Am I (Not) a Hero?

Chapter 2

"So it's not a trait of personality, but rather a trait of the brain that I now possess? That's convenient."

I really should thank the one who put me here for such a royal gift. 

This fundamentally changed the game.

It would be silly to be the dumb Peter Parker.

Alright, what was the last thing? Some script for a hacking program, just a piece of it. 

That needed to be looked at on a computer, not in a notebook. 

Flipping through the pages further, I found calculations for some formula inherited from Richard Parker, Peter's father. 

It was something about a durable but flexible material with adhesive properties.

"So I need to mold web from this? Well, let's give it a try."

I wrote down the formulas that came to mind while pondering them in my notebook. 

It's something about the properties of glue and polymers… These were just sketches and assumptions, but even that was enough for now. 

The final formula had to be found through practical research. 

Peter was almost at the finish line and needed to push through.

"So strange… I was never a science person, but I'm starting to like this."

"Are you trying to create some material?" 

Cindy asked, peeking into my notebook.

"I'm trying, but it's not an easy task, especially without a proper lab."

 I replied thoughtfully.

"Ask Professor Octavius for help."

She shrugged.

"You're her favorite; she won't refuse you."

Ah, right. A rather unexpected moment. 

In this world, the dark genius Otto Octavius was Olivia Octavius, our physics teacher. 

I wasn't interested in the question of his sudden gender-bender, which seemed to happen in one of the most recent comics, but I was curious: Why is Octavius here? 

Why is a brilliant scientist with a nuclear physics and neurobiology degree teaching rich kids in high school?

It's quite possible that the answer is simple—money. 

Teachers here earned very well. 

Well, why wouldn't they be paid? Especially when there are so many big shots among the sponsors whose kids are trying to acquire at least a bit of gray matter.

But why is he… she here, if we dig deeper? 

According to the canon, Otto should have been working for Osborn and then fused his spine with tentacles due to an accident, or did he not work for Osborn?

'Things suddenly got a lot more complicated. And it's only the first day. Damn, when will this Wednesday end?'

"I'm sure she has her own research and doesn't have time to mess around with me."

I shook my head negatively.

"I'm almost sure she would happily "mess around" with you." 

She said with a hint.

"You're the only one in the whole class she considers a person. Well, maybe Gwen too, sometimes."

Yeah, there was something like that about Olivia. 

It seemed like she sometimes viewed people as talking animals and didn't even hope that anyone understood her. 

However, she was nice to Peter because they could talk about anything, and he could keep up. 

Peter didn't consider her crazy which was equally important.

"Well, I think you're exaggerating. She's a typical genius mad scientist who completely struggles with people. As a teacher, she works wonderfully; you can't criticize her there."

I replied.

"Hmm, that's true, but I think she's just not suited for life in society. You can't deny that she's almost a sociopath." 

Cindy replied.

I shrugged, wondering why this girl even started talking to me. 

We sometimes sat next to each other in certain subjects, but we had never talked without a reason.

She copied my work in the exact sciences, and I copied hers in the humanities.

It was a rare mutually beneficial partnership that never evolved into friendship.

"You're unusually chatty today."

I didn't know why I said that. 

Peter's social awkwardness mixed with mine and didn't help me at all.

"I wanted to know why you're in such a combative mood today." 

She shrugged.

"Flash is going to kill you for your sneakers the moment you step off the bus."

I inhaled sharply through my teeth, trying to suppress a flash of aggression, and exhaled with an unpleasant laugh.

"You know, I've known him since elementary school. So many years have passed, and it hasn't gotten any easier. Just worse. And if I don't do something, I'm afraid that by graduation, I'll either hang myself or shoot up the school."

I shook my head with a slight smirk.

"And even in our town, I can't hope some random robber will take him out. What a shame..."

"Well, if you decide to act, I'll help you with an alibi and other things." 

I turned my head to her, unsure if she was serious. 

She was smiling, but that still didn't prove it was a joke. 

"No kidding."

"I'll keep that in mind. I didn't think Flash could get to someone as much as he gets to me."

"You're undoubtedly his favorite punching bag, but that doesn't mean he doesn't mess with other 'nerds'"

She said, saying the last word with disdain.

"You chose to wear anime pins on your backpack. Otherwise, he wouldn't mock you."

I shrugged. 

I didn't think Flash was a bigger problem for her than the "popular" school girls.

"It's Flash. He doesn't need a reason to humiliate others, and what's so bad about anime?"

"You're asking this of someone who didn't skip "Fullmetal Alchemist"?" 

I probably shouldn't have boasted about that, but I saw respect for another cultured person in her eyes. 

How to change the subject…

"By the way, where did you get those? Do they sell figures there?"

"Of course, but the selection isn't very big. There's exactly one stand for anime characters, while Captain America merchandise takes up a whole six."

"Well, what did you expect? He's America's hero and a gold mine for tourist bait." 

I shrugged. 

"If I have the money, I'll ask you for the store's address."

Money was a minor problem for the Parkers but still a problem. 

Peter tried not to ask for pocket money too often, but materials were needed for research.

"I never thought that you watch anime too. I thought you were just a nerd obsessed with science." 

