American Comics: Start Making Tama’s Shadow Tattoo Stickers

Chapter 77

077 You Have Only One Answer, Die! Brand New Big Three! (2 Begging To Subscribe!)

for a moment.

The riot was directly blasted into a pool!

The host inside exploded directly!


A riot hit the ground.

Make a big hole.

The host turned into flesh, and the riot completely lost the host, turning into a puddle of black mud on the ground.

this moment.

Riot was shocked by the terrifying and suffocating power of the opponent.


With terrifying power, directly blow up the host in its body!

It has never seen such terrifying power!

It looked at the mountain with huge amounts of venom in fear.

For the first time, it developed fear of the lowest symbiote.


At this moment, there is only such a thought.

Because it knows that if it does not escape, it will die.

Riot hurriedly ran towards the building, as long as it found another host, it would definitely be able to escape from here.

It instantly saw Anne not far away.

Immediately his eyes lit up.

As long as it occupies Annie’s body, the other party is equivalent to holding a hostage, and the other party will not dare to attack it easily!

Then it must be able to escape.

As long as it escapes, one day, it will come back with revenge!

No matter how powerful the venom is, it is still a person, and there can be millions of symbionts behind it!

Under massive attacks, no matter how powerful the venom is, it will be swallowed!

So, to survive is to win!


A lump of black mud rushed towards Annie.

“Escape?! As I said, you only have one answer today! Die!”

The giant venom opened its mouth wide.

High temperature gathers in it.

Riot watched Venom open his bloody mouth, and a trace of strong anxiety surged in his heart.


It felt the other person’s mouth, as if there was a scorching temperature.

Riot widened his eyes.

A trace of unspeakable panic sprouted in my heart.

next moment. “Four Six Zero”

An incomparably hot sea of ​​flames spurted out from that bloody mouth!

Heading towards the riots!

See here.

An unprecedented extreme fear rose in Riot’s heart.

other side.

A symbiote!

The race most afraid of fire in the universe.

It spit out a monstrous flame!

This is more terrifying than rioting seeing each other overcome the weakness of flames.

A terrifying sea of ​​flames surged towards the riot.

The scorching heat made the riot scream horribly.

Riot felt the unending pain coming towards it.

Seeing the approaching sea of ​​flames, Riot screamed in despair: “No! How is this possible?!”


The sea of ​​flames engulfed the riot in an instant.

There was a scream of pain that pierced the sky.

chi chi chi chi!

Take a few breaths!

The screams stopped abruptly, and the riot was wiped out.

In situ.

Everything is gone, only a piece of scorched black and blazing heat are left.

On the spot, everything was gone.

Only fragments of the rocket fell to the ground, still burning with flames.

The sea breeze is whistling alone, only the sound of the fire echoes.

This scorched and charred land.

Only the dark statue with huge amounts of strange man stands upright, like a Mephista outside the sky, giving people a strong sense of suffocation.

Venom watched as everything evaporated.

The stagnation and suffocation in my heart all along disappeared with this fire!

Afterwards, the past of Venom, which was suppressed and neglected by the lowest level of medical practitioners, was also eliminated.

And the fate of being born humble.

Venom overlooked the scorched land, with an expression of solemnity and stability that had never been seen before.

this moment.

The previous venom is completely wiped out!

It completely broke free from the arrangements and shackles of fate, and embarked on a new journey.

The venom ran towards Annie, getting smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a normal form.

It hugged Annie, became invisible, and finally completely disappeared in place.

In situ, nothing left.

Only the salty sea breeze whistling on the coast!

Sporadic flames swaying alone in the sea breeze!

And the shocking eyes of countless people.

far away.

Everyone saw this scene.

They all swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Looking at the terrifying fist, seeing the bloody mouth spitting out a sea of ​​flames, everyone felt chills down their backs.

“I’m going, is this the real power of venom?! Kick the rocket and spit out a sea of ​​flames!”

“My God, this power is amazing!”

“Is this Venom? This strength is too terrifying! How many superheroes can withstand his car File size fist?”

“That’s right! Can’t you kill someone with one punch?!”

“If one punch is not enough! Then two punches! There is no superhero that can’t be solved by the eye-shaped venom fist! It’s just a few punches!”

“When Venom is a superhero, I feel safe! Give the bad guy a punch, and he will be smashed into a pile of shit!”

“And I think he looks pretty cool! Dark skin, grim appearance!”

