American Comics: Make Up Containment! I Create A Foundation

Chapter 38 096 Containment Successful, Imminent Battle

A group of task force members of the reserve echelon rushed over quickly and surrounded Colonel Hans.

"Are you all right, sir?"

Colonel Hans waved his hand, looked at the 096-shy man who had become docile again, silently picked up the radio, and repeated: "Containment 096, the containment was successful."

Nick. Fury, who watched this scene through drone images, and Phil Coulson's team and others, At the moment finally understood why Natasha Romanoff and Skye respected the Foundation so much.

Harsh as Nick. Fury At the moment is also silent.

Even Pierce, who hoped that the Foundation's containment would fail, didn't gloat when he just watched the task force lose the battle to contain 096.

No matter how vicious people are, when they see these human warriors who sacrifice their lives to defend peace, they will respect them.

Nick. Fury was silent for a while, and said sincerely: "They are the real heroes, like going to decedent to pay tribute!"

All the people from S.H.I.E.L.D who were watching at the scene couldn't help but echoed him: "Salute to the decedent!"

Whether it is an opponent or an enemy, even if they have different positions, when facing such an opponent, as long as they still have basic personality, they will respect them.

Because the Foundation dies for all of humanity, they deserve respect.

S.H.I.E.L.D naturally doesn't want to snatch the containment, but HYDRA and Chaos Insurgents don't necessarily.

Respect is all respect, but for profit, HYDRA and Chaos splitters are absolutely unscrupulous.

In the V-44X Command Blackfish, Chen Feng heard the system's prompt.

[Containment 096-The shy person has been contained successfully. 】

However, the system did not immediately settle the settlement at this moment, Chen Feng knew that the matter was not over.

I'm afraid this time, only when 096 is successfully brought back to the foundation base, can the containment be considered a real success.

The peripheral units were still on alert. At the moment Colonel Hans had no time to feel sad, so he directed the task force to store the 096-shy person in a special containment cage.

A V-44X Blackfish transported the containment cage containing 096 into the cargo warehouse under the guidance of the ground task force.

Just as the transport plane was about to take off, Chen Feng heard a report from the intelligence officer next to the command room.

"Commander, our radar detected an unknown signal approaching 655KM outside the containment area. According to technical analysis, it should be a 5th generation aircraft, suspected to be 3 F-35s."

Hearing the intelligence officer's words, Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

Is it really here?

"Order Foundation Air Force fighters stationed at D-class base in New York to take off and intercept them."

"Oh, Chaos Insurgency? Or HYDRA? Do you have an air force?"

A military airfield at a Foundation D-class base outside the New York suburbs.

At the beginning of the mission, the Foundation's air force deployed here is on standby.

The Foundation has a total of 6 fifth-generation all-weather fighters. If compared with the actual fighters, the fighters of the Foundation should be regarded as the level of 5.5 generations.

These are the basic air units that are exchanged for gifts from A-level bases.

Originally, Chen Feng thought that fighter jets would not be useful at this time, but who knew it would come in handy.

"The tower called Falcon Eagle Squadron, the airspace is cleared, and the headquarters ordered you to take off to intercept the enemy planes in the D-32 containment area."

"Falcon Eagle Squadron received it and is ready to take off immediately."

Three black-painted F/A-181 Black Saber II fighters slowly left the runway.

After the flight crew of the Falcon Squadron drove the Black Saber II to the take-off location, the engines of the three fighters were boosted suddenly, and blue tail flames spewed out.

Immediately afterwards, the three Black Saber II all-sky fighters immediately accelerated their speed. After the speed reached the maximum, the flight crew pulled the steering gear, and the Warhawk took off.

On the other side, three F-35A fighter jets of the Chaos Insurgents are rapidly passing the sky, getting closer and closer to the containment area.

A helicopter like the V-44X Blackfish is a helicopter after all, not a full-time fixed-wing fighter.

Even if it is an advanced helicopter, it will be a headache to encounter a fighter that is behind its own technical level.

Although the V-44X Blackfish has stealth paint, fixed-wing fighters must approach a certain distance to be able to lock, but it is still very dangerous to be beaten passively.

Especially the transport plane that contained the contents, once it was shot down, the consequences would be disastrous.

Nick. Fury from At the moment just got the message.

Black Braised Egg frowned.

"What's going on? The fighter jets suspected of Chaos splitters are rapidly approaching the Foundation's transport plane. Once they shoot down the transport plane, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Where is the base where the Chaos splitters are deployed? They actually have F-35A fighter jets! This is within the federal territory! What is our intelligence system for?"

"Director Nick, even if the nearest fighter jets are dispatched, it will take 20 minutes to arrive, and it will be too late!"

At this moment, there was a sudden exclamation from the side.

"Director Nick, an unknown fixed-wing fighter from the Foundation! An air battle broke out over the containment area!"

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