Alternative Stories

Chapter 33 A New Player Joins The Game

                  _ _ _Red Pov_ _ _

( appears that things are getting out of hand.) I thought to myself as I looked down my scope.

I fired three shots and not a single one ended up missing its intended target. The first hit the right shoulder blade of a xeno about three hundred meters away from myself tearing through bone and muscle. The second shot hit it just above the knee cap causing it to stumble slightly just as my third shot ripped its way through the creature's skull like tissue paper.

(That makes sixteen so far...) I mused while turning my sights to my next target.

I was currently laying on top of a rocky outcropping at the center of our defensive perimeter. Physically I was pretty far away from the front line, however that was fine for a sniper like me, it was actually pretty ideal in my opinion. In fact my job was to keep a look out and make sure that the enemy didn't get too close to our firing lines, in fact my next target was just about to pounce on a rather foolish marine that was far too focused on what was going on in front of him.

(Bloody idiot, it seems he has tunnel vision.) I grumbled internally while taking aim and shooting the black coloured bug in the side just as it was about to jump forward towards him.

The marine in question was given one hell of a rude awakening when a Xenomorph crashed into the ground not even ten meters away from him. "Motherfucker!" He yelped while opening fire at it.

Of course because of his panic he missed almost every shot giving the damn thing enough time to get back up and charge forwards towards him, it only got three feet before a bullet tore through the left side of its head. (And that makes seventeen...)

Turning my attention away from the still freaking out marine I search the battlefield while occasionally taking shots at somewhat far off targets. In fact I even took some time to help out a few of the queen's children when no one was looking, if I noticed that one of them was out of its depth and about to die I'd give it some covering fire.

Eventually however, something caught my attention, a blue explosion that came from the far west side, in fact I wasn't the only one that noticed, not that it was very hard to miss but still. I could hear men and women shouting in confusion and it didn't take long for me to notice why exactly this was.

(The hell are those?) I asked as I watched the scene play out before me.

<<What's going on out there Red?>> A voice which I recognized as Connor's echoed in my head.

I still wasn't used to the whole telepathic communication thing that our queen had gifted to us but I didn't exactly have time to focus on that at the moment. <<Don't know, a group of seven has just entered the battle from the far west side.>>


<<Not unless we have marines that can turn partially invisible.>> I muttered as I watched some of the humanoid figures seem to flicker and turn somewhat transparent.

Before our conversation could continue a new link was suddenly opened up and I felt a familiar presence enter my mind. <<My queen?>>

<<I would appreciate some assistance.>> She said somewhat in a hurry.

It took me a second to locate her current position, the current position of the one she was possessing anyway, however I eventually did end up locating her close to the far edge of the fighting. <<As you command.>>

             _ _ _Carmen Pov_ _ _

(God damn it!) I hissed as a ball of blue plasma whizzed past my head barely missing me.

Things had been hectic before but now, now that the hunters had joined in on the fighting things had gotten far more chaotic than I was expecting. Seriously, these bastards had killed more of my swarm in the few minutes they've been here than the black xenos and humans combined, a fact that really pissed me off for some reason.

(Why did it have to be fucking Predators of all things?!) I hissed while trying my best to avoid several balls of plasma that were aimed my way.

[Excuse me, they are actually called Yautjas.] Goldy hummed sarcastically.

(Who gives a shit!) I argued back just as one of them tossed a spinning disc like thing that almost cut my damn arm off. (Bastards!) 

[Ooooo, now that's gotta hurt.] Goldy chuckled, the little prick was enjoying this way too much.

(Would you just shut the fuck up and let me concentrate for once.)

As the fighting continued however I ended up getting tackled by one of the Yautja, and let me just say, she wasn't a very considerate dance partner, the massive gash in the side of my head was evidence enough of that. Still it was rather surprising to see a female Yautja considering that most hunts usually consist of just males, from what I could tell however she was one of two females that were a part of this group.

[I am absolutely loving this.] Goldy laughed as the female Yautja tossed me aside just as two of my children pounced on her, not that she had much trouble getting them off but still.

( I groaned while shaking off the slight disorientation I felt from being slammed into the ground.

The annoying douchebag in my head didn't seem to care much about my pain however. [What can I say, I am a genius.]

(Fucking...asshole...prick...) I cursed multiple times under my breath as I picked myself up and looked around.


(I need to find at least one that I can...oh.) Ignoring Goldy for now I turned my focus towards something of interest, something I could use. 

Currently the battle we were having was in an area with a lot of jagged rocky outcroppings that poked up from the earth, however there were also one or two cavernous areas that were relatively shallow but deep enough that anything that was within them was relatively out of sight. As such when I noticed a certain male alien that was not only close to one of these pits but also rather distracted at the moment while fighting one of my children, well, I took my chance.

