American Comics: Make Up Containment! I Create A Foundation

Chapter 100 Prelude To The Decisive Battle, Killing The Original Aliwether

After the Goliath-class Helicarrier launched a powerful ground attack Ability, the entire battlefield fell into a brief silence.

The two Gloria-class ships are like two super air gunships fixed in the sky, constantly pouring firepower on the ground.

Under the suppression of powerful firepower, the coalition troops can be described as advancing steadily.

According to Chen Feng's original combat plan, the purpose of Operation Heaven's Punishment is to compress the range of activities of those biochemically infected creatures into the three biochemical hive cities.

After that, Chen Feng asked the coalition forces to launch a general attack, and then assisted Aliweser to absorb the cores of the three broods.

According to the prompts of the system, and the analysis of the samples extracted by Dr. Wilhelm later, there is no doubt that the black light virus infected by Aliwether has integrated the existence of the 008 parent strain.

And the reason why the abnormal containment object 008 will split into so many biochemical viruses is that the abnormal containment object 008 desires to evolve.

Evolutionary mutation is the instinct of contained object 008, and infinite evolution and mutation will choose countless paths.

Although the mother strain of Containment 008 resides in the black light virus, it is because the black light virus has infinite possibilities, and its host will continue to evolve until it becomes a perfect life form.

However, the mother plant and daughter plant split from the abnormal containment object 008 have a competitive relationship.

This is a winner-takes-all game, the winner will become the strongest biochemical evolution, and the loser will lose everything.

What is integrated with Obadiah is a T virus alienation form of a relatively powerful containment sub-strain.

This is also why Obadiah can control so many corpses and army of mutated creatures. I'm afraid he has already controlled three biochemical broods.

However, this is almost the limit of Obadiah in 2009. If it takes time, Obadiah may be able to pass through the three biochemical broods and the Stark industry controlled by Obadiah among the three biochemical broods. The factories constantly manufacture all kinds of flesh and blood machinery.

At that time, it may become very difficult to deal with him.

But after encountering Chen Feng's offensive, the biochemical army controlled by Obadiah retreated steadily. So Obadiah, who couldn't hold back, finally chose to fight back in advance.

This led to the reason why this battle turned into a decisive battle ahead of schedule.

Chen Feng didn't immediately turn this battle into a decisive battle, naturally because he wanted to let Aliwether evolve into a stronger one before participating in the battle.

Aliwether also needs to constantly evolve in order to grow to the point where she can participate in the mission, right after the conversation before orbiting down.

Aliwether came to a secret base controlled by the foundation.

On the other side of the battlefield, a battle of life and death is also going on here.

This is an arena-like facility in a foundation research base, and at this time Aliwether was standing alone in the center of this arena-like hall.

The figure of Aliweser At the moment with red and white hair is more and more perfect than before. This mature intellectual beauty is rushing towards a T-103 tyrant at an extremely fast speed.

Like a red phantom, she easily avoided the attack of the T-103 tyrant, and then turned her hands into sharp blades to cut off the tyrant's claws.

After consecutive slashes with the precision of a scalpel, the tyrant fell to the ground with serious injuries, and then Aliweser's right hand grasped the heart of the T-103 tyrant, absorbing and devouring it.

The next moment, Aliwether's hands unlocked the shape of a tyrant's sharp claws, and her body shape also increased slightly, her legs became more slender and her figure became more mature and charming.

This is Aliwether's mission, to constantly devour those high-level infected people, and let Aliwether gradually adapt to the constantly evolution of the black light virus.

Only after Aliwether possesses the black light virus has evolved to a certain strength, it becomes possible for Aliwether to devour the core of the biochemical brood.

Otherwise, Aliweser might very well become like Obadiah, who on the surface is dominated by his own consciousness, but has actually been reduced to a puppet of the contained object 008.

Chen Feng didn't want to go all out to help Aliweser devour and evolve, but her consciousness was replaced by the containment object 008, and everything would be over in that case.

The researchers who had been observing Aliwether's body data from above quickly recorded her body strength data.

"The cell activity has increased by 6.8%, the comprehensive strength has increased by 8.1%, and the reaction speed has increased by 5.7%. The alienated T-103 tyrant's claws are unlocked, and can be easily converted into humans."

"My God, what kind of monster is this?"

"All 10 T-103 tyrants were killed by her alone, and she is still constantly evolving..."

Looking at Aliwether in the middle of the arena, Dr. Wilhelm frowned.

"It's still too slow. The battle on the Commander's side has already begun, and her evolution speed is still not enough. Details

Dr. Wilhelm picked up the microphone indifferently, and asked indifferently: "Experimental prototype, can you continue to conduct experimental tests?"

Hearing Dr. Wilhelm's title, Eliweser didn't care at all, her scarlet eyes coldly glanced at the observation window of the research institute.

Aliweser doesn't care about Dr. Wilhelm who has almost no human feelings and puts everything into research.

What she cares about now is that she must complete the task assigned by the commander.

