Am I (Not) a Hero?

Chapter 26

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[Peter Parker's POV]

When I sat in the chair, my thoughts drifted back to the topic of security, particularly Cindy's phone.

It was unlikely that they were looking for us, but it was necessary to worry about safety.

Nevertheless, I was very grateful to Peter for modifying his phone. The reason was clear: he thought law enforcement might come knocking for his hacking.

Hmm, it was only after some time that I remembered his phone wasn't quite ordinary.

The memory forcibly shoved into my head gradually popped up before my eyes like hints in a game.

"As soon as I remember how I felt while going through all this body's memories, I just want to die. I simply shouldn't have had to experience it; no normal person should have."

On the other hand, I would have to perform a similar operation myself, but now for a touchscreen phone.

'Ahh, and I still haven't opened Parker's folder on programming. Maybe I shouldn't?'

As someone who had tried to learn programming on my own and failed, I was really reluctant to delve into it again.

However, with the new skills and Peter's memories, I became intensely curious about his level of expertise.

Lastly, hacking the Police Department was temporarily postponed. 

I wasn't about to dive into such a risky place without improving at least some skills. After all, I wasn't completely hopeless.

I'd start with something simpler.

For example, the database of our school. I'd need certain individuals' addresses and phone numbers, like Gwen's.

But my main goal was to find out if anyone I recognized from the comics was still studying there.

Hmm… My nerves were acting up, and I was starting to sweat. This wasn't just jumping off a roof or downloading torrents.

This was serious business.

After some time, I achieved the desired result, and I was surprised that I had managed to pull it off completely.

What was interesting here?

Absolutely nothing.

Well, I had expected that; I wasn't investigating financial fraud, but I managed to get Miss Octavius's phone number and address.

I wasn't sure why I needed it, but it might come in handy.

Where's the student database?

'Tandy Bowen… something familiar… Never mind, it doesn't seem related to Marvel. Next. Oh, come on? Felicia Hardy. Eleventh grade, two years older than Peter. Captain of the girls' basketball team. Do they even have one? Although, what am I surprised about? The only thing missing from this school is a literary club with Monica and the other girls.'

That's probably not useful for me, but I'll keep it.

I wonder if she's already Black Cat or not. I haven't heard anything about major heists yet, but they might just be keeping it under wraps.

I'd be glad if she hasn't gotten into all that yet.

What do I know about her?

A thief without superpowers who will later acquire a bad luck aura during an encounter with Fisk.

Of course, Felicia is the daughter of that Cat who knows Erskine's formula, but… If I went after that formula, I'd be just painting a target on my back.

What would I do with her even if I hypothetically got it… Inject it into myself?

Create an army of super soldiers and start a war against the whole world?

I'm not some behind-the-scenes schemer; that's not my level. For now, I just want to figure out the Oz formula.

'I need to think through the risks better. After all, this is an object of interest for many dangerous individuals, in both good and bad ways.'

I mused melancholically while writing down the necessary numbers, addresses, and other information.

After finishing my tasks, I cleaned up the traces of my presence.

Leaning back in the creaky old chair, I muttered exhaustedly.

"Well, that was fun. Now I understand why he did this."

In a way, it could be considered entertainment. After all, there are people who are obsessed with mathematical problems, right?

Now, it was time to dispose of MJ's phone.

The only thing that calmed me was the knowledge that I could easily lift similar ones on the street.

Moreover, it wouldn't be a problem to solder a charger for them myself.

After smashing the phone and running a lighter over all the circuits and contacts, I tossed the useless remains into a trash box for disposal, feeling a sense of duty fulfilled.

"By the way, speaking of MJ. Or rather, business."

I looked at my computer from a different angle. He had implemented so many security measures that my brain might boil trying to figure them out.

Nevertheless, I won't exaggerate his skills, and hackers would eventually crack this nut too, but they would have taken long.

This meant that even if we were saying goodbye to the streams for a while, we could still upload videos to YouTube.

