America In Another World

Chapter 23 Part 2 – New Threats?

Holy cow! I was on trending three times this week! Thank you guys so much! Funny thing, the biggest spike in page views I had was a total of 1776 views (It's a sign! For those who don't get it-> The US became a nation in 1776.)

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Read a release ahead ->

"Peace for our time" - Neville Chamberlain after signing the Munich Agreement with Adolf Hitler in 1938 (Almost directly a year later, World War Two would start)

The song is based on "SS Marschiert in Feindesland" 

So you can hear the tone of the song ->

1025 January 27th, 2020 CE

0912 Start 27th, 196 AE

Town of Savaria

Furius knocks on the door of his family’s house. 

“Who is…”

“I hope I didn’t miss the wedding.”

“Big brother!”

Tears form on the eyes of Furius’s little sister as she hugs him.

“We thought you died.”

Furius smiles. 

“Your older brother won’t die that easily.”

Inside the house, an older woman looks from a room. 

“F… Furius?”

“I'm home, mother.”

Furius’s mother slowly walks to him for an embrace.

“I knew you were alive.”

“I’m just glad to be home.”

Mercator, who is behind Furius and is standing using crutches, coughs to get his attention. 

“Ah, oh yeah, this is a friend I made in the Army, he’s Mercator. Is it ok if he lives with us for a bit? His home is in Industropolis and it isn’t really a good time for him to go back.”

“Of course! I’m going to call your father, he’s working in the fields. We are having a celebration tonight!”

A few minutes later, Mercator, Furius, and Furius’s family is at the dinner table.

“Son, ever since we got news that the Americans have landed and that your unit had been wiped out, we were extremely worried.”

“Well, we were lucky and barely escaped.”

“What exactly happened?”

“Well... you guys have read the letter I sent you correct?”:


“Well, Mercator and I got stationed at…”

Through dinner, Furius and Mercator recounts their experience of the war.

“... we were able to get a ride from this nice guy who has a sister near Burdi.”

0027 January 30th, 2020 CE

0454 Start 30th, 196 AE

Near the town of Isca

A knock came on her door. 

“Who is it?”

Pomponia slowly walks to her door confused. Usually no one would come to her house seeing that it is secluded. Recently, she had feared that the Americans would barge in during the invasion but that never happened. Even more surprising was that she heard that the Americans didn’t even pillage Industropolis when they arrived and won. Usually a victorious army would pillage and plunder a defended city. 

Pomponia opens her door slightly and looks out. A man is there looking down at her. 

“Nice to meet you, I am a diplomat from the United States of America. Are you Pomponia Industros?”

March 12th, 2020 CE

Start 42nd, 196 AE


Crowds line the streets for miles. Confetti rains down from houses.  Long columns of soldiers with bayonets shining from their magirifles march in formation. Behind them, magitrucks pull magiartillery and light, medium, and heavy magipanzers motor along. Squadrons of magiplanes fly overhead. The infantrymen are singing to their National Army marching song

“Our glorious Army marches on human land and sings this glorious song

A rifleman stands on human’s shores and silently hums along

Up and down we move forward

And the whole world may

Curse us or hail us 

Whatever they choose to do

Wherever we are, let’s go forwards!

And we shall laugh like this: 

Ha-ha ha-ha!

We’re fighting for elves,

We’re fighting for our leader

We’ll give the humans no rest.

Wherever we are, let’s go forwards!

And we shall laugh like this: 

Ha-ha ha-ha!

We’re fighting for elves,

We’re fighting for our leader

We’ll give the humans no rest.

We are prepared to fight in many battles,

To the north, south, east, and west

And now we stand ready to fight against the human plague!

Our glorious Army will never rest, 

We will destroy all humans

So that no one will disturb our good fortune

And when our ranks are thinned

For us there will be no retreat!

Wherever we are, let’s go forwards!

And we shall laugh like this: 

Ha-ha ha-ha!

We’re fighting for elves,

We’re fighting for our leader

We’ll give the humans no rest.

Wherever we are, let’s go forwards!

And we shall laugh like this: 

Ha-ha ha-ha!

We’re fighting for elves,

We’re fighting for our leader

We’ll give the humans no rest.”


On a balcony of a palace overlooking a street where soldiers are marching through, a young and tall person stands looking proudly at this display of strength.

“My leader, the Great Magus’s death is nearing. The doctors are saying that he will die within the month.”

“Send him my regards. He has done his duty for all elves. Finalize the preparations for surfacing.”

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