Alternative Stories

Chapter 8 Aftermath

[What are you doing?] Goldy asked but I ignored him for the most part.

It's been three days now, since the incident, that is, the researchers haven't done any more of their "tests" since. Apparently my little display had scared them just a little bit, I have no idea why however, after all I'm so cute and fluffy. Sarcasm aside, it is the very least that they bloody deserve after putting me through that shit, they claim to have been terrified by the event but what about me? I had to literally fight for my life!

After the incident I was transported to a brand new containment room, apparently massive holes in the floor were considered as a breach of containment, who would have possibly known. Anyway, the bastards were lucky I wasn't in a state to fight back when they fucking gassed me unconscious or my body count would have been a hell of a lot larger then it is right now. As for my new "accommodations", well, the placement of everything was a little different then what I was used to but aside from that it was basically the exact same as before. Not much has happened since then however...that is if you don't count what I've been doing all this time.

(This isn't working damn it! I won't be able to learn anything if things keep on like this.) I muttered as I listened through the link into Roseanne's mind.

I had hit a metaphorical wall and the only way through it was to take control, something that I was slightly hesitant to do. (I have to gather all the things that I need but I can't do it alone, I need some help, real tangible help...)

I was currently listening in on her thoughts like the nosey weirdo that I was. Anyway, I was hoping to get some information that could help me by doing this but nothing valuable has come up so far. Not that I'm saying I haven't learned anything at all, turns out if you listen to the mind of a scientist for almost three days straight you'll pick up a few interesting things about science, shocker I know.

But moving on to myself, physically I'm fine. The wounds that I had previously endured had healed completely already, it in fact didn't take me all that long to heal from all my injuries. To my surprise it only took about two days for all of them to fully close without leaving behind any kind of scars. Xenomorph regeneration was actually incredibly fast all things considered, I don't know if I can regenerate lost limbs mind you but minor wounds seem to heal in a few hours while more serious ones take only a few days at the most.

Anyway, as for my mental health, well, therein lies the main problem. I am becoming cold and disconnected to those around me, I can even feel my own humanity ebbing away bit by bit. I mean it's not like I can't feel anything at all, the problem is that I feel numb towards others. I don't know if it's because of my new bodies mindset and desires or because I'm pissed off about the fact that they shoved me in a cage with a rabid monster but when I think about the people on the other side of that glass...I just...I don't know...I just feel hollow.

I was currently lying down in the corner of the room looking at the wall with a bored expression, or as bored as a xenomorph can look anyway. (It is finally time that I get the hell out of here.)

[Do you have a plan?] Goldy asked and this time I answered.

(Yeah...yeah I do, unfortunately however I'm going to have to prepare a few things beforehand and it will probably take a few days to actually pull everything off successfully.) I muttered as I looked through the link I shared with Roseanna, since the incident I hadn't really pushed any further into her mind but that was about to change very soon.

(But for any of it to work I need something that is crucial to my plans, I need a full understanding of this station's layout and overall guard positions.) I sighed inwardly to myself, I had already mapped out a little segment of the place thanks to the connection I shared with my unknowing and unwilling helper but that wasn't even close to being enough for what I needed. (I also need to know where exactly all the important and dangerous locations are in this damn place as well.)

[So I'm guessing it's about time for you to speed up your domination of a certain red haired person?] I thought about that for a moment before nodding slowly.

(Yeah, it's time to get this done and out of the way.)

Before when I had infiltrated and attacked her mind I had been relatively soft in my advancement into it, so to put it simply, well, I had been going easy on her up until now. Not this time, not anymore. I forced my way back inside and began rapidly fusing my strings with her mental plain, a process that I had actually gotten rather good at by this point.

When I first tried to do this I was pretty slow and rather inefficient with my methods, not that I'm perfect at it now but still. I now have some idea of how many of my strings it would take to subjugate a part of her mind, I however wasn't always perfect in this but I was getting better at it. Anyway, before it had taken me hours upon hours to get to where I currently was in subjugating her, however I finished the process in a quarter of that time.

            _ _Researcher Roseanne J Smith_ _ 

It hurt. I had no idea what was going on but one second everything was fine and the next I was on the floor screaming in agony. It felt like something was crawling around inside of my skull, I could feel parts of myself slipping away.

I didn't know what was happening around me, I couldn't think straight at all. I could hear some of the medics and doctors talking but they're voices were completely drowned out by the waves of pain that continued to assault me.

I remember that I had been heading to my station when it had hit me like a dump truck slamming into my head. I had collapsed almost immediately as the pain felt as if someone had poured liquid metal onto my brain. The feeling it gave me was by far the worst part however, it was like something unnatural was squirming around inside my skull, taking bites out of my mind.

I don't know how long it went on for, maybe seconds? Maybe minutes? Maybe hours? I just don't know but it felt as if it would never end. And just stopped. It all just stopped. My head became clear but something had changed, I wasn't me anymore...I mean I was but...I just wasn't. I felt a strange link, a devotion to something something I just can't explain in words...

<<Sit up.>> A female voice echoed out from all around me. The voice itself was so familiar to me but it was also different in some ways, it sounded resentful, conflicted and...desperate? 

I don't know why but that made me feel uncomfortable if I was being honest. I had no idea what this voice was or what it truly wanted but the fact that it felt desperate, threatened made me furious for some odd reason.

<<Sit up.>> It said again and I did just that, I sat up and it felt nice, it felt good to do what the voice told me to do.

The people in the room with me had by this point noticed that I had completely stopped screaming and had moved over to check on me but I ignored them without any kind of reaction to their presence. In the end their worries were insignificant, meaningless, all that mattered was the voice, that glorious voice.


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