The Spider-man in the distance swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

If the huge sea of ​​flames rushed towards him, would he be able to escape?

Even if he could escape, he probably lost half his life.

If that punch came, would he be able to withstand it?

He felt like he might be turning into a lump.

Seeing the terrifying fighting power of the venom, Pim and the students both gasped.

The student said: “Teacher… If you become a ten-meter titan, can you beat it…”

Pim’s face twitched, and his mouth was bitter: “Even if I become a 30-meter titan, but this guy…

“Did you see his speed just now? There is no sense of slowness like a giant creature on one side, and the strength of his kick far exceeds that of a ten-meter creature.

“Ordinary 10-meter creatures can kick a rocket that big, and at most push it to the ground.”

“And look at its jumping ability, it’s straight up one or two hundred meters, even if I become thirty meters, I’ll jump five or six meters if I’m exhausted.”

“It’s like I’m 1.8 meters. If you let me jump 18 meters, I can’t do it even if you kill me…”

Hear here.

The student thought of the huge figure, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes. This giant black monster is too amazing.


Black Braised Egg and others also saw this scene through the Internet.

All were stunned by the huge amounts of Venom.

Black Braised Egg swallowed a mouthful of saliva: “Is this… is it venom? Can it still become so huge? What kind of destructive power is this.”

Hill next to him took a slight breath: “The sea of ​​flames is really astonishing. Besides, its strength and speed are even more astonishing.”

She gritted her teeth slightly and said: “The earth is really becoming more and more dangerous now, and it feels like all kinds of horrible monsters are emerging one after another.”

The black stewed egg also had a headache: “Mom, Fake, what happened to the earth recently, did you poke some monster’s nest? Why did the powerful Shendu come out one after another.”

Hill also breathed a sigh of relief: “But one thing is good, these monsters are basically friendly to humans. Otherwise, with their abilities, I really can’t imagine what kind of horrible disaster they will cause.

The black stewed egg said: “By the way, have we found the green titan?”

Hill shook his head: “He hides very deeply, and he moves very fast, making it difficult for us to find him.

Black Braised Egg gritted his teeth and said, “Then find this venom for me.”

Hill nodded.

at the same time.

Related videos and photos were also uploaded, and there was a lot of repercussions on the Internet.

Countless people have been shocked by the huge amounts of Venom and his methods.

And it is listed as the strongest superhero at the same level as Thor and green titan, and they all belong to the top sequence.

Originally, not long ago.

Tony Stark announced his identity as Iron Man, and he was in the limelight for a while.

Unexpectedly, a Thor appeared around the corner, throwing out a terrifying skill comparable to a small nuclear bomb, stealing Iron Man’s limelight.

Not long after, a green titan and now giant venom appeared.

Basically, the traffic of superhero was taken away by these three, and Iron Man was reduced to a second-line superhero that few people care about.

In this world, because of the rise of powerful Thor and others, Iron Man’s reputation is far behind that in the original book.

Stark Building.

Tony was sitting in the office on the top floor.

He flipped through the superhero related news, most of the pages were occupied by Thor and the green titan, and now a giant venom appeared.

The reports related to him only have a very small space.

This is quite different from some time ago, when almost all the news about him was Tony Stark.

Seeing this, Tony pouted sourly.

Tony rubbed his temples: “Damn it, how can these guys be so perverted and powerful. A slap slaps countless military vehicles and tanks, and a kick explodes a rocket…

“Is this something that humans and creatures on earth can do?”

Tony looked out the window and murmured: “This world is too crazy, it seems like everyone is strong except me…”

There was no sense of security in his heart.

He clenched his fists.

He will continue to develop more powerful steel battle suits to deal with possible crises in the future.

Inside an abandoned factory.

A rhinoceros man in solid iron armor stood there.

Rhino, a member of the New York Mob gang.

Because of an experiment, radiation and genetically modified chemicals attached a layer of tough polymers to his skin, and with rhino horns, he became a rhinoceros.

Experiments gave him super strength, speed, physical strength and durability. The rhinoceros-like shell can withstand any high temperature and severe cold.

And it can resist any attack, almost indestructible.

Beside him, two gangsters stood.

The gangster took out a stack of money from his pocket: “This is the deposit. In the afternoon, there will be a car transporting prisoners, and an important person is detained in it.

We need you to crash that prison van and get the occupants out. ”

The rhinoceros man took the money and said in a low voice, “Leave it to me, and I will rescue that person safely.”

