Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

A&O Volume 2: The Long March South – Chapter 49: A Demonstration Of Resolve (Part 2)

As the negotiations began, the dual monarchs sat across the chiefs who had come to hear them out, with a set of papers laid out on the table for each chief to read through. Each paper had a specific purpose, some were listing the various laws that they were now to abide by, and others were dictating the various taxes that they now had to comply with as per the new financial system they were to be a part of. Some papers also had details about how the Cultural Autonomy Laws were to be carried out, and there was one that had full details of the infrastructure that would be brought to their clan villages once they were part of the empire. All in all, what was before the clan chiefs was an astounding amount of information that would have answered any of their questions. 

"These files have everything you need to know about the empire and what you will all be subscribing to if you choose to sign up for integration" Amelia told them as she gestured to the papers before them 

"Take as much time as you need to look over and reread if you wish, if you have questions, feel free to ask us, we are the leaders of the Halkare Empire, we pretty much wrote the whole thing" Ophelia added with a slight nod 

The chiefs looked at one another and then towards Ahinari who gestured to the papers before them, with that gesture, they began to read the papers laid out before them. 

"Amazing, they are written in our languages, despite us not having any contact with you" Chief Orise, the Leo Beastkin chief stated with amazement 

"Well, the papers you are all holding have been enchanted with a translation spell, a small spell that is nearly impossible to identify. It is designed to translate the words into your own for ease of reading and as you may have already guessed, since you can understand us and vice versa, we too use translation magic for verbal communication as well" The raven-haired empress told him, with the chiefs being utterly impressed by this fact 

" think your nation was this advanced" Chief Armen, one of the wolf beastkin chiefs remarked as he looked at the papers 

"Well, we had time to become such a thing" The blonde empress replied with a slight smile as she and her beloved watched as the chiefs continued to read through the papers, ready to answer any questions thrown their way 

"Well, everything seems to be very much in our favor in all honesty Your Majesties. It feels too favorable for us, I feel as if there is a catch...pardon me for asking, but is there one?" Chief Tuga, the boar beastkin chief asked, his deep voice holding some doubts and concern in his question 

"I can tell you wholeheartedly Chief Tuga. There is none, there is no catch in return for what we are giving to you and your people" Amelia answered him with a straightforward expression 

The chiefs and Chief Tuga looked at the blonde empress, trying to see if she was lying, they even looked at Ophelia who also nodded in kind to her beloved's statement. They saw no betrayal in their expressions, they saw nothing that could tell them that they were lying or playing them for fools, they only saw the expressions of two people who were being truthful. 

"I both truly do seem like those befitting ones who are chosen by our Gods" The boar beastkin chief stated with a small smile at the corner of his lips and a nod 

"Although, I do have one more question" Chief Loma, one of the two Harpy chiefs chimed in, raising her right wing which had a beautiful array of red and gold feathers

"Ask away Chief Loma" Ophelia nodded at her 

"If I may be bold Your Majesties...but what do you get out of this?" The Harpy chief asked

"Excuse me?" Amelia replied with a raised eyebrow 

"I do not mean to disrespect Your Majesties. I just wish to know, what do you both get out of aligning an entire continent?" Chief Loma added 

The dual monarchs looked at one another, they had expected this type of question for so long, but no one had brought it up to them ever since the start of their march. But now that it was asked right here and now, the two of them were caught off guard and were actually impressed and pleased by the question thrown their way. 

"Well, we would have peace" Amelia answered her, much to the confusion of the chiefs before them 

"What do you mean Your Majesties?" Chief Irta, the other Harpy chief asked, her blue and green feathers slightly ruffled as she titled her head 

"Well, with one unified continent. We would have peace. There would be no fighting one another, no competing interests, just a single nation, with a single vision. United in the common cause of benefits for all" Ophelia added 

"A unified continent means a unified people, despite having cultural differences, they are united nonetheless. A unified continent also meant that everyone has the chance to grow together, to build bonds together, to bring out the best of one another together" 

"That is what we will get out of this. It is not about us, it is about all of you. As chosen by the Gods, it is always about the people, you can count on that" 

The chiefs looked at one another as they saw the same truthful gaze coming from the dual monarchs, although it sounded too good to be true, their expressions gave them no reason to doubt their words. To the entire room, the dual monarchs embodied everything they had come to expect out of those chosen by the Gods to lead, and they would be fools not to accept their offer, pride be damned. They were not going to just throw away what looked to be a definitive start of a good life for all of them, if they did, their people would hate them for sure.  