I will let Mary Jane have her fun, and then Silk and I will catch up. We needed money, fame, popularity, and especially money.

I was determined to pull myself together, so I went to the store and bought the white fabric that was the most rubberized and almost shiny.

It didn't look like latex, but holograms would be able to be placed on it just as well. Additionally, the suit would be less ugly.

I really hope so.

"Ah, the money is almost gone... Ugh, I need to loot someone."

The suit modification took an excruciatingly long time, filled with tediousness and an impending nervous breakdown.

Seriously, I have no sewing skills, and the work dragged on until midnight.

After five hours just to sew a couple dozen white stripes on so that I wouldn't be sentenced to death on "Fashion Verdict."

It was nearing midnight.

After packing the necessary items into the new web bag, I crawled out for another patrol.

"Hello again."

I found my partner for the night watches while flying over the rooftops. It wasn't difficult since my spider sense guided me in the general direction.

"Hey there."

Silk nodded.

"New suit? Not bad at all."

"I expected, 'Wow, so cool! Make me one too!' but this will do."

I smirked.


She shook her head.

"How about you? You okay?"

She's asking about Jessie.

"I'm fine. I found out what's going on with her. They say her condition is stable. A severe head injury and radiation poisoning. She hasn't regained consciousness. She's in a VIP room, so they should be treating her with the utmost care."

I explained.


She asked again.

"That's really bad…"

"It's obvious that it's bad."

I snapped without meaning to.

"I think we need to find out how bad it is. So, today there will be a small invasion. Can you keep an eye on the city while I'm gone?"

"Yeah, where else would I go?"

She nodded.

"Thank you."

I sincerely expressed my gratitude.

On the way to the hospital, I recounted the short meeting with White Tiger without unnecessary details.

I explained that we needed to be more careful with our phones.

Silk chuckled and agreed, but it was clear she wasn't thrilled about the possibility of her identity being exposed.

"Well, if it helps a bit, I wrap it in foil when I go out on our patrols."

She smirked.

"Internet life hacks and all that."

I also didn't forget to hand her a bottle of pheromone neutralizer.

"Drink it or spray it?"

She turned it in her hands.

"Spray it; it's better not to consume it. It won't harm you, but it tastes pretty awful."

"Okay. Although I don't think it will be needed. I think I'm already used to it."

I sniffed the air.

In fact, we're learning to control them. It would be great if this weren't just an annoying nuisance but another ability.

"Well, you know, just in case. So we don't suddenly burst into passion while sitting next to each other.

"As if I'd be against that."

She murmured quietly but then said louder with a laugh.

"You have too much self-control. I thought you'd drag me behind the corner every time."

'I wouldn't mind; it's just that the timing and the situation and the universe are off.'

There was something really pulling me down into melancholy.

Apparently, the unfortunate incident with Jessie affected me more than I wanted to admit.

"If you liked doing it at school, we could repeat it."

I jokingly suggested.

Silk fell silent, leaving me in a rather awkward position.

"So, is White Tiger with us now?"

She changed the subject.

"Hmm… I don't consider her an enemy. She says she'll sometimes come to our fights."

"Are you sure she's not an enemy?"

She asked again.

"I'm sure. She seems like a reasonable person."

"A reasonable person wouldn't be running around the streets in spandex."

Cindy snorted sarcastically.

"Who are we to judge? But you're kind of right."

I chuckled.

"You don't have any idea who she might be? She's clearly not G... our third; the abilities don't match, and it doesn't seem like Whiter Tiger's much older than us. An adult wouldn't wear a helmet with cat ears. What if she's from our school?"

"Daredevil's suit looks like something out of a stripper's closet. You walk around in webs. Let's not judge people by their outfits."

I pointed out.

"I'm not entirely sure, but she does remind me of someone from our school. We should get together and have a proper conversation. She's not against it."

"That wouldn't be bad, but we should consider it."

Silk replied.

"Take your time, no one's rushing."

We landed on a rooftop across from the hospital.