Because it is related to the life and death of countless people, when she herself is carrying the black light virus that integrated the mother strain of the containment 008.

Aliweser slightly recalled her previous memories. She didn't really die, but the black light virus symbiotically coexisted with her, and integrated and repaired her organs that had been smashed into rotten flesh by bullets.

But that also caused Aliwether to temporarily lose her memory.

Thinking of those friends who fought side by side with me, the foundation that helped me recover my memory, and the entrustment of Commander His Excellency Chen Feng.

Aliwether knew that this was a responsibility she had evaded so much, she had to face those mutated evolutions.

If she didn't devour those monsters and win with her will, then she would eventually be replaced by the consciousness of the birth of containment object 008.

In order to survive, Aliwether had no choice.

So regardless of her exhaustion, Aliweser said to Wilhelm on the observation deck: "Continue!"

"The next project is to fight against 1,000 hunters."

After speaking, the isolation door of the platform was opened, and 1000 hunters howled and were released from the cage, and rushed towards Aliwether, whom they thought was almost the most delicious food.

Aliweser's eyes instantly became as dangerous as the predator at the top of the food chain, her hands turned into sharp claws, and with one claw, the first hunter who rushed forward was turned into a pulp, and then devoured.

Wilhelm continued to look indifferently at Aliwether who was fighting like a tiger among a herd of sheep.

After about 20 minutes of bloody battle, Aliweser, who was out of breath and bathed in blood, stood in the center of the battlefield with a strange beauty.

However, Dr. Wilhelm did not give her time to rest at all, but gave her orders indifferently.

"Start the next wave, increase the difficulty, 3 Biochemical Titans, 10 Alienated Tyrants, 100 Wailing Banshees, 1,000 Hunters, and 10,000 Zombies."

With the opening of the isolation door, there were deafening roars one after another, and countless mutated creatures poured out from the passage. Feeling the threat of the grass, Aliweser rushed towards the biochemical titan like a mountain like a bolt of lightning. The ground in the air jumped and flipped onto its back.

The right hand turned into huge amounts of sharp blades and pierced its heart fiercely. The next moment, Aliweser seemed to have reached a critical point, and bloody wings formed of flesh and blood grew from her back, accompanied by a roar like a sound wave .

Countless flesh and blood thorns covered the scene, and all the monsters were instantly absorbed by them as nutrients.

Seeing this, Wilhelm nodded in satisfaction: "It's time."

Returning to the brood battlefield, Chen Feng At the moment didn't know that Aliweser had already completed the devouring evolution ahead of schedule with the assistance of Dr. Wilhelm.

Her consciousness and physical condition have grown to the point where she can attempt to devour the hive core.

At the moment Chen Feng was still having a headache, should he take the risk of destroying the surface of the three mother nests with firepower?

The foundation has already scanned the structure of the mother nest. The mother nest is a terrifying nest made of flesh and blood, almost hundreds of meters deep underground, and it is difficult to completely destroy it even with the use of nuclear weapons.

Even if the part 250 of the surface is blown up, it still needs to go deep into the core area of ​​the mother nest at the bottom to destroy the mother nest.

To be honest, Chen Feng didn't expect Obadiah to be so restless. The Heaven's Punishment Operation had already approached the city in less than half a day, destroying at least one-third of the corpse tide.

At this time, Obadiah couldn't sit still anymore, and Guoran jumped out to ambush Chen Feng's Biofiliru-class space carrier.

Although the ambush failed, it still made Chen Feng a little annoyed.

This is like the feeling that the enemy not only refused to surrender, but also dared to attack our army.

At the moment, the two Gloria-class space carriers were hovering over the outskirts of the brood city, constantly pouring firepower at the tide of corpses pouring out of the brood city.

But those zombies seemed to be inexhaustible, and they continued to charge wave after wave.

However, the Goliath class just didn't enter the sky above the brood city. The two Goliaths could indeed temporarily suppress the brood, but the brood would constantly produce violent soldiers.

Once the underground brood cannot be destroyed, it is difficult to solve the problem immediately with just two Goliath ships.

Chen Feng now had to be patient, letting the two Gloria-class aerospace carriers stay outside the city to constantly consume the brood, and focus all firepower on destroying Obadiah's flesh and blood mechs.

With Goliath's firepower advantage, the production ability of the brood is far from being able to offset the firepower of the Goliath Helicopter.

My firepower is endless, but your zombies are limited.

Chen Feng, who has taken the initiative on the battlefield, now has only one problem: how to abuse the spring water to gain more.

Just when Chen Feng was struggling, Tony. Stark who was beside him couldn't hold back anymore.

Even though it was dark outside, Tony was eager to fight.

Tony always believed that Obadiah was responsible for causing such a disaster.

So Tony, who was eager to fight, couldn't help but suggested to Chen Feng: "Uh, Brother Chen Feng, can I fight? You know, that idiot is my responsibility."

Chen Feng patted him on the shoulder and agreed: "Go ahead, I will continue to command from the battleship, if you can't hold on, don't resist, we will support you."

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