American comics: Enlightenment in Arkham, Ascension to Homelander

Chapter 335 Please Me

"Meet me?"

Downton's voice suddenly came to Miles' ears, and the sound made Miles tense up unconsciously.

Yes, he heard it, he could indeed hear me!

But why?

Was the White House network also hacked?

Are you the original human in the fucking intelligence, or are you a wandering AI that ran out from the other side of the fucking black wall?

Is this fucking divine power, or some other messy thing?

While thinking wildly, Miles nodded heavily.

"Yes, if possible, I hope to see you. I..."

Bang! ! !

Before Miles finished speaking, a loud noise suddenly appeared, and four or five heads exploded at the same time on the oval table in front of Miles.

Splattered flesh and blood covered Miles's face, and this scene made other people in the office swallow their saliva uncontrollably.

Then, in the ears of these big figures in the new American government, Downton's lazy voice continued to ring.

"Now you are qualified to come to see me, haha, because the guys who just died are considered the price of those nuclear bombs for the time being.

If you have the next step, remember to prepare in advance the price you are about to pay.

And the other thing is, Mr. Secretary of Defense, those fucking words coming out of your mouth are really annoying.

If someone has to pay the price, why does it have to be someone else and not you?

I hope you and everyone like you will remember that when we encounter a price that must be paid, we have to think of ourselves first.

And if you don’t want to pay for it, try not to blame it on others, at least don’t start blaming it right away, buddy~”

At this point, Downton suddenly cut off the conversation with the whole world.

Then, right in front of Miles' eyes, the Secretary of Defense's brain exploded out of thin air, and the plasma and brain matter became like ketchup, adding a touch of color to the already bloody office.

Looking at the Minister of Defense who lost his head and fell onto the table, he suddenly became stiff.

Miles took a deep breath, then nodded.

"Thank you for your teaching, we have learned a lot, at least I promise I really learned it!"

After the words fell, Miles did not expect Downton to continue to respond, but looked at the other survivors in silence.

Facing the sharp eyes of the female president, the survivors looked at me and I looked at you, not knowing what to say.

It was silent for a while, and then someone finally spoke tentatively.

"Ahem, since they were all...succumbed to God's punishment.

Then... let the body be handed over to the trauma team?

This place has become less sacred because of these corpses. Should we continue the discussion in another place?

For example, a room that at least has a picture of a god hanging on it can show our respect for the god? "

"Good idea, Joel, gods need to be worshiped, and we should believe in and worship gods.

President Miles, why don't we adjourn the meeting temporarily and lay out the future administrative location first, and then find the best oil painter to paint that ancient and sacred image? "

Following this guy's words, everyone else looked towards Miles.

Facing everyone's eyes, Miles sneered disdainfully, and then said coldly.

"Tang is not an old-fashioned and traditional god who lives in your eyes and hearts. He doesn't need your admiration, he only needs your fear!

As for me, I feel disgusted by how arrogant you are now!

Can't you see Tang's attitude? As the controller and protector of the country, our first attack on him can be slightly forgiven by him, because he knows that we should fulfill our responsibilities.

And what he punishes is mostly those who think they are superior by throwing me or others out without mercy as the price!

Tang is not as pedantic as you think, nor is he narrow-minded, but his vision is extremely broad.

As the smartest people in New America, I hope you can better understand his spirit, rather than just understanding him on the surface.

In that case, I believe our people and Tang will be disappointed with us! "

Having said this, Miles glanced around with sharp eyes.

Facing Miles's eyes, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the female president with admiration.

On the side, a man swallowed, and then tentatively said to Miles.

"So...we don't need to prepare oil paintings?"

"Nonsense, of course you need it, find the best painter to paint it!"

Miles looked at the person who spoke as if he were a fool.

As he scolded him, Miles shook his head inwardly.

Time waits not for us, and the situation today has completely changed.

The current team of secretaries of state is not what it used to be, and there are still a few idiots responsible for taking the blame.

In the past, the existence of idiots was necessary. Every qualified team facing the public had to have some people who could reasonably bear the public's anger.

But it's different now.

There is no room for stupid people here anymore, because any stupid person may get Downton's thunderous wrath!

And Downton's anger targets random targets!

Therefore, your team must go through the next round of overhaul.

In this case, I'm afraid I have to consider recalling a group of trustworthy and truly smart people to my side!

On the other hand, just as Miles fell into reverie.

In Night City, Downton slowly descended from the air, and then landed back on the empty and dilapidated company square.

Looking at Downton who landed in front of him, Roger took a deep breath, and then asked him with a deep look.

"Dang, you just... really contacted the whole world?"

"Is this still false, woman, do you think I'm a fool?

After all, only fools will pretend to be a b that is destined to be discovered.

Why, I am such a fool in your heart, or you are not smart enough, and you have to wait for the subsequent news to ferment and spread before you have the courage to confirm it?"

"No, I just... I..."

Listening to Downton's words, Roger shook his head gently, and his eyes kept drifting.

She said confusedly while looking dazed.

"I just can't believe it. On the one hand, I can't believe that you actually exist, and on the other hand, I'm not sure why you appear.

What I'm most unsure of is why I'm lucky. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to talk to you like me..."

Speaking of this, Rogge laughed self-deprecatingly.

"Believe me, Tang, I've never been visited by good luck in my life.

They all call me the queen of the afterlife and the living legend of Night City, but that's not a good title.

Or, it's because I've lost too much, but I have to live with regrets and painful memories until now. I, this embarrassed woman... you prefer to use the word woman.

In short, I'm a woman surrounded by pain and memories. I never expect, and I've never been favored by good luck.

But now, good luck has come, don't you think I shouldn't be confused?"

"That's right~"

Tangton nodded gently, and then smiled and put his arm around Rogge's shoulders.

"After all, although you don't look too old, you have countless wrinkles in your heart, and it's easy to think about this and that.

But those are all unnecessary things.

You can live a day of frustration, and you can live a day of happiness. Even if you live a very frustrating life, it doesn't mean that you can't be happy, as long as you are heartless enough!

So, Roger, don't think about those things, just accompany me to play heartlessly.

Let's go, let's go back and eat something raw and have a drink.

Then we will go to Tokyo, and the little baby Sanlang is still waiting for me there. He owed a debt since World War II, and now it's time to pay it back."

At this point, Donton suddenly showed Roger a mischievous smile.

"Guess why I kept Sanlang alive for now, haha, because fear is the best gift I can give him.

Believe me, when I haven't met him yet, fear will devour his heart, and he will try desperately to find a way out.

I will give him a chance. After all, how can a person who dies in despair please me more than someone who thinks he has found hope but ends up with greater despair?"

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