"Alright, we're here. How are you planning to get in? It's already sunset, so I doubt they're leaving windows open."

"Watch this trick."

I pressed one of the buttons on my belt that I had managed to configure, and I disguised myself with a hologram of an old doctor.

"Young lady, what are you doing on the roof in such attire?"

"I almost believe in you, but as for your acting..."

She waved her hand.

"Or maybe it's just the voice?"

"Oh, knock it off."

I deactivated the hologram.

"What exactly do you need to get? Her medical record?"

"A little bit of her blood for analysis and her medical record probably won't tell me what I'm looking for."

"Good luck, then."

I nodded in the guise of the Chameleon and landed on the roof of the building I needed.

The infiltration from above went smoothly, and they'll fix the doors later.

The mission was more important.

The next thing I transformed into was that same doctor. I didn't think anyone was watching, but walking past the cameras was difficult.

When I got to Jessica's VIP room, I hesitated for a moment but eventually entered.

There was a bandage on her head, but overall, she looked fine. I wouldn't think she had been in an accident.

Jessica was lying under an IV drip.

Pulling a syringe from the bag strapped to my leg with a web, I drew the required amount of blood and transferred it into a sealed vial for better preservation.

The needle passed through the skin easily, but it was harder to pierce the vein, and the injection almost immediately became crusted with blood.

Did her metabolism accelerate that much?

Looking at Jessica's face, I again felt that familiar, unpleasant heaviness in my chest.

I will still try to help her even if I'm not directly responsible for her situation.

I don't know exactly how yet, but I'll try. There's always a chance that she'll wake up on her own.

However, I wouldn't bet on it…

I climbed back through the roof and jumped down, transforming into the Chameleon.

I'm going to let all the accusations fall on him.

After all, no one knows about the belt. It's been a while since I've said this, but he started it first.

There was someone following me, but my spider-sense didn't pick up any danger.

So, either the pursuer had no ill intent, or… was it Silk?

I landed on another rooftop and raised my hands, ready to defend myself. Suddenly, a familiar gray suit made of web landed in front of me.

So it was her...

I let out a nervous sigh and dropped the disguise.

"Mission Successful?"

Cindy asked.

"Yeah, not a single obstacle except for the door on the roof."

I smirked.

"So… are we patrolling, or are you off to do your science stuff?"

"Unfortunately, I'll be doing the science stuff."

I sighed.

"There's an old dosimeter lying around somewhere in my dad's things. I'll need to find it."

If I tried to recall Richard Parker's junk, my head would probably explode.

I almost walked home on foot while being careful not to shake the blood tube too much.

However, even a spoiled sample wouldn't stop me from getting the results I needed.

The most important thing I discovered was that Ajax's chemicals weren't particularly toxic but had started some kind of mutations in her body, and her body was trying to reverse those changes.

It's unlikely the coma was caused by those chemical compounds. Most likely, the head injury is to blame.

There's also a chance that if her transformation into something more than human is successful, she'll begin to heal on her own.

Furthermore, Jessica's metabolism is much faster than that of a regular person. However, that's just a theory.

I need to think about the next steps, and I might have to tinker with Connors' formula.

Though it didn't work for him, his legless assistant managed to turn it into something more practical.

I don't remember much about her; I only had a card of her character, Komodo, when I was a kid.

I remember we used to collect the Spider-Man comic "Heroes and Villains" back in school, and everyone traded those cards with each other.

It was fun—unlike now.

'I'll have to find Komodo when she uses Connors' formula on herself. Talking to her is impossible because she probably won't be willing to share. She might even hand me a fake one, and then I'll have to deal with that mess. The main thing is not to miss the appearance of the first Lizard in the sewers.'

I had to break out my genetic analysis tools to determine how far the mutation process had progressed.

And you know what? Jessica Jones turned out to have an X-gene. So, she's not only an artificial mutant but also a real one?

But wasn't she just a regular person in the canon? If only I could remember…

Well, if she's a mutant, she has a better chance of pulling through this, right?

I hope so.


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