(That'll do.) I muttered as I finally found my target. 

[Let's gank this motherfucker!] Goldy chuckled and for once I agreed with him.

I didn't waste any more time standing around, in fact the asshole barely had even a moment to notice me before I tackled into them with enough force to knock them over into the pit. Additionally my child was also dragged down along with us as they had been entangled with the Yautja even before I had intervened.


Things almost immediately went a little sideways as we tussled in the air before crashing into the ground, I quickly got up only to have a foot slammed into my chest knocking the wind out of me. My child on the other hand had jumped up and grappled onto him while pulling his attention away from me, the Yautja of course fought back as he grabbed the xenos arm and attempted to rip its inner jaw out. 

Unfortunately for it however my tail pierced partially through its upper thigh, something that caused the hunter to roar in both pain and rage while losing its grip on my offspring. Said Xenomorph then took this chance to not only break free but also to slash at the Yautja's mask leaving a rather large gash in it.

At this point the Yautja was pissed off, and I mean really pissed off. He punched the Xenomorph that was attacking his front with enough force to send it flying before turning to me and switching on his plasma caster. I didn't just sit still though, instead I ripped my tail out and rolled to the side just as a plasma blast impacted the place I had once been a moment ago, the fact that he only had a split second to fire before my little helper was up and charging at him also helped out a little as well.

Sadly my child wasn't long for this world however, mostly because just as it launched itself through the air at him the Yautja quickly turned around and tossed one of those bladed spinning discs at it. I watched as the disc split the violet Xenomorph in half, a fact that surprisingly made me far madder than I was expecting it to.

Getting up I tackled him to the ground while slashing at his back cutting large wounds into his flesh, however I was quickly thrown off when he rolled over and elbowed me in the side. We both quickly got back to our feet but I was slightly faster then he was allowing me to jump at him once again, regrettably though I didn't notice him preparing his wrist blades so I was unfortunately taken by surprise when they impaled me in the gut.

I was now in a very dangerous position and he didn't plan to stop there of course, raising his free hand he prepared to end things here and now. Just as he was about to impale my head with his wrist blades, however something happened that he wasn't expecting, my tail shot upwards and tore his way through his arm stopping it from killing me. The Yautja screamed, a fact that gave me just enough time to grab ahold of its head and push him down onto the ground, he did try to shoot me with hiss plasma caster but I bit into its metal casing before he could and pulled the damn thing off the bastards shoulder.

Sadly I was then punched in the face and kicked off of him before I could do anything else, a kick that was probably strong enough to cave in a human ribcage I might add. The bastard then got up and began walking towards me, however just as they were about to finish me off once and for all a gunshot went off in the distance and a hole suddenly appeared in the Yautja's leg causing them to collapse to one knee.

Taking the chance that I had been given I launched myself forward grabbing ahold of the asshole's mask and ripping it off, before he could react however I then head butted him with enough force to cause him to stumble backwards. Unfortunately for him though I didn't stop there, reaching out I grabbed him by the head and slammed it into the rocky ground under our feet over and over again until he finally stopped moving.

(That...that was...was way harder than expected...) I muttered while taking a moment to catch my breath.

Of course Goldy had his own opinion on the fight as well. [That was fucking great!]

(It was painful...) I hissed back at him, not that he seemed to care in the slightest.

[That's basically the same thing in my opinion.]

(What I want to know is how the hell this asshole is still alive after all of that?) I asked while noting the fact that he was just unconscious and not actually dead.

[I will admit, he is surprisingly durable even for a Yautja.] Goldy complimented, not without the slightest amount of sarcasm that is. [Of course he is still a simple mortal but still, quite impressive.]


Turning my focus away from the knocked out hunter on the ground I investigated my surroundings, seeing that the other Yautja were currently occupied with fighting off the two factions of Xenomorphs I had an idea. If I wanted to get the upgrade to my Gift I would need to fight them, however I knew that doing so would be dangerous, extremely dangerous in fact. If they were able to activate their self-destruct devices I would probably lose far more than I could ever hope to gain. Despite this though my best chance at beating them would probably involve me somehow luring them back to the city above my hive, I just needed some way to pull them in.

(You're coming with me.) I would have grinned if I could as I turned and grabbed the knocked out predy boy by the head and began dragging him off, not before destroying his self-destruct device anyway.

<<Stall them for as long as you can.>> I ordered and my xenos did just that, they began attacking even more violently in an attempt to stop anyone from following me.

As I got further away I made sure to leave lots of clues as to where I was going. (Let's make sure they can track me back, after all I wouldn't want them to miss the surprise that I have in store for them.)

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