After hearing their answers, the negotiations came to a conclusion, the dual monarchs were able to secure the signatures of all of the clan chiefs present, including the initially hesitant Rambani who was won by their earlier answer. Overall, it was another successful round of negotiations that the dual monarchs were pleased by. 


Suddenly, Erhet slithered to the side of the dual monarchs and bent down to them, near their ears 

"Huntress has informed us of movement. 5,000 strong, moving towards the Ourcos Clan Village" The lamia whispered 

"I see. You will need to be sent there until Marshal Belle can muster up a proper force" Ophelia replied to her as she glanced at the clan chiefs who were curious as to what was going on 

"Understood. I will send a message to the Marshal about the situation" Erhet replied as she slithered away and began conversing with another  Black Guard standing by the door 

"Is something wrong Your Majesties?" Ahinari asked as he looked at them, his old age giving him the wisdom to see that there was something up 

"There is unfortunately. It seems that our friends down south have made a move. It is a large party, around 5,000 strong and they are heading right for the nearest clan village by the border, the Ourcos Clan" 


"What!?" Rambani exclaimed as he rose to his feet, his eyes wide with surprise 

"Mhmm, it seems that they intend on using this incursion to gauge the resistance they will be facing" The raven-haired empress added 

"So what are we waiting for?! We must go back to my clan at once!" Rambani shouted as he began moving towards the door 

"Patience, calm yourselves. This is exactly what we were expecting sooner or later" Ophelia said as she moved in front of him 

"What do you mean Your Majesty?" The blue orc chief asked as he looked down at her in disbelief 

"Your people will not die, nor will they be harmed, I assure you that, rather. We wish to turn this incursion into something larger" The raven-haired empress answered him 

"What?" Rambani asked, his mind now racing 

"Our Black Guard will be sent directly to your clan village and will hold them off until a proper relief force is brought in. We shall make them believe they are fighting an even bigger force than they really are" The blonde empress chimed in as she walked to her beloved's side 

"You wish to draw them into a larger battle, don't you?" Chief Ren, one of the other orc clan chiefs chimed in

"Indeed we do. But to ensure that happens, we need them to attack the Ourcos Clan" 

"So how will this work?! I don't intend for my people to be slaughtered!" Rambani shouted, his emotions understandable by those in the room 

"We know, and we do not wish for them to be slaughtered. The Black Guard will provide the distraction you and your people will need to get away. 5,000 will be fighting only 100, but those 100 will give them a bloody nose, won't you Erhet?" Amelia replied before glancing over at her large lamia bodyguard 

"Of course Your Majesty. We will send them running until reinforcements arrive" Erhet replied as she nodded her head, causing her helmet to get into position

"I how will this go down" The blue orc chief asked 


Stepping out of a portal directly outside the Ourcos Clan village, Rambani was left speechless as he stepped from the interior of the Great Hall to the outside of his home, followed by a hundred of these soldiers wearing jet-black plate armor which was jagged and lined with small crimson accents that made them all the more terrifying to look at. 

"Go now, get your people out of here" Erhet commanded as she and her soldiers got into position 

"Right, but wait...what of you?" Rambani asked as he turned back and looked up at the massive lamia 

"You needn't worry. A single Black Guard is worth a thousand of their B-Rank fodder. Each of us is an S-Rank warrior, we will grind them all to dust by the end of the battle" Erher answered him 

"That is remarkable, but still. They outnumber you almost by 50 times your strength, once we are underway, you can run with us, we can escape-" 

"That does not matter. Your people are the priority. Now go" The lamia stated as she cut off Rambani's words. The blue orc chief was silent as he looked into the unwavering eyes of the lamia before him before he gave her a nod and then ran into the village 

"All units. Spread out into teams of five, make them bleed for every step they take" Erhet commanded, her vice resonating through the communication crystals in her helmet and on the collars of their armor

"Understood" The rest of the Black Guard replied as they got into position 

The Ourcos Clan village was situated at the edge of a forest which opened up into a large and rolling clearing field that stretched as far as the eye could see. The village was built on a slightly elevated position that had rocky ledges with a good amount of greenery on either side that split the dirt trail leading into the village and helped guard the flanks of the place from attackers. But, the Ourcos Clan had not really taken the lessons of trying to hide their village in plain sight and so, even from the field before them, the enemy could clearly see the wooden walls that surrounded the village. 

