.

Because these guys have bad brains and have no power at all, there is no way to use all their power.

But it is obvious that the cursed tyrant is different this time, this guy is very intelligent.

Super strength and speed, huge body and high level intelligence, this is a genuine War Machine.

Just like the two Alice tyrants who beat and hate, the cursed tyrant is almost beyond the 3.9 category of flesh and blood creatures, just like a living steel battle suit.

And this thing is more flexible than ordinary steel battle suits.

Earn big!

This is, Nick Fury At the moment the only idea.

Although the price is still painful, it is definitely worth the money.

Just like the victory of this battle, it is no longer measurable by money.

The director of the black stewed egg made a decision in an instant. From now on, he will sell the iron, and even if the flesh hurts, he will have to buy the latest BOW with a protective umbrella.

Otherwise, it will be the same as others are using hot weapons, but you still insist on using cold weapons, and you can only end up being ruthlessly eliminated.

At the moment, in the luxurious office, Lin Luo, Stark, and Rhodes watched the entire battle process.

There is no doubt about Red Queen’s camera technology and communication ability.

The three looked at those images, as if they were there.

Originally, the two were drinking wine and talking and laughing with Lin Luo.

But when the cursed tyrant appeared and killed the Quartet, Iron Man and the future War Machine were all stunned.

It was the first time for the two of them to feel the direct impact from BOW.

Every punch and kick of the cursed tyrant felt like a blow to their hearts.

It is the art of killing, the extreme aesthetics of violence, a kind of metamorphosis and sublimation of life.

If it wasn’t for a good relationship with Lin Luo and bad timing, At the moment’s Iron Man Tony Stark would have conceived the anti-curse tyrant armor.

While Tony and Rhodes were still immersed in the invincible majesty of cursing the tyrant just now, Lin Luo found that the 60 million payment had arrived, and got a system prompt:

[Congratulations to the host for completing a B-level transaction and obtaining the UB-G01 experimental individual Gauss electromagnetic gun. 】.

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