Amazing Village Building

Chapter 336: You should take a good look at yourself in the mirror

“W-why? Why can’t I reach into my bosom!?”

Akane-san tried to disembowel herself but was unable to take out the dagger from her breast pocket.

“Well, you are too plump now, after all.”

“Too plump…?”

“Huh? Haven’t you realized?”

Apparently, the person herself wasn’t aware of her large increase in size.

“You should take a good look at yourself in the mirror. Let’s see, a mirror that could show the whole body…”

I once again teleported with Akane-san. This time, we went to the entrance lobby of the first floor of the village’s palace.

The whole surface of a wall there had a mirror stretching over it.

Upon taking a look at her whole body, Akane-san was at a loss of words.

“Wh…this is me…?”

“Yup. You’ve gotten so plump all of a sudden.”

“I can’t believe I’ve become this slovenly…S-seppuku! I must commit seppuku to atone for this!”

“You can’t take out your dagger, remember?”

“Wha!? This form’s not even letting me do such a thing…”

Shocked, Akane-san fell to her knees. Loudly, if I might add.

“Rather than do that, why not just get back to training yourself. That way, you get to become thinner and also work toward your goal of traversing the mountain range by yourself. Killing two birds with one stone, as they say.”

“…yes, I’ll do just that.”

Despite looking despondent, Akane-san agreed to my suggestion.

“But can you even draw out your katana?”

“O-of course. A samurai who could not draw their katana is no longer one…”

“What’s wrong?”

“M-my belly’s in the way of my arm! I can’t pull out my katana at alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll! What value is there in the life of a samurai who can’t draw their sword!? None! I must commit…but I can’t!”

“Yup, you definitely have to lose weight first before whatever else…”

◇ ◇ ◇

“I must say, the factory is amazing for our productivity. Thanks to it, we’ve managed to produce a lot of cure potions so quickly.”

<<Factory: a facility for the mass production of various goods. Safety first.>>

In order to prepare all the cure potions, I made a factory with my Gift. All potions were previously manually made by the elves. However, after assigning as much of the process as we could to the machinery, our productivity has seen a great boost.

I mentioned to the Divine Emperor that it wasn’t easy to make all the cure potions, but with the factory, it wasn’t difficult either.

We planned to keep making use of the factory for our potion production from now on.

“People could travel to our village from all over now, so the demand for them is probably only going to keep on growing.”

We would naturally need a lot of ingredients like medicinal herbs, so I also added more fields for their cultivation.

Potions weren’t the only things being produced in a factory though.

The processing of foodstuff for export, the making of clothes, and even the production of daily necessities and other miscellaneous goods were all being done in factories lately.

Additionally, we have also been making machinery for agricultural purposes within the factories. I based their designs off of my previous life’s memories and the dwarves made my designs a reality. Thanks to that, we were able to make significant advancements in our farmwork.

“Now that I think about it, Millia had asked me to make a factory for printing purposes.”

But even after that, I still haven’t seen any books being published…or newspapers and leaflets for that matter.

What are they printing then?

◇ ◇ ◇

“This facility called factory is wonderful indeed. Luke-sama’s powers are as impressive as always.”

“Indeed, Millia-sama. It has made mass-production of our scripture possible.”

One of the factories made by Luke’s Gift was turned into a printing factory. In there, scriptures for proselytizing purposes titled “The Legend of Luke-sama” were being printed one after another.

…it should go without saying that Luke had no idea of the scripture’s existence.

“Please keep on printing them. We’re going to need a lot of them soon.”

At present, there was already a large order for the scripture from the nation of Kyou. Moreover, their missionary work in Edou and Osaku was making good progress.

Of course, after taking over the Areisler Grand Cathedral, the number of their domestic believers have increased dramatically as well.

“Fufufu, the day the world all over knows of Luke-sama draws ever closer.”

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