"Be ready. If they are anything like our previous foes, they will most likely send out a scouting party first, so hide" Erhet commanded as she slithered behind a mound, activating the personal cloaking crystal in her armor to help her hide since she was a lamia that towered over everyone, it was kind of hard to hide behind a rock 

The Dukedom soldiers would have to advance along the stretches of dirt road that led to the clan village, the armor the soldiers were wearing did not enhance the soldiers who were wearing them in any capacity. The Black Guard knew this as they had stolen several suits of armor from the corpses of the Dukedom soldiers they had killed a month prior, testing out the suits back in the empire to see what they were going to be up against. The armor sets were heavy and provided adequate protection against lower-ranking enemies, but were utterly useless against the magically enhanced soldiers of the Imperial Army who were all B-Rank in base strength after undergoing intense training regimens provided by the Demonkin instructors. Meanwhile, the Dukedom soldiers while capable against lesser opponents, were slow and unenhanced. Accompanied by the fact that their magic and weapons were practically useless against them unless en masse, the Black Guard had their work cut out for them. 


About forty minutes later, as they were watching the field before them, the Black Guard finally saw figures crest over the horizon. They saw 5 columns of soldiers marching close to one another, with lances above the columns that had the banner of the Dukedom of Abernath tied to their tips swaying in the wind. Erhet glanced behind her and used her senses on the village, sensing no one else left in the village and a mass of people moving northward, a small smile crept onto her face. 

"The people have been evacuated, make sure none of them make it past you" 


As the columns of soldiers walked along the rolling field of grass, Signatari Grand Captain Michelle was riding atop his stead at the head of the center column, the sun beaming down on them was making the Grand Captain sweat underneath his mask. His white robe with green accent linings was different compared to the silver suits of armor that the Signatari Initiates and Novices were wearing. Although he was not issued with the same plate armor as his men, he still wore a small chainmail set underneath his robes for protection just in case. 

"Right...seems that our target is in sight. All columns halt!" Michelle shouted at the top of his lungs, making all the columns slowly come to a stop just on the field 

A soldier from the column behind him walked to his side and looked up at him atop his horse, flashing a small salute that caught Michelle's attention who looked down at him

"What are the orders Grand Captain?" The soldier asked 

"Send in Captain Garn and his column forward. It is just a measly village before us, I would like this done with quickly" Michelle replied, a hint of mockery in his tone as he looked at the clan village in the distance 

"Understood Grand Captain, but may I ask, why not send in all of us?" The soldier asked 

"Well, I feel a bit lazy today in all honesty. Plus, sending in everyone is just to cause chaos and I would rather not spend another hour just trying to fix everything once the looting and chasing starts" Michelle answered him with a lax tone 

"Ah! What a wonderful thought Grand Captain!" The soldier replied with a smile hidden by his mask 

"Thank you Initiate, now, tell Captain Garn to begin his attack" 

"At once Grand Captain!" The soldier replied before he moved to the column on the far left 

Once the Initiate reached the head of the leftmost column, he spoke to a soldier wearing the same plate armor but wearing a blue sash that denoted his rank as captain. After a brief talk, the captain of the column began leading his column forward, the sounds of iron boots marching forward and the rattles of the lances holding up the banner of the dukedom filled the air as they passed their comrades who were all standing by and watching with interest as their fellow soldiers went in to do their job. 

"Spread out!" Captain Garn commanded

The singular column of infantry then split into 5 smaller columns of 200 men who all began to quick march and spread out like snakes, hoping to attack the clan village from multiple angles and surround the place before anyone could escape, not knowing that said inhabitants were already far away from the village and that the only thing they were approaching was their soon to be ambush spot. 

Meanwhile, all the way across the field and hiding in plain sight with the camouflage magic crystals in use was the Black Guard, all of them watching intently as the enemy approached, their eyes and expressions filled with resolve and determination to fulfill the order they were given. Drive the enemy back until relieved. 


Back in the Great Hall of the Florinian Clan, all of the clan chiefs watched a projection coming from a magic crystal projector in the middle of the room, it was a high shot of the entire scene happening at the Ourcos Clan village, with the view provided by some hidden flying eyes that Amelia had made and sent through the portal earlier. With her beloved serving as her battery, they were going to show the entire battle to the rest of the clan chiefs the same way they had done so for Ahinari a month prior. 

"Get ready everyone, the show is about to begin" Ophelia said as they all turned to the projection

A/N: Let's get ready to battle!! 

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