She smiled.

"If it's only studying, I could go insane. Of course, I have some hobbies." 

The bus started to slow down.

"Oh, our stop. See you; I've got to run."

I grabbed my backpack and was the first to jump out the back doors, slipping past the students and starting to stand up.

"Parker, stop!!!" 

Flash shouted and pushed the kids aside.

"Maybe I should just fall and pretend to do push-ups?"

I nodded at the security guard by the gate who had seen Flash behind me and didn't even reprimand me for running. 

What an understanding people work here, and it makes me feel good inside.

I really missed that carefree school age when I could run down the halls and do all sorts of fun things. 

I was starting to tire out. 

After another turn, I nearly collided with Miss Octavius, but she didn't even notice, lost in her own sinister ideas.

I still couldn't believe my eyes. 

Even with Peter's memories, I continued to imagine her taller and much broader, more in line with my original. 

Olivia Octavius was a thin, not very tall, mature woman in white glasses, a lab coat, and very voluminous dark brown hair pulled back with a headband to keep it from falling into her face. 

Although she didn't care much about her hair, it wasn't twisted or oily. It was kind of like planned chaos. 

She is too fragile to be Doctor Octopus.

"Mr. Parker, are you in such a hurry to get to my class? I'm afraid to disappoint you, but there are still twenty minutes before it starts." 

Olivia smiled with thin lips at her unremarkable "joke."

"You can still wander around for a while, Peter."

With quick movements, she fixed my tousled hair.

I took a deep breath and asked.

"Professor Octavius, I'm sorry, but can you save me?"

That was a bit embarrassing, but what other options did I have?

She looked at me with a mocking eyebrow raised and then behind me where Flash had knocked someone down while cursing. 

Realizing the problem, Olivia nodded and walked around me, shielding me with her body.

"Mr. Parker, I would like to talk to you about your last test." 

She started on the go.

"Although I would prefer to talk to you, Mr. Thompson." 

She abruptly turned to the slowing Flash, who was already turning his back to us.

"About what?" 

Flash grumbled with a frown.

"You understand, I can't keep giving you threes just because the principal thinks you're going to be the next basketball star. You'll stay after class, Mr. Thompson."

Flash rolled his eyes but nodded. 

He was a strange guy because he was rude to the other teachers, but in front of Olivia, he was too afraid to say a word.

However, I must admit that her smile could be so disarming that it sent shivers down my spine.

"Let's go to class, Mr. Parker."

She took me by the elbow and led me into the classroom, leaving Flash grinding his teeth.

I already understood that he wouldn't leave me alone, but with ominous anticipation, I accepted his challenge. 

Peter had endured a lot of crap from this jerk after having seen all the memories from the first person. 

It was the right thing to do to get revenge on this jerk.

We entered the classroom, and she let go of my arm. 

Then, I stopped breathing like a chased dog and thanked the woman.

"Thank you so much, Professor Octavius."

"No problem, Peter. People like us have to help each other survive in this madhouse." 

She smiled crookedly.

"Besides, the title of professor is too grand for me; now I'm just Teacher Octavius."

She took out some chalk from her pockets and placed it on the stand by the blackboard. 

Meanwhile, I looked around the classroom.

"By the way, I was thinking... you don't mind that I sometimes speak to you too informally, do you?" 

Olivia asked with barely noticeable awkwardness.

"If my behavior sometimes seems inappropriate for a teacher, I'd like to apologize. Maybe dragging you by the arm down the hallway was wrong."

"It's not a problem, Miss Octavius. I'm not that soft." 

I replied with a slight laugh.

That Asian girl Cindy was right. 

Peter was indeed Olivia's undisguised favorite, and she never tried to hide it.

"Nice to hear that, Peter. Don't hesitate to ask for help if Eugene is bothering you. He may be the little sports star of our school, but a few bad grades can still knock him down pretty hard."

She tapped her sharp finger on the grade book on the desk.

"If things get worse, I'll ask you for help. Thank you for being willing to do so much for me. It seems I'm not called your favorite for nothing."

I said the last part as a joke, but she nodded appreciatively, confirming my words.

She turned on the computer at her workstation.

"There are only a few truly noteworthy people in this school, and you're one of them, Peter. If everyone else can play favorites, why shouldn't I? Maybe it's wrong, but that's how things work. I can hope for your honest response, can't I?"

It's funny that this question would sound like flirting from any other teacher, but Peter has been studying under Olivia Octavius for quite some time. 

A person like her desperately seeks recognition for her achievements and talents. 

It's even a little sad that she has a shortfall in that regard considering the knowledge, skills, and overall intellect of Doctor Octopus.

'Simply put, she's fishing for compliments right now,'

I couldn't help but smirk.

Of course. A brilliant woman who helps me so often can't help but expect a corresponding response from her favorite among teachers. 

I placed my backpack on my desk.

It would be impossible to say this to anyone else besides Olivia without blushing. 

It's quite simple with her, considering how she ignores most social conventions in conversations with me and puts my hand on my heart; I believe she does this unconsciously. 

The emotional intelligence of people like Peter and Olivia often suffers to the detriment of their genius.


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