“With my strength and speed, no one can stop me unless the three giants of green titan, Thor, and venom appear.”

The gangster nodded: “Very good.”


the other side.

Li Xiu found the water belly snake.

Inside an office.

Li Xiu sat on the office chair in front of the desk.

In front of him, the water belly snake stood respectfully.

The waterbellied snake cautiously asked: “Boss, what can I do for you?”

Li Xiu nodded slightly: “I want to build a huge business empire in a very short period of time, with wealth comparable to Stark Industries.

The waterbellied snake felt its mouth dry, and he smiled wryly: “Boss, your request is almost impossible to fulfill.

“Strike Industries is the top company in the world, they have very advanced

technology, and most importantly, they have a super talented Tony Stark.

“Rao, it took decades to build such a huge business empire.”

“We want to build such a huge business empire, it may only take longer, and we may not be able to achieve it. After all, it is very rare to reach this level.

number. ”

Li Xiu nodded: “If you do traditional things, it is naturally difficult to get rich, so we must seize the window period and become a pig on the wind.”

Hearing this, the water belly snake was taken aback.

Li Xiu smiled, waved his hand, and a concise business plan appeared in his hand.

The cover is — “TikTok Short Video Business Plan”.

Tiktok is the foreign version of a certain sound.

Here, it is Li Xiu’s summary and generalization of a certain sound in his previous life.

It is naturally much easier to stand on the shoulders of titan.

He threw the proposal on the table: “You go to Silicon Valley to find professional talents, make this, and then put it in the app store.”

He snapped his fingers immediately.

A large pile of money appeared in front of the waterbell snake, including the several million he got from pledging his house.

Although the pledge was made, he still lives in the house. When he makes money later, he just fills in the money.

The really rich people, especially those with huge shares in top companies, have their money in the stock market.

In many cases, they will not buy the shares to exchange for money, but directly pledge the shares and exchange a large amount of funds for consumption and investment.

Waterbelly Snake looks at the analysis of short videos in it, which hits the nail on the head, uses big data for precise delivery, and how to make a profit, etc., are very complete.

And the logic goes hand in hand.

It is a very mature business plan.

Looking at it, the water belly snake took a breath of cool air.

As a person who has made millions of profits of more than 20 points in a short period of time, and as the top gang leader ever, the waterbell snake’s vision is undoubtedly very vicious.

After reading the proposal, he basically felt the huge amounts of business opportunities.

He glanced at it quickly, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and looked at the boy in front of him with some horror.

He never expected that a young man who looked seventeen or eighteen years old would have such insight and a keen sense of the trend of the times.

The waterbell snake said in a deep voice: “Boss, maybe we can really fly in the wind. Your business plan is extremely detailed and step by step. TikTok big

There is something to do. ”

“With the blessing of your money 4.6, I believe we will be able to come up with the results soon, and become the first person to eat crabs. The road to business, one step at a time, step by step,

With the planning of your proposal, we will always be ahead. ”

“Next, I will go to Silicon Valley to find relevant talents, and I will launch the product on the market in the shortest possible time.”

hear this.

Li Xiu was very satisfied.

He nodded: “Next, I will leave it to you.”


He just disappeared.

in the apartment.

Li Xiu sat on the sofa.

He pulled out his attribute board again.


【Shock value: 63275】

[Cos item manufacturing opportunity: none (the next time you can enjoy half-price discount for old customers, 7 days cooling down period]

[Ability: Power of Super Gourd King Kong, Power of Venom, Power of Thor, Spider Ability, Power of Green Titan, Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Eight Door Dunjia]

[Templates: Holy Master Template (Twelve Divine Powers), Enel Road Template (Ring Thunder), Yellow Monkey Template (Sparkle), Kaido Template (Blue Dragon), Hawkeye Template (Sword Way)】

Seeing his shock value soar again, Li Xiu showed a comprehensive look.

He had already seen the previous battle.

Therefore, he wasn’t too surprised that the shock value rose sharply again.

this time.

The venom brought more than 50,000 shock points to him.

within a day.

The venom brought him a shock value close to 60,000.

Li Xiu smiled and said, “It’s really good.”

If you save more shock points, next time you have a half-price blessing, you will definitely be able to draw a better thing.

have no idea.

This time, Gwen pulled out something.

Li Xiu is still looking forward to it.


Li Xiu plans to give Gwen one or two personal magic weapons of the snake spirit that she got this time, for her to use for self-defense. .

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