American comics: Brother-in-law, Superman, I practice the method of covering the sky

Chapter 41

Chapter 41 wants to have a showdown with Diana

"Are you sure it's not because Clark joined the football team that you're focusing on this?"

Donald still has doubts about this sister who is 15 minutes older than herself, and her starting point.

"Admittedly, there are factors to this, but as a journalist, I also have my own ethics. "

Chloe graciously admitted.

"Well, now that you've figured it out, go ahead and I'll definitely support you. "

Donald pouted.

There are a lot of weird things in the small town of Smallville, but most of them have something to do with meteorites.

Two-headed cows and six-legged frogs have been spotted before.

There is also the matter of the insect Gray, which is also very clear to everyone in their small group.

It's just that if these things are really written and put in the newspaper, it feels like the kind of nonsense roadside literature like the world's top ten unsolved mysteries.

It's not like serious news.

His sister Chloe's attempt to win a Pulitzer Prize with these things was a pure dream.

"I know, by the way, there's one thing that needs your help so badly.

You said just now that you would support me. "

Chloe's face was full of smiles.

Laughing like a fox.

I didn't hold back any good farts at first glance.

"Tell me, what do you need me to buy?"

"How do you know?".

"Because the answer is already written on your face. "

"Sure enough, I still can't fool you, you are worthy of being invited by three Ivy League universities at the same time.

I need two computers, a printer, preferably in color.

And a two-megabit high-speed network cable is required. "

In those days, most home networks were still dial-up networks.

The internet is ridiculously slow.

Two megabytes of broadband is already considered high-speed.

"That's no problem, I can even ask someone to install a 10 trillion one, it won't cost a few dollars. "

"It's worthy of being a multi-millionaire, it's just heroic, you go, I'm going to get to work. "

For Chloe's practice of using people forward, not people backward, Donald said that he has become Xi to it.

Who let this be their own sister?


After school, the rugby team is training.

Clarke, of course, also played.

In America, there are two classes in the afternoon, and school is out after class.

There is a lot of spare time left for students.

Of course, this is only for those students who receive a happy education, and those who receive an elite education are definitely full of courses.

"It's pretty similar, and it's well controlled. "

Donald saw Clark's performance in the stands, and he couldn't help but give a thumbs up in his heart.

With this kind of acting skills, he can win the Oscar, especially when he was knocked down by someone else just now, lying on the ground and rolling for a week and a half, with a painful expression on his face.

"Isn't it funny?".

A voice rang out to Donald's left.

"Teacher Diana, do you like rugby too?".

Donald didn't even turn his head, still staring at the court.

"Rugby is a sport with a lot of confrontation and teamwork, and it's a very good sport for students. "

Diana did not answer whether she liked it or not.

"That's what it's called confrontation?".

Donald sneered and said something in his heart.

He knew what kind of training Diana had received on Paradise Island.

It's definitely a real gun.

Compared to that, the rugby in front of me is like a game.

"Teacher Diana, I have been studying theology recently, and I would like to ask you, what kind of existence does the so-called God look like in your eyes?"

Donald's words amounted to a showdown.

"I didn't expect Donald to be interested in such an ethereal theology.

I always thought you would only be interested in science.

But since you've already asked, I'll tell you what I think.

God is someone who has done what ordinary people can't. "

Diana's answer seemed plausible, but in fact she didn't answer anything at all.

"Very good, a very useful nonsense. "

Donald nodded solemnly.

"It's rude for you to talk to the teacher like that. "

Diana teased.

"Actually, I don't want to communicate like this anymore, or let's communicate openly and honestly.

I can feel the power within you. "

Donald doesn't want to play any more strikers.

It's boring.

"In that case, I don't think it's a good place to communicate. "

Diana stood up, her expression becoming serious.

"Then let's change places, how about that abandoned foundry?".

"It's good, it's off the beaten track, and no one should bother us. "

"Let's go, then. "

The two men left the school side by side.

Kansas has a humid climate, so it's densely forested.

Not far from the school, the two entered the forest.

Donald wouldn't have cared about drilling into the woods with such a big beauty.

After entering the forest, the speed of the two people exploded instantly.

Ordinary people can't even see the afterimage.

Diana's speed is also faster than the speed of sound.

In the film, she is faster than a rifle bullet.

The rifle bullet that has just been discharged has a general velocity of 700~1 km per second.

That is, Mach 2~3.

Diana's speed was about Mach 3.

Far worse than Donald.

However, in order not to be detected, she did not exceed the speed of sound, because if it was exceeded, there would be a sonic boom, and there would be a loud noise.

It wasn't until he had smoked a small half cigarette in the foundry that Diana arrived.

"You're fast, but as a student, you can't smoke. "

Diana was a little shocked.

Although she already knew that Donald was very fast, even surpassing herself.

But she didn't know exactly how much faster.

The mountain behind the school is not close to the foundry, but it is not far either.

Rushing over at her own pace, it was only about 1 minute.

And the cigarette in Donald's hand was already half smoked.

This means that she had just been running at close to the speed of sound for a minute, and Donald had arrived almost instantly.

And at such a fast speed, there was no sonic boom, this student is very unusual.

"Never say to a man he's fast. "

Donald made a joke.

"Trust me, I've seen a lot of hormones-ridden kids like you, so let's get down to business.

What the hell are you?".

Diana walked up to Donald and looked him in the eye, as if trying to see him through.

Well, this question is more difficult to answer, who am I, where am I from, where am I going, these are the ultimate three questions of life, I am too young to get the answer to this question. "

"Don't talk to me about who you are, or what you are.

You're very unusual, a creature like you, I've never